Tutorial *45*

Ever notice how in Unreal Tournament you can have a centered gun without having it hidden? Let's hack the same thing into Quake 2!

Open cl_ents.c, look for CL_AddViewWeapon. Before it, add this:

// RIOT - Centered gun

extern cvar_t *hand;

In the CL_AddViewWeapon function, look for the block:

	for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)


		gun.origin[i] = cl.refdef.vieworg[i] + ops->gunoffset[i]

			+ cl.lerpfrac * (ps->gunoffset[i] - ops->gunoffset[i]);

		gun.angles[i] = cl.refdef.viewangles[i] + LerpAngle (ops->gunangles[i],

			ps->gunangles[i], cl.lerpfrac);


After it, add this:

	// RIOT - Centered gun

	if(hand->value == 2.0f)


		// Get the movement

		AngleVectors(gun.angles, NULL, anglemove, anglemove2);

		// Move the gun

		VectorScale(anglemove, -8.0f, anglemove);

		VectorScale(anglemove2, -5.0f, anglemove2);

		VectorAdd(gun.origin, anglemove, gun.origin);

		VectorAdd(gun.origin, anglemove2, gun.origin);


Okay, now to add support for it in the rendering code. For software mode, open r_alias.c, look for this block of code in R_AliasDrawModel:

if ( currententity->flags & RF_WEAPONMODEL )


	if ( r_lefthand->value == 1.0F )

		aliasxscale = -aliasxscale;

	else if ( r_lefthand->value == 2.0F )



Change that to:

if ( currententity->flags & RF_WEAPONMODEL )


	if ( r_lefthand->value == 1.0F )

		aliasxscale = -aliasxscale;

	// RIOT - Centered gun

	//else if ( r_lefthand->value == 2.0F )

	//	return;


For OpenGL mode, open gl_mesh.c, and in R_DrawAliasModel, look for the block:

if ( e->flags & RF_WEAPONMODEL )


	if ( r_lefthand->value == 2 )



Comment that out.

And that's all! Enjoy Q2 with a centered gun!

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