Tutorial *51*
Okay, you want a progress bar in Quake? Open up defs.qc and comment out this line:

string(string s) precache_model		= #20;

After it, add:

string(string s) precache_model;

string(string s) load_model		= #20;

Now, add this to the bottom

string SIGNAL_CVAR = "gamecfg";		// Change this if your mod uses this cvar

float TOTAL_MODELS = 26;		// Change this based on how many models get

					// precached in worldspawn

float startsequence;

float dottracker;

float modelsloaded;

Change those two constants accordingly for your mod.

Now, open up world.qc, and add this to the start:

void(string s) forceprint =


  local float defon;



    defon = cvar("developer");



      cvar_set("developer", "1");


      cvar_set("developer", "0");




string(string s) precache_model =


 local float tempdot;



  modelsloaded = modelsloaded + 1;

  tempdot = floor(modelsloaded * 43 / TOTAL_MODELS);

  if(tempdot > dottracker)


   while(dottracker != tempdot)



    dottracker = dottracker + 1;






Now, in the worldspawn function, before the line:

precache_model ("progs/player.mdl");

Add this:

startsequence = TRUE;

modelsloaded = 0;

dottracker = 0;

forceprint("\nLoading Models...\n0% ...... 25% ..... 50% ..... 75% .... 100%\n");

Finally, after the big fat model precache block, add this:


startsequence = FALSE;

cvar_set(SIGNAL_CVAR, "0");

One last thing must be done... You have to open up quake.rc, autoexec.cfg, or default.cfg, and set whatever your SIGNAL_CVAR value is to 1.

Be aware that the progress bar will not appear in demos, and if a demo is played, the progress bar will not show up.

If you want to test this out without rebuilding your quake.rc or whatever, do this: quake -game modname +gamecfg 1 +map start

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