Tutorial *12*
I didnt have time to look too much at the source code yet, but here is a small one on increasing the maximum number of precached sounds, as well as a small related bugfix.
All changes are contained between



In CL_Parse.c


void CL_ParseStartSoundPacket(void)


    vec3_t  pos;

    int         channel, ent;

    int         sound_num;

    int         volume;

    int         field_mask;

    float       attenuation;

        int             i;

    field_mask = MSG_ReadByte();

    if (field_mask & SND_VOLUME)

                volume = MSG_ReadByte ();


                volume = DEFAULT_SOUND_PACKET_VOLUME;

    if (field_mask & SND_ATTENUATION)

                attenuation = MSG_ReadByte () / 64.0;


                attenuation = DEFAULT_SOUND_PACKET_ATTENUATION;

        channel = MSG_ReadShort ();

        sound_num = MSG_ReadByte ();

    //KS Increase max sounds

    if (field_mask & SND_OVERFLOW)

        sound_num += 256;//was 255

    if (field_mask & SND_OVERFLOW2)

        sound_num += 512;

    //KS This gets replace by the above code

    /*if (field_mask & SND_OVERFLOW)

        sound_num += 255;*/

    //END KS

        ent = channel >> 3;

        channel &= 7;

        if (ent > MAX_EDICTS)

                Host_Error ("CL_ParseStartSoundPacket: ent = %i", ent);

        for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)

                pos[i] = MSG_ReadCoord ();

    S_StartSound (ent, channel, cl.sound_precache[sound_num], pos, volume/255.0, attenuation);



In SV_Main.c


void SV_StartSound (edict_t *entity, int channel, char *sample, int volume,

    float attenuation)


    int         sound_num;

    int                 field_mask;

    int                 i;

        int                     ent;


        sizebuf_t   cm;

        byte            datagram_buf[MAX_DATAGRAM];

        client_t        *client;

        vec_t           distance;

        vec3_t          diff;

        cm.data = datagram_buf;

        cm.maxsize = sizeof(datagram_buf);

        cm.cursize = 0;


        if (strcmpi(sample,"misc/null.wav") == 0)





        if (volume < 0 || volume > 255)

                Sys_Error ("SV_StartSound: volume = %i", volume);

        if (attenuation < 0 || attenuation > 4)

                Sys_Error ("SV_StartSound: attenuation = %f", attenuation);

        if (channel < 0 || channel > 7)

                Sys_Error ("SV_StartSound: channel = %i", channel);

        if (sv.datagram.cursize > MAX_DATAGRAM-16)


// find precache number for sound

    for (sound_num=1 ; sound_num511)


                field_mask |= SND_OVERFLOW2;

                sound_num -= 512;


        if (sound_num>255)


                field_mask |= SND_OVERFLOW;

                sound_num -= 256;//KS Was 255


        //KS this code has been replaced by the above code.

        //BUG here! first, why set the SND_ATTENUATION bitflag

        //when it is supposed to be SND_OVERFLOW? Client checks for SND_OVERFLOW!!!

        //Second bug, its 256 that should be substracted, not 255. Same thing when adding

        //it back on client side

        /*if (sound_num>255)


                field_mask |= SND_ATTENUATION;

                sound_num -= 255;


        //END KS

#if RJNETa

        MSG_WriteByte (&cm, svc_sound);

        MSG_WriteByte (&cm, field_mask);

        if (field_mask & SND_VOLUME)

                MSG_WriteByte (&cm, volume);

        if (field_mask & SND_ATTENUATION)

                MSG_WriteByte (&cm, attenuation*64);

        MSG_WriteShort (&cm, channel);

        MSG_WriteByte (&cm, sound_num);

        for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)

                MSG_WriteCoord (&cm, entity->v.origin[i]+0.5*(entity->v.mins[i]+entity->v.maxs[i]));

        for (i=0, client = svs.clients ; iactive)



                diff[0] /= 2;

                diff[1] /= 2;

                diff[2] /= 2;


                distance = Length(diff);

                if (!sv_sound_distance.value || distance < sv_sound_distance.value)

                {       // rjr this gets put in a reliable packet - should be unreliable

                        SZ_Write (&client->message, cm.data, cm.cursize);




// directed messages go only to the entity the are targeted on

        MSG_WriteByte (&sv.datagram, svc_sound);

        MSG_WriteByte (&sv.datagram, field_mask);

        if (field_mask & SND_VOLUME)

                MSG_WriteByte (&sv.datagram, volume);

        if (field_mask & SND_ATTENUATION)

                MSG_WriteByte (&sv.datagram, attenuation*64);

        MSG_WriteShort (&sv.datagram, channel);

        MSG_WriteByte (&sv.datagram, sound_num);

        for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)

                MSG_WriteCoord (&sv.datagram, entity->v.origin[i]+0.5*(entity->v.mins[i]+entity->v.maxs[i]));




In Quakedefs.h


//KS change the MAX_SOUND define from 512 to 1024

#define MAX_SOUNDS              1024                    // Sent over the net as a byte

//#define MAX_SOUNDS              1024                    // Sent over the net as a byte



In Protocol.h


//KS increased max_sounds

//Just add the SND_OVERFLOW2 define after SND_OVERFLOW

// a sound with no channel is a local only sound

#define SND_VOLUME              (1<<0)          // a byte

#define SND_ATTENUATION (1<<1)          // a byte

#define SND_OVERFLOW    (1<<2)          // add 255 to snd num

#define SND_OVERFLOW2   (1<<3)          // add 512 to snd num

//gonna use the rest of the bits to pack the ent+channel


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