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Terrible Ideas
OneMadGypsyPostAugust 5, 2018, 15:45
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Hot topicTerrible Ideas

Would any of you be interested in participating in a "Customer Support" plugin? Basically ANYBODY could click customer support and I guess whoever is around could answer the ticket. Now, I know this sounds like an epic disaster waiting to happen... and it probably is but, it could be a lot of fun. For instance "Guest 127" would click customer support, I guess everybody that participates would get a little notification or something and then you can help people live with their quake. Could this become horribly abused? Absolutely. Could this become incredibly annoying? You bet. I'm not 100% positive how the plugin works but, Im sure I could disconnect you from being live support if you decide you hate everything about it.

So who's in? Anybody? Anybody want to help people live with their quake issues and probably other random stuff that could make this very funny (or incredibly annoying)?

Edit: Please understand that the ONLY reason I want to do this is so I can say "At NextGenQuake we even have live customer support (even though we don't have any customers)". Will you help me make my dreams come true? :P

You can totally mess with people and give them terrible customer support. My dream doesn't include us actually being any help at all. That part is totally up to you.

we can even have some cheesy graphic like this one. Cause OBVIOUSLY this chick will be tons of help with your Quake issues.

guest12783: I am having problems with getting ::insert whatever the rest of the problem is::
you: please open your console by pressing "~" and type "yunowork" you should get a read out explaining your problem.
guest12783: It says "unrecognized console command"
you: ooooohh, yeah, you are totally fucked. Play Quake instead.
guest12783: I am playing Quake
you: Apparently not. Would you be willing to take a short survey to describe your experience?
guest12783: You didn't help me at all.
you: Thank you for using NextGenQuake Customer Support.

or you can really help people. Whatever makes you happy.

Leave a reply below if you are willing to help or if you just want to tell me I'm a dumb-shit. If I can get just 2 people to participate I'm going to make this happen.

AdmerPostAugust 5, 2018, 17:49
Posts: 57
December 31, 2017, 23:20
Hot topicReply To: Terrible Ideas

I don't know if this is a joke or not, but you know me, something good happens every time I take them seriously. I'm in. :D

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 5, 2018, 18:30
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Hot topicReply To: Terrible Ideas

its not a joke

Mr.BurnsPostAugust 5, 2018, 19:18
Posts: 47
January 12, 2018, 09:03
Hot topicReply To: Terrible Ideas

Hi MG,

As I'm sure you know I don't mind helping (almost) anybody when it comes to Quake, but I'm wondering if we have enough expertise on board at this early stage to make it viable given everyones work/RL committments? If Baker, Rook, or Spike where around then we might have enough to field most questions between us but although I would do what I could I'd hate to let anyone down.

Kind regards


AdmerPostAugust 5, 2018, 20:32
Posts: 57
December 31, 2017, 23:20
Hot topicReply To: Terrible Ideas

Ah, so it's not a joke? Great. I'll try to actually help people, so.

Edit: I didn't even press anything additionally, it just assumed I was typing in RTL. Interesting.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 5, 2018, 22:59
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Hot topicReply To: Terrible Ideas

@Mr. Burns

I appreciate your commitment to all manners in a serious way. However, I can't say that I care if we are any good at this. I just like doing things differently and having fun. We could give the worst customer service on earth and I would be ecstatic.

I just want some cheesy lil graphic on the right side that says something like "Chat Now With A Live Representative" accompanied with some graphic like the girl in the above image. Somebody clicks it and a ticket is opened (we would have tickets :D). Then somebody...anybody that feels like dealing with it accepts the ticket and handles the customer service in any damn way they feel like. You want to be righteous and truly help someone? Great! You're having a bad day and you aren't in the mood to legitimately tell some snot where pak1.pak goes? Also Great! We aren't getting paid for this. We might not even know how to help in many cases. None of that matters. It's a source of entertainment for us... a lil something that sets NextGenQuake on yet a whole nother nother level from the other Quake sites.

Let me say all of this a different way. We have a server and a website that is akin to Google Play. I can go in plugins, and just like Google Play, there are all these "apps" that can be plugged into this site. We have a massive database of possibilities and we can do whatever the hell we want. There are no rules.

