Tutorial *52*

Reaperbot Improvement Protocol v0.11 (RIP v0.11)
by legion, the ubiquitous llama-killer



This tutorial is broken up into several parts. Each week a new part of the lesson will be posted. Visit Inside3D or Scrap Heap for your weekly reaperbot fix. If you want the entire lesson, you can ask Mr? of Inside3D for a copy of the text file called rip010.txt. It is an earlier version of the tutorial. It is not jammed packed with information like this new version but it contains most of the steps involved in the lesson. Rip010 is not for the novice. In addition, it doesn't contain any instructions on merging the reaperbot with v1.06 of QuakeC. Older versions of QuakeC contain the infamous disappearing weapons bug.
If you are a newbie, then the only information and help you will get is the weekly reaperbot lesson. No additional help will be provided with rip010.txt or with anything else.
The urls for Inside3D and Scrap Heap are the following:

1) http://www.inside3d.com(Inside3D)
2) http://www.mindspring.com/~darkskye (Scrap Heap)

Mirror site at Scrap Heap is in the works. Decision is not finalized yet.
Dark_Skye is on "vacation" trying to frag people and show that keyboarders
can be good at Quake.

The parts in the lesson are as follows:

1) rip011a.txt (this text, making a compilable reaperbot source code)
2) rip011b.txt (compiling the reaperbot with v1.06 of QuakeC)
-- this lesson is currently NOT complete and it is not part of
v0.10 of RIP. In fact, I haven't started on it, yet. It looks like
this will be a long one. Hopefully, there are no delays
. -- this will increase the size of progs.dat substantially.
-- if you can complete this, then the rest of the lessons should
be very easy for you.
3) rip011c.txt (reducing the thud sounds)
4) rip011d.txt (modifying norse_movetogoal function)
5) rip011e.txt (adding norse_movetogoal function to the reaper)
6) rip011f.txt (reducing splash sounds and adding misc things)
7) rip011g.txt (adding bot to TAB scoring rankings)

Remember, the full lesson is contained in rip010.txt. Get a copy of this text from Mr? of Inside3D if you don't want to wait seven weeks to learn everything. And remember, the only help you will get is from the weekly reaperbot lesson. So don't bother wasting bandwidth by sending e-mail asking for help. There's ONE exception, however. If enough people have difficulty with the SAME problem, then I MAY give Dark_Skye some 'news' to post that may help people solve the problem. Five or six people with the same problem is not alot and therefore, not enough. Moreover, the problem, MUST have something to do with that week's or some previous week's lesson. Any other problem will be ignored. If enough people have the same problem, visit Scrap Heap for the solution. I won't respond to e-mails individually. Don't expect solutions overnight and if you don't see a solution, chances are not enough people had the same problem.

The length of the texts is due to the fact that these are TUTORIALS as well as a how-to guide. These are more than just texts that tell you to do this and then do that. These contain explanations. It is hoped that you will remember them. You will need the information you learned from earlier parts for the later parts.

RIP v0.12 will contain all the corrections, if any, that people e-mailed me.
So e-mail me any mistakes that you find to legion@keg.zymurgy.org. I will
place these corrections on my webpage when I'm finished (hopefully).

Reaperbot (c) 1996 by Steven Polge
Norse_movetogoal (c) 1997 by Roscoe A. Sincero
QCBot Ranking (c) 1997 by Alan Kivlin


This is apparently the first attempt in improving the reaperbot since December 1996. I have seen several people asking questions publically concerning the issue of making a compilable reaperbot source. Other than people misleading others (I hope it wasn't deliberate), I have not seen one individual actually provide concrete information on HOW to do this. Additionally, publically available patches have been made that includes the reaperbot. Besides Decker's merger of the reaperbot with the Scourge of Armagon and PainKeep partial conversions, there is another compilation patch that can be downloaded from CDROM.COM. The full url is http://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/quake/quakec/compilations/qplus.zip. Like PK, this compilation contains new weapons and other good stuff. Apparently, Decker can get a lot of publicity for merging the Reaperbot with PainKeep (his work with SoA went virtually un-noticed for awhile until it was known that he had merged the reaperbot with PainKeep), maybe this compilation will finally get its due. It has been available for downloading since June 19, 1997.

