Tutorial *130*
Centered Scoreboards

This is one of the little annoying things in GLQuake that no-one else seems to worry about. (They're all to busy adding coloured lighting, and interpolation code ;)

When you finish a level the scoreboard is not centered on the screen.

Well the code below fixes that.

Open sbar.c

In Sbar_IntermissionOverlay

replace :-

pic = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/complete.lmp");

Draw_Pic (64, 24, pic);

pic = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/inter.lmp");

Draw_TransPic (0, 56, pic);

// time

dig = cl.completed_time/60;

Sbar_IntermissionNumber (160, 64, dig, 3, 0);

num = cl.completed_time - dig*60;

Draw_TransPic (234,64,sb_colon);

Draw_TransPic (246,64,sb_nums[0][num/10]);

Draw_TransPic (266,64,sb_nums[0][num%10]);

Sbar_IntermissionNumber (160, 104, cl.stats[STAT_SECRETS], 3, 0);

Draw_TransPic (232,104,sb_slash);

Sbar_IntermissionNumber (240, 104, cl.stats[STAT_TOTALSECRETS], 3, 0);

Sbar_IntermissionNumber (160, 144, cl.stats[STAT_MONSTERS], 3, 0);

Draw_TransPic (232,144,sb_slash);

Sbar_IntermissionNumber (240, 144, cl.stats[STAT_TOTALMONSTERS], 3, 0);

with :-


//dead easy stuff really

pic = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/complete.lmp");

Draw_Pic ((vid.width/2)-94, (vid.height/2) - 96, pic);

pic = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/inter.lmp");

Draw_TransPic ((vid.width/2)-160, (vid.height/2) - 64, pic);

dig = cl.completed_time/60;

Sbar_IntermissionNumber (vid.width/2, (vid.height/2) - 56, dig, 3, 0);

num = cl.completed_time - dig*60;

Draw_TransPic ((vid.width/2)+74 ,(vid.height/2)- 56,sb_colon);

Draw_TransPic ((vid.width/2)+86 ,(vid.height/2)- 56,sb_nums[0][num/10]);

Draw_TransPic ((vid.width/2)+106,(vid.height/2)- 56,sb_nums[0][num%10]);

Sbar_IntermissionNumber ((vid.width/2), (vid.height/2)- 16, cl.stats[STAT_SECRETS], 3, 0);

Draw_TransPic ((vid.width/2)+72,(vid.height/2)- 16,sb_slash);

Sbar_IntermissionNumber ((vid.width/2)+80, (vid.height/2)- 16, cl.stats[STAT_TOTALSECRETS], 3, 0);

Sbar_IntermissionNumber ((vid.width/2), (vid.height/2)+ 24, cl.stats[STAT_MONSTERS], 3, 0);

Draw_TransPic ((vid.width/2)+72,(vid.height/2)+ 24,sb_slash);

Sbar_IntermissionNumber ((vid.width/2)+80, (vid.height/2)+ 24, cl.stats[STAT_TOTALMONSTERS], 3, 0);

//end of muff

And voila, the scoreboard now centers itself.

If you have any problems, let me know.


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