And actually, that being said, ANY one of you could go to the wordpress plugin repository and look for plugins that you would like to see here. Shoot me a little proposal on what it is, why you want it and how you think it will add another layer of entertainment or capability. Chances are high that even if I think it's dumb I will still add it. It just HAS to be marked as compatible with Wordpress 4.9.7.

All of these other websites have their one thing they do and it never changes. This place doesnt have to be like that at all. We can keep dumping more and more stuff here for infinity. I want customer support because the idea is completely ludicrous and I like to laugh. Maybe you have other ideas. I am open to them. I will tell you a couple of things that I already tried which were complete failures though.

1)like button system ~ I tried like 5 or 6 of these and all of them totally sucked or straight up did not work at all

2)push notifications ~ I actually had this all set up and decided against it. I'm thinking none of you would appreciate it too much if you are doing something on your computer with your browser open or not and a message popped up on your screen regarding some nextgenquake related thing. I think it's awesome technology though.

3)classic chat rooms ~ out of like 3 different ones they all sucked. The chat worked fine but there were other problems and/or limitations that existed. One chat actually completely destroyed almost every plug-in on this site. You want to talk about Gypsy having a heart attack...pbbbt I totally freaked. Luckily just disabling it fixed everything. However, the way it happened wasn't immediately obvious to me that the chat was the problem.

Anyway, the real point of all of this is we can do whatever the hell we want, even live customer support. This isn't "my" site. This is our site. Y'all have the added bonus that I'm a smart dude that loves adding features and that is something that is more or less "at your fingertips" (within reasonable request obviously). Let's do crazy stuff that gets people's attention.

TalisaPostAugust 6, 2018, 05:50
Posts: 93
July 22, 2018, 00:35
Hot topicReply To: Terrible Ideas

I unno, I have quite often helped people at back  at quakeone and know quite a lot about the darkplaces client,including a lot of bug-solving and developer commands and such

Obviously not as knowledgeable as some others like spike or seven, but I can try to help.

I'm always willing to at least try to help anyone who is willing to listen and let themselves be helped

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 6, 2018, 07:07
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Hot topicReply To: Terrible Ideas

I have helped a lot of people too with Quake back in the day and used to know a lot more than I currently remember but, are you willing to be "on call" and do it?

You guys are too good. I had a real half-assed vision about this... well, mainly because my info is limited these days and the only way I could pull this off would be a tongue-in-cheek way. In other words, I'm not good enough to have a true customer support so, I have to make it bullshit to compensate for the fact I suck. If you guys are going to take this that seriously, though. I will take it seriously too.

hmm, I have an idea. Maybe we could all be awesome at this, even if we don't know something. I need to test some ideas.

TalisaPostAugust 6, 2018, 12:00
Posts: 93
July 22, 2018, 00:35
Hot topicReply To: Terrible Ideas

Hmm well I can't right now.

I'm on vacation in Germany till Saturday.

Iirc I have a head - set mesh thingy in second life which I could use to make a fun mock-up "customer service" picture for shits&giggles

AdmerPostAugust 6, 2018, 17:22
Posts: 57
December 31, 2017, 23:20
Hot topicReply To: Terrible Ideas

My only worry is that this might slightly decrease the site's reputation if there are people who don't help. Imagine somebody applying for this and not helping people at all (in fact the opposite), and then someone starts talking bad stuff about the site.

Though, I imagine it wouldn't be that much of a problem. People would just pretend Customer Service doesn't exist. :P

Edit: post 4560, hah, what a happy coincidence to my username. Umm, looks like editing a post makes it go up. 

PhenomPostAugust 7, 2018, 00:04
Posts: 19
August 4, 2018, 05:19
Hot topicReply To: Terrible Ideas

I suppose, under some stipulations.

There'd have to be some type of elevated role I'd think like "Trusted" who wouldn't tell people seeking support to just "delete c:windowssystem32" or "unbindall".

Throughout my experiences both first hand and third hand is that when it comes to the internet you gotta suit up in armour, get your defense ready and just wait to fight the the griefers and spam. Then there's the automated monster of a beast spamming networks that prey on things like "free to post" forums.

I'd also suggest opening up the support to not only Quake 1 but basically everything from QuakeC to Assembly and beyond... Sure we're not the func board and who says func is the only board that can be programming related? If anything it could grow a great relation ship opening up these pathways.

