Tutorial *15*

Probably the easiest and shortest tutorial in history :)

This tutorial is for the ref_gl.dll

So... When i started up Quake2 the first time and started to play with the on-the-fly resolution switching, i noticed that when switching from fullscreen to window mode or between fullscreen modes, there was this empty window left in the Windows taskbar. And each time i did a resolution switch it left another window there. So now i figured i should fix this and... well... here it is :)

file: glw_imp.c
function: GLimp_Shutdown

find this piece of code

	if (glw_state.hWnd)


		DestroyWindow (	glw_state.hWnd );

		glw_state.hWnd = NULL;


all we need to do is add this

		ShowWindow (glw_state.hWnd, SW_HIDE);

before the DestroyWindow call to make it look like this

	if (glw_state.hWnd)


		ShowWindow (glw_state.hWnd, SW_HIDE);

		DestroyWindow (	glw_state.hWnd );

		glw_state.hWnd = NULL;


there