Tutorial *135*


The Enhanced BuiltIn Function System (short EBFS) was developed to provide a way for QuakeC coders to determine if the user's engine supports the needed additional builtin functions.

The function names and numbers are registered on the Quake Standards Group homepage to keep a standard across multiple engines and QuakeC addons, so check it out after reading this HowTo.

How to use EBFS

EBFS for QuakeC is very easy to use in your addons. You only have to make changes to DEFS.QC and WORLD.QC plus all occurences where you use additional builtin functions.

Here is an example for a fictional new builtin function called "doom_func" with the function number 666.

Step #1 - DEFS.QC:

You add the declaration of the new builtin function "doom_func" just like normal plus a corresponding variable for it. The declaration of the EBFS function "builtin_find" is obligatory.

// 2001-09-14 Enhanced BuiltIn Function System (EBFS) by Maddes  start

float(string s) builtin_find = #100;

float	qc_builtin_find;

// 2001-09-14 Enhanced BuiltIn Function System (EBFS) by Maddes  end

// 2001-09-16 New BuiltIn Function: doom_func() by Maddes  start

float(string s) doom_func = #666;

float	qc_doom_func;

// 2001-09-16 New BuiltIn Function: doom_func() by Maddes  end

Step #2 - WORLD.QC:

At the beginning of the function "worldspawn" (this is when a map is loaded) you have to check for the needed additional functions.

You check for additional builtin functions with the EBFS function "builtin_find". It returns the function number of a given function name. The result is zero when the function does not exist. If the function exists, the QuakeC code has to check if the returned function number is the same as defined in DEFS.QC, this is for avoiding problems with non-compliant engines.

If a really necessary function is not available, you should dump the game with the regular builtin function "error", pointing the user to the QSG homepage for a compliant engine.

As the EBFS function "builtin_find" is an additional builtin function too, the above system doesn't work for it. Hence there is also a new cvar called "pr_builtin_find" which contains the function number of "builtin_find".

// 2001-09-14 Enhanced BuiltIn Function System (EBFS) by Maddes  start

	qc_builtin_find = cvar("pr_builtin_find");

	if (qc_builtin_find)


		if (qc_builtin_find != 100)


			dprint("Builtin function \"builtin_find\" is #");


			dprint(" and not #100 - IGNORED!!!\n");

			qc_builtin_find = 0;



	// check for additional builtin functions

	qc_doom_func = 0;		// 2001-09-16 New BuiltIn Function: doom_func() by Maddes

	if (qc_builtin_find)


// 2001-09-16 New BuiltIn Function: doom_func() by Maddes  start

		qc_doom_func = builtin_find("doom_func");

		if (qc_doom_func)


			if (qc_doom_func != 666)


				dprint("Builtin function \"doom_func\" is #");


				dprint(" and not #666 - IGNORED!!!\n");

				qc_doom_func = 0;



// 2001-09-16 New BuiltIn Function: doom_func() by Maddes  end


// 2001-09-14 Enhanced BuiltIn Function System (EBFS) by Maddes  end

Step #3 - Using new builtin functions anywhere

Everytime you want to use one of the new builtin functions you have determine if it is available by checking its corresponding variable.

	if (qc_doom_func)


		result = doom_func("New Doom is coming!!!\n");


Instead of using a separate variable for each builtin function, you could also use variables with bit flags (Note: 24 bit flags are the maximum of a float).

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