On June 21, 1997, Ken Alverson posted his version of the reaperbot source code in the rec.games.computer.quake.quake-c newsgroup for 'educational purposes'. Despite all this attention given to the reaperbot, no complaints have been made by either Steven Polge or the people at Unreal. E-mails to Polge have been ignored. I know that I received no response from my e-mail to him asking if I can merge my norse_movetogoal function with the reaperbot.

It is hoped that this how-to guide, this tutorial will help you in making YOUR copy of the reaperbot a better one. The emphasis here is on the word 'YOUR'.

For the record Steven Polge, who works for Unreal, is the author and creator of the Reaperbot. Steven Polge owns the copyrights to the reaperbot. Neither Unreal nor Epic owns the copyrights to the reaperbot. This is the reason for Epic/Unreal not complaining. iD Software also owns the copyrights to the reaperbot patch for the very fact that part of the code used by the reaperbot came from iD (the makers of Quake).


Copyright laws forbid individuals and groups from releasing their modified reaperbot source code or progs.dat. Additionally, you can not use a modified reaperbot on a public server. However, I am unaware of any law(s) that forbids individuals from modifying their own personal copy of the reaperbot patch and using it for their own personal use. As long as you don't release it or make it publically available, you are in the clear. Moreover, I am unaware of any laws forbidding individuals or groups from providing information on how to modify existing copyrighted material to help those like you in making a better material (in this case, a better reaperbot).

If you did not read the reaperbot copyrights, you should read it now. Polge states that his modifications can NOT be used as a basis for other patches and/or modifications. This is the reason for not releasing my modified reaperbot progs.dat. Don't bother to ask, you won't get it. You won't get the modified source code either. Any and all e-mails on this issue will go unanswered. You will have to do all the work yourself.

I am assuming that you are NOT allowed to release an unmodified reaperbot source code, either.

Reaperbot © 1996 by Steven Polge -- individuals are not allowed to use his code in publically available or commercially available mods

Norse_movetogoal © 1997 by Roscoe A. Sincero -- individuals are free to include this code to your patches provided that Roscoe A. Sincero is credited for this code

QCBot Ranking © 1997 by Alan Kivlin -- individuals are free to include this code to your patches provided that Alan Kivlin is credited for this code


       1) Reaperbot v0.81
          - ftp.cdrom.com/pub/quake/quakec/bots/reaper
       2) btsk23.zip
          - contains norse_movetogoal as well as Alan Kivlin's QCBot ranking
          - demos are included showing off the new movement code.  E-mail me
          at legion@keg.zymurgy.org if you think the Zeusbot's movement is
          better.  Provide an example (eg. a demo) proving your case
       3) ProQCC v1.52 or later
          - ftp.cdrom.com/pub/quake/quakec/utils
       4) v1.06 of QuakeC
          - many compilers come with v1.06 of QuakeC.  find one.
          - ftp.cdrom.com/pub/quake/quakec/utils
       5) knowledge of directory structure and installation of QuakeC patches
          - visit http://www.planetquake.com/qca for help in this area
       6) knowledge of QuakeC (not for the novice)
          - variable definitions are a must
          - modifying and creating functions
          - visit Inside3D, http://www.planetquake.com/iqc, for plenty of
            examples on this.  The tutorials are packed with examples of
            modifying functions.  Practically all the tutorials include at
            least one example of modifying existing or creating functions.
          - function prototypes are a must
          - understanding of IF block and IF-ELSE block
          - visit Inside 3D, http://www.planetquake.com/iqc, for examples
            on this.  Many of the tutorials contain IF blocks or IF-ELSE
            block statments for you to look at and understand.
       7) a text editor equipped with a cut-n-paste feature
       8) the ability to follow instructions
       1) bot will be able to walk on 'broken ground' and other good stuff.
          Watch the demos included in btsk23.zip for more examples of the
          added movement that the reaperbot now possess.
       2) thud sounds and splasing sounds are reduced.
       3) real players can be bounced around when hit by a rocket blast, now
          the reaperbot will mimic this as well.
       4) actual circle strafing is coded
       5) bot will no longer run away since the code is incompatible with the
          new movement code, norse_movetogoal.
       6) bot shows up on rankings
       7) monsters are active now, they can fight back.
       8) disappearing weapons bug removed

    NOTE: If you thought that one original skill 3 reaperbot was easy to kill, you may find a modified skill 3 reaperbot more difficult to beat on some maps. On other maps with certain terrains, the bot may be a little easier. In short, you will have to learn the new attack patterns used by the reaperbot if you wish to win on a consistent basis.