I'd be willing to help where I could, I'm not a QuakeC expert (more like what comes before newbie) but I could help in other areas, I did after all create and animate my own Ranger model using motion capture data and wrote up a "how to install Qrack on Linux" guide. So while I'm not totally useless I know a thing or two! :)

Another thing to think about growth-wise (which I'm sure you already thought of) is the simple fact that QUAKE 1 IS DEAD. We should learn from Quakeone's mistakes as originally being a "Quake 1 Resurrection focused board and finalize an image first and foremost then hold onto that image and only move forward from there... these are ONLY my simple suggestions though.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 7, 2018, 04:39
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Hot topicReply To: Terrible Ideas

@ “delete c:windowssystem32” or “unbindall”.

I didnt mean mess with people that hard and nobody here would do that, anyway. Like my last post stated, my tongue-in-cheek approach to this was due to my inability to be much good at it, and in that, I can't expect other people to hold a higher standard than I do. However, my opinion has changed about this. It's less about expecting others to hold a higher standard (as they already will) and more about me being able to provide a higher one. There is NO doubt in my mind that there is not a single person here (me included) that would tell someone that wants help to delete their windows system folder or ANYTHING even close to something like that. A person like that wouldn't even be here. Funnily unhelpful is one thing, malicious is entirely another. If anything in my posts indicated being straight up mean to people I definitely mis-spoke. I meant "suck at your job" not "suck as a person".

@ “free to post” forums.

Its just a chat room. This board is not open to "anybody". Your Sza's, habitually drunk, filth and NSFW posters are not welcome here. This literally means that there are people that I actually like but have a low opinion of from Quakeone that aren't welcome here. I would actually give some of these people a chance anyway and when the drama starts I wouldn't even "ban" them I would go directly to them and ask them to stop and if they can't seem to get it together I would go back to them and ask them to leave all on their own. I don't want to ever hit the ban button, especially not for people that I have interacted with for so long. I have more of a personal approach.

"Ive asked you to stop doing X and you seem to refuse. I need you to leave our house. Be a man and leave with some dignity. Don't make me mark up your account with 'banned' for everyone to see. Sorry, it didn't work out for you. You're welcome to come back when and if you get it together."

@ Quake 1 Resurrection focused board

We are a community that congregate around Quake, not necessarily a Quake Community. You are right, Quake is dead to a large degree but, we aren't. I haven't given many fucks about quake in years but I have given many fucks about what happened to all of us at Quakeone. It wasn't fair or right to dump an entire community and then not even give that community an opportunity to take control. We are all fundamentally good people that overall like to create and share our work, ideas and dreams. We mostly all have plenty of experience with each other and in some (maybe many) cases practically and truly know one another. I alone have been interacting with many of you for up to 7 years.

I think it's great that little by little "Quake" is being preserved here but, there are no rules or stipulations indicating that this is a "quake-only" forum. This is an anything you want it to be except fights and porn forum, populated and maintained primarily by people that have a history that involves Quake.

@ these are ONLY my simple suggestions though

All of them taken seriously and addressed

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 7, 2018, 10:51
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Hot topicReply To: Terrible Ideas

There are so many little features. I didn't even know that editing pulls a post back to the top. Some of this is just as much a learning experience for me as it is for y'all.

ijazzPostAugust 9, 2018, 11:35
Posts: 11
August 9, 2018, 15:17
Hot topicReply To: Terrible Ideas


How about giving out some free Xanbars for every 25 positive customer support reviews?

ijazzPostAugust 9, 2018, 11:46
Posts: 11
August 9, 2018, 15:17
Hot topicReply To: Terrible Ideas

So now I'm running out of time coz my parents are always around,but here is a real idea.

These are all in points to highlight the fact that you can pick and choose!

-How about a separate page for Customer Support(CS)?

-When you open it,you get a list of all users available.

-You can either select a user(maybe after doing several reviews)

-Or just click that red button which takes you to a random guy.


-Custom chat skins.I assume you need to have stylesheets within stylesheets for this,I think I saw some examples of changing stylesheets in the W3C tutorials.

-MIDI editor,for fun.

-Again,free Xanbars.Perhaps a Xanbar shooter.

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