Tutorial *41*


[cl_main.c,client.h :: set up the variables]

-open "cl_main.c" add this at top with other cvar declarations...

		cvar_t	*cl_3dcam;

		cvar_t	*cl_3dcam_angle;

		cvar_t	*cl_3dcam_dist;

-then find the function CL_InitLocal() and add this inside...

		cl_3dcam = Cvar_Get ("cl_3dcam", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);

		cl_3dcam_angle = Cvar_Get ("cl_3dcam_angle", "30", CVAR_ARCHIVE);

		cl_3dcam_dist = Cvar_Get ("cl_3dcam_dist", "50", CVAR_ARCHIVE);

-now go into "client.h" and add this anywhere...

		extern	cvar_t	*cl_3dcam;

		extern	cvar_t	*cl_3dcam_angle;

		extern	cvar_t	*cl_3dcam_dist;


[cl_ents.c :: set up the view angles ]

-find the "CL_CalcViewValues" function and add this to the bottom of it...

	if (cl_3dcam->value)


		vec3_t end, oldorg, camPos;

		float dist_up, dist_back, angle;

		if (cl_3dcam_angle->value<0)

			Cvar_SetValue( "cl_3dcam_angle", 0 );

		if (cl_3dcam_angle->value>60)

			Cvar_SetValue( "cl_3dcam_angle", 60 );

		if (cl_3dcam_dist->value<0)

			Cvar_SetValue( "cl_3dcam_dist", 0 );

		//this'll use polar coords for cam offset

		angle = M_PI * cl_3dcam_angle->value/180.0f;

		dist_up = cl_3dcam_dist->value * sin( angle );

		dist_back =  cl_3dcam_dist->value * cos ( angle );

		VectorCopy(cl.refdef.vieworg, oldorg);

		VectorMA(cl.refdef.vieworg, -dist_back, cl.v_forward, end);

		VectorMA(end, dist_up, cl.v_up, end);

		ClipCam (cl.refdef.vieworg, end, camPos);

		//now we will adjust aim...


			vec3_t newDir, dir;

			//find where 1st person view is aiming

			VectorMA(cl.refdef.vieworg, 8000, cl.v_forward, dir);

			ClipCam (cl.refdef.vieworg, dir, newDir);

			VectorSubtract(newDir, camPos, dir);


			vectoangles2(dir, newDir);

			//now look there from the camera

			AngleVectors(newDir, cl.v_forward, cl.v_right, cl.v_up);

			VectorCopy(newDir, cl.refdef.viewangles);


		VectorCopy(camPos, cl.refdef.vieworg);



[cl_ents.c :: add client side clipping]

-put this at the top of the file after includes and var/function decalarations...

	trace_t CL_Trace (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, float size,  int contentmask)


		vec3_t maxs, mins;

		VectorSet(maxs, size, size, size);

		VectorSet(mins, -size, -size, -size);

		return CM_BoxTrace (start, end, mins, maxs, 0, contentmask);


	void ClipCam (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t newpos)


		trace_t tr = CL_Trace (start, end, 5, -1);

		VectorCopy(tr.endpos, newpos);



[cl_ents.c :: remove the 1st person model]

-put this at the top of the "void CL_AddViewWeapon(*,*)" function after variable declarations...

	//dont draw if outside body...

	if (cl_3dcam->value)



[cl_ents.c :: add the client model to the render list]

-find the funtion void "CL_AddPacketEntities(*)"

-find this line...

	for (pnum = 0 ; pnumnum_entities ; pnum++)


-and add this right after it...

		qboolean isclientviewer = false;

-now replace this...

	if (s1->number == cl.playernum+1)


		ent.flags |= RF_VIEWERMODEL;	// only draw from mirrors

		// FIXME: still pass to refresh

		if (effects & EF_FLAG1)

			V_AddLight (ent.origin, 225, 1.0, 0.1, 0.1);

		else if (effects & EF_FLAG2)

			V_AddLight (ent.origin, 225, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0);

		else if (effects & EF_TAGTRAIL)						//PGM

			V_AddLight (ent.origin, 225, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);	//PGM

		else if (effects & EF_TRACKERTRAIL)					//PGM

			V_AddLight (ent.origin, 225, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0);	//PGM



-with this...

	if (s1->number == cl.playernum+1)


		ent.flags |= RF_VIEWERMODEL;	// only draw from mirrors

		isclientviewer = true;

		// FIXME: still pass to refresh

		if (effects & EF_FLAG1)

			V_AddLight (ent.origin, 225, 1.0, 0.1, 0.1);

		else if (effects & EF_FLAG2)

			V_AddLight (ent.origin, 225, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0);

		else if (effects & EF_TAGTRAIL)						//PGM

			V_AddLight (ent.origin, 225, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);	//PGM

		else if (effects & EF_TRACKERTRAIL)					//PGM

			V_AddLight (ent.origin, 225, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0);	//PGM

		if (!cl_3dcam->value)



-now after this line...

	if (s1->modelindex2)


-add this...

	if (isclientviewer)

		ent.flags |= RF_VIEWERMODEL;	// only draw from mirrors

-also after this...

	if (s1->modelindex3)


-add this..

	if (isclientviewer)

		ent.flags |= RF_VIEWERMODEL;	// only draw from mirrors

-and lastly after this...

	if (s1->modelindex4)


add this again...

	if (isclientviewer)

		ent.flags |= RF_VIEWERMODEL;	// only draw from mirrors


[cl_view.c :: make the 3rd person model visible]

-find the funtion void "V_AddEntity(*)"

-add this in at the top of the function...

	if (ent->flags&RF_VIEWERMODEL) //here is our client


		int i;

		for (i=0;i<3;i++)

			ent->oldorigin[i] = ent->origin[i] = cl.predicted_origin[i];

		if (cl_3dcam->value)




[cl_ents.c :: smooth out prediction]

-find the funtion void "CL_CalcViewValues()"

-replace this...

	// calculate the origin

	if ((cl_predict->value) && !(cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_NO_PREDICTION))

	{	// use predicted values

		unsigned	delta;

		backlerp = 1.0 - lerp;

		for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)


			cl.refdef.vieworg[i] = cl.predicted_origin[i] + ops->viewoffset[i]

				+ cl.lerpfrac * (ps->viewoffset[i] - ops->viewoffset[i])

				- backlerp * cl.prediction_error[i];


		// smooth out stair climbing

		delta = cls.realtime - cl.predicted_step_time;

		if (delta < 100)


			cl.refdef.vieworg[2] -= cl.predicted_step * (100 - delta) * 0.01;



-with this (adding in cl.predicted_origin[] smoothing)...

	// calculate the origin

	if ((cl_predict->value) && !(cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_NO_PREDICTION))

	{	// use predicted values

		unsigned	delta;

		backlerp = 1.0 - lerp;

		for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)


			cl.refdef.vieworg[i] = cl.predicted_origin[i] + ops->viewoffset[i]

				+ cl.lerpfrac * (ps->viewoffset[i] - ops->viewoffset[i])

				- backlerp * cl.prediction_error[i];

			//this smooths out platform riding

			cl.predicted_origin[i] -= backlerp * cl.prediction_error[i];


		// smooth out stair climbing

		delta = cls.realtime - cl.predicted_step_time;

		if (delta < 100)


			cl.refdef.vieworg[2] -= cl.predicted_step * (100 - delta) * 0.01;

			cl.predicted_origin[2] -= cl.predicted_step * (100 - delta) * 0.01;




[test :: play the game]

- Play with the cvars to get the cam how you like it

- Tweak until content

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