    This section contains a short list of bugs that were part of the ORIGINAL reaperbot. These bugs were not corrected. 1) the "rebound" or "refire" bug causes the reaperbot to occasionally fire the weapon sooner than it should. In other words, at times, the reaperbot can fire the rocket launcher at the same rate as a single- barrel shotgun. THIS IS CHEATING. 2) the firing rate for lightning gun/nails guns are not continuous sometimes. 3) bot can fire at nearly 90 degrees angle up or down. Human players can not do this but the reaperbot can. 4) needs to scream the right pain sounds when drowning and it needs to blow bubbles, too. 5) its line of sight code for items and waypoints needs to be improved. It still ignores items that is visible to it. Therefore, it doesn't take advantage of the new movement code. A perfect example is the yellow armor on E1M2. With the new movement code, the reaperbot can now reach the yellow armor. I have seen it do it once. However, it failed many times. It often quits after jumping two or three times. The reaperbot actually didn't see the yellow armor, it was simply following the waypoints that were dynamically spawned. If the waypoints were spawned too close to the edge, for instance, then obviously this would increase the failure rate. And, of course, it quits too soon.


    The reaperbot still uses much of its original programming. Besides the AI, the bot still use the same code for selecting and firing weapons. (See the list of bugs above). The major changes that were introduced were in the area of movement. It is in the movement where you will see the improvements. The reaperbot is actually an UNFINISHED product. With this how-to guide, it is possible that the Quake community can FINALLY improve the reaperbot so that it is as human-like as possible. So far, only its ability to "learn" the map mimics human-like behavior. All other aspects need to be improved upon.



    1) follow the instructions that came with the reaperbot patch. That is, create the reaperbot directory like you normally would when you want to play the patch. I will assume you will call this directory, rpbot. You are free to use any other name that you like. 2) In the rpbot directory, make a sub-directory called "src". So the directory tree should look something like the following: [quake] - [id1] - pak0.pak - pak1.pak - [some other patch1] - some other patch1's progs.dat - [maps] - [some other patch2] -pak0.pak - [some other patch3] - some other patch3's progs.dat - [progs] - player.mdl - [rpbot] - progs.dat - [src] - [some other patch4] ... The "[]" signifies a directory. This is just an EXAMPLE. You may have only one patch, the reaperbot. I included other patches in the directory structure above. Visit the QuakeC Archives (http://www.planetquake.com/qca) for additional help in this area. 3) copy the progs.dat found in the rpbot directory into the src sub-directory. Copy proqcc.exe into the src sub-directory. There should be two files in the src sub-directory at this point: progs.dat and proqcc.exe. Then go to this sub-directory by typing "cd\quake\rpbot\src" at the DOS prompt. 4) type "proqcc -dec" at the DOS prompt without the damn quotes, of course. Notice the use of CAPS. "What caps?", you ask. Well, I mention this because many people like to type parameters like this "proqcc -DeC" or "q95 -GaME rpBoT" or "q95 -GAMe rpbot" and the like. Then they go to the newsgroups and wonder why the reaperbot is not loaded. The caps lock key and the shift key obviously needs to be removed from these people's keyboard, followed by a smack on the head with an aluminum bat (not a wooden bat since wood breaks). - after the decompilation process, you will find a large list of files in the src sub-directory with an extension *.qc and one file with an extension *.src. Any other file (if any) should be ignored. 5) Open progs.src using your favorite text editor. On the first line, you should see "./progs.dat". The single period tells the compiler that the compiled progs.dat should be placed in the current directory. A double-period tells the compiler that the compiled progs.dat be placed in the directory above it. In this case, the directory one level above it is the rpbot directory (see directory structure provided above). When Quake loads a patch, it is assumed that the progs.dat is in the rpbot directory and NOT in one of its sub-directories. So change "./progs.dat" to "../progs.dat". a) now save the changes by closing progs.src 6) now type "proqcc" at the DOS prompt to compile the source a) you should see some errors b) YOU will now correct these errors 7) Open botit_th.qc using your favorite text editor. (I use edit.com). a) you will see a bunch of lines that end with a semi-colon. Most statements MUST end with a semi-colon. b) The following is an example of a function PROTOTYPE. void (entity targ, entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage) T_Damage; This function prototype tells the compiler that a function called T_Damage is defined somewhere in the code. Like everything else, the name is CASE sensitive so the function called T_DAmaGE is not the same as T_Damage. BEFORE you execute any function, you must do one of two things: either declare the function by using a function prototype like above OR you define the function. Notice that you don't see any code telling you what the T_Damage function does. The actual code that DEFINES the function (the code that tells you what the function does) can be found in combat.qc. When you look into the combat.qc file and search for the T_Damage function, you will notice that the first line in a function definition is almost the same as a function prototype. The only difference is that the semi-colon used in the function prototype has been replaced by an equal sign ("="). In other words, the function definition for T_Damage is the following: void (entity targ, entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage) T_Damage = { [ lots of code ] }; Every function definition has an opening left brace and a closing right brace. The right brace is followed by a semi-colon. You can view the braces as something that 'collects' statements that belong together or view the braces and the code inside it as a BLOCK of code that belongs together. So the format of a function prototype is the following: return_type (parameter list and types) function_name; The format of a function definition is the following: return_type (parameter list and types) function_name = { [ lots of code ] }; NOTE: In C++, the equal sign is NOT used in making function definitions. So you must either DECLARE or DEFINE it first BEFORE you actually use the function. That is why there is a bunch of function prototypes in botit_th.qc. The file also contains a few function definitions as well. When you finish with this tutorial, botit_th.qc will have more prototypes and more definitions than before. You can declare the function as often as you want as long as each declaration (each function prototype) is identical and that they match with the function definition. You can only define a function ONCE. I was told that there is one exception to this rule, however. You can redefine builtin functions of Quake but you can only define QuakeC functions ONCE. You will ONLY need to specify one function prototype for each function definition. It is required BEFORE you actually execute the function, remember. There is no need to provide multiple function prototypes for one function even though you can. 8) In decompiling, ProQCC has a problem decompiling certain types of function prototypes and definitions. In botit_th.qc, search for the lines ".void() th_weight;" and ".void() th_cache;". These are incorrect. Notice that there are periods (".") in front of the function prototypes. That is not the problem, the periods belong there. To make a long story short, the periods tell Quake that each entity has its own th_weight and th_cache function. That is, the th_weight function for one bot can be different from the th_weight function of another bot. The word "void" in the function prototype tells Quake that the function does not return any value. Functions can return values which can be a number (ie. "float"), a vector, or an entity. However, th_weight and th_cache are not void functions, these functions are supposed to return a value. Additionally, the function prototypes state that the function does not have any parameters. Look at the T_Damage function above. There are a bunch of variables in between the parenthesis. This means that the T_Damage function takes in parameters. The function prototypes for th_weight and th_cache says they don't. This is wrong, too. Now the problem is what kind of values does these function return and what type of parameters, if any, do these functions take? 9) Look into botgoal.qc. Search for the line "weight = e.th_weight (e);". This code is in the "thingweight" function definition. Right off the bat, this should tell you that the th_weight function returns a value and that it takes one parameter. So look around in this "thingweight" function for clues that tell you what type of variable is "e" and what type of variable is "weight". You will find that e is a variable of type entity and that weight is a variable of type float. (Hint: like functions, you have to DECLARE the variables before using them. So search for things like "local float weight" and the like. In QuakeC terminology, declaring a variable is called "defining" a variable. The keyword 'local' is used WITHIN a function definition. Outside the function definition, the word 'local' is NOT used.) From these two pieces of information, the correct function prototype for th_weight should be: .float(entity e) th_weight; So replace the ".void() th_weight" line in botit_th.qc with the correct function prototype above. You can follow a similar method with th_cache by looking into botroute.qc file and searching for th_cache. Unfortunately, there's nothing in botroute.qc that tells you what kind of values the function returns. You can determine what the parameters are, however, but that is not enough. So you need to do more searching. In botspawn.qc, you will find the line "self.th_cache = cacheenemy;" in the PutBotInServer function definition. This means that the th_cache function for the bot is the cacheenemy function. So search for this function. You will find the cacheenemy function in botit_th.qc. Since this function is the SAME as the th_cache function, then this means that the th_cache function returns the same type of value and takes in the same parameters. Thus, the function prototype for th_cache should look like cacheenemy. In short, the function prototype for th_cache is the following: .float(entity node, float len, entity item) th_cache; So replace the ".void() th_cache" line in botit_th.qc with the correct function prototype above. Now save the changes you made in botit_th.qc. 10) open misc.qc. You should see the following at the bottom of the misc_fireball function definition. /* Begin code */ if ( !self.speed ) { } /* End code */ The above code is given the label, "the IF block", since it is a block of code that should be executed whenever the conditions in the IF line is true. If there is only one statement in the IF block, then the braces are not necessary. The braces are only necessary if the block contains more than one statement (and, of course, each statement ends with a semi-colon). Examples of correct if-blocks are the following: if (!self.health) { self.speed = 3; self.health = 20; self.button0 = FALSE; } if (self.search_time < time) self.search_time = time + 3; if (self.flags & FL_ONGROUND) { self.flags = self.flags - FL_ONGROUND; } Each statement inside the block ends with a semi-colon. There is NO semi-colon after the closing right brace. The above code from misc.qc checks to see if self.speed (where self is the fireball) has zero velocity. If the fireball has zero velocity, then it is supposed to execute any statements between the two braces. As you can see, there is nothing in between the two braces. Hence, there is missing code. The compiler will see two braces with nothing in it. The braces are the one that confuses the compiler. Braces are not only used in IF blocks, but these are also used in function definitions. If there is nothing in the braces, you'll end up with a "not a name" error when compiling. You can either delete the braces (and leave the IF line alone), put back the missing code or delete the whole IF block. Putting back the missing code is the better choice. Now why do you have missing code in the decompiled source? Well, the problems comes from iD's original QuakeC code. Originally, the code is this: /* Begin code */ if (!self.speed) self.speed == 1000; /* End code */ When Polge compiled his code, the compiler correctly compiled the line "if (!self.speed)" but the next line causes problems. The line is supposed to set the value of speed to 1000 but instead, it assigns a value of 1000 by "checking" to see if self.speed is equal to 1000. This is meaningless. You don't assign a variable a value by checking to see if it is equal to it. The result is that the compiler "left it blank" so to speak since it doesn't understand that line of code. The progs.dat, then, contains "missing code". Additionally, the compiler/decompiler always include the opening and closing braces for all IF statements even if there is only one statement in the IF block itself. When you decompiled the progs.dat, you will see that you have missing code. Your only recourse is to find a compiler/decompiler that attempts to make sense of the mess or look at the original code. I happen to know what the missing code should be. So in misc.qc, insert the line self.speed = 1000; between the two braces of the IF block. Save your changes by closing misc.qc. 11) Open botgoal.qc. Look for this following lines of code: /* Begin code */ self.search_time = (self.search_time - 0.400); if ( (botTarget.goalentity == botTarget) ) { } /* End code */ You should find the above snippet of code in the ai_botseek function. Yes, this is the same problem found in misc.qc. But this is different. Why? Because I don't have a copy of the original botgoal.qc file used by Steven Polge. So now, what do you do? Well, I was lucky. Decker in rec.games.computer.quake.quake-c newsgroup said that a decompiler provided this bit of code: self.search_time = time; So insert the above missing lines of code in between the braces. Save the changes made to botgoal.qc. 12) now zip up all the *.qc files and progs.src. You now have a compilable reaperbot source code. Compile it by typing "proqcc" at the DOS prompt and enjoy. 13) In preparation for your next lesson, create a file called func.qc. This file will contain a list of function prototypes. 14) Open progs.src, and insert "func.qc" AFTER defs.qc. 15) Open buttons.qc. Search the entire file for function prototypes of functions used by the reaperbot. You should find one prototype in this file. It is "void(entity bot) bot_triggered;". 16) open func.qc. a) add the following: /* Begin code */ // found in buttons.qc void(entity bot) bot_triggered; /* End code */ b) save changes made to func.qc. 17) open client.qc. Search entire file for function prototypes of functions used by the reaperbot. I found nine. You are going to move these function prototypes to func.qc just like you did with the prototype found in buttons.qc. 18) open func.qc. a) add the following: /* Begin code*/ // found in client.qc void(entity killer, entity killed) countkill; void() initscore; void(entity ply, float n) removeTeamBots; void(entity ply, float n) addTeamBots; void(entity e, float newskin) skinChange; void() NewCarriedPath; void() initBotLevel; float() CheckDropPath; void() DropBotPath; /* End code */ b) save changes made to func.qc. 19) Continue the search for other function prototypes in EVERY file. 20) open func.qc. a) add the following: /* Begin code */ // found in combat.qc float() BotFoundTarget; void(entity en2) secondEnemy; void() endEnemy; // found in doors.qc void() bot_touched; void() enemy_touched; // found in items.qc void(entity node, entity targ, float len, entity item) cacheRoute; void() bot_toucheditem; // found in triggers.qc void(entity a, entity b) addTarget; // found in weapons.qc vector() botaim; void() botImpulseCommand; // found in world.qc void () setBotGravity; /* End code */ b) save changes made to func.qc. 21) Compile and enjoy. 22) I already outlined the problems that ProQCC had in decompiling certain function prototypes but I haven't gone over any problems it may have for function definitions. open botmove.qc. In the Bot_tryjump function definition, you have the following: float /* Warning: Could not determine return type */ (float vz, float dist, float imagine) Bot_tryjump = { Notice the warning in between the comments. (In QuakeC you can insert any statements between the "/*" and "*/". The compiler will ignore every line between the "/*" and the "*/".) The decompiler had problems trying to determine what type of value the Bot_tryjump function returns. It guessed that the function returns a number (ie. a "float"). It guessed right. In fact, ProQCC made several such guesses throughout the source code. All of them happened to be correct. That is why I didn't go over this. So now I will. Suppose you are decompiling the Zeusbot or some other patch. Suppose the first line of the function definition look like this: float /* Warning: Could not determine return type */ (entity ent) ZEUS_StaticOrigin = { When you compile the source, you get an error somewhere saying something like "type mismatch for =" for a line code different from the line of code that the above line was taken. That is, the error didn't come from the above quoted code, the function definition above. The error was someplace else. The error came from something that look like this: entity_org = ZEUS_StaticOrigin (ent); Now let us forget for the moment, that the name of the variable "entity_org" makes it obvious that the function ZEUS_StaticOrigin returns a value that is a vector, not a float. How do you determine what value the function returns? You look into the ZEUS_StaticOrigin function itself and look for clues that tell you what its return type is. Well, in the return line of this particular function it uses the variables .absmin and .absmax. If you look in the defs.qc file for these two variables, you will discover that .absmin and .absmax are both VECTORS. So the ZEUS_StaticOrigin function returns a vector. To correct the error, simply change the first line of the function definition to this: vector(entity ent) ZEUS_StaticOrigin = { You will have to go through every "type mismatch" errors involving functions and correct the problem. Don't be surprised if more than one function has this problem. Alternatively, you can look through all the variable declarations and search for the variable "entity_org". In particular, you will be looking for either "local xxx entity_org" or "xxx entity_org" where xxx stands for float, vector, or entity. The variable type for "entity_org" will then be the return type for ZEUS_StaticOrigin. 23) In addition to the above decompiling problems, ProQCC also has problems with strings. In particular, those strings used in the sprint builtin function sometimes give ProQCC problems. In the decompiled code, you might find lines looking like the following: /* Begin code */ /* Warning: No local name with offset 15762 */ /* Warning: No local name with offset 15763 */ /* Warning: No local name with offset 15764 */ local "Maximum of 15 bots allowed!\n"; /* Warning: No local name with offset 15766 */ /* Warning: No local name with offset 15767 */ /* Warning: No local name with offset 15768 */ /* End code */ Simply delete all these lines. In particular, notice above that there is the line "local..." This line will cause problems in compiling. This has to be deleted before compiling. All the other lines are simply comments and will be ignored anyway. 24) This completes the lesson for decompiling the reaperbot patch. The lessons learned here can be applied to other patches as well. This assumes that the progs.dat for the patches were not scrambled. You will need to find an unscrambler before you decompile the progs.dat. I don't have an unscrambler. You are now finished with Part I, stay tuned for Part II. Each part builds on the knowledge gained from the previous part. So don't assume that other parts would be as detailed as this. See you next week.


    1) create the rpbot directory 2) create the src subdirectory under the rpbot directory 3) copy the reaperbot progs.dat and proqcc.exe into the src subdirectory 4) decompile the progs.dat by typing "proqcc -dec" 5) open up progs.src and change the line that says "./progs.dat" to "../progs.dat". 6) open up botit_th.qc. a) replace ".void() th_weight;" with ".float(entity e) th_weight;" b) replace ".void() th_cache;" with ".float(entity node, float len, entity item) th_cache;" 7) open up misc.qc a) insert "self.speed = 1000;" inside the IF block in the misc_fireball function definition 8) open up botgoal.qc a) search for the IF block that checks for goalentity being equal to botTarget in the ai_botseek function definition. b) insert "self.search_time = time;" inside this IF block 9) compile the code by typing "proqcc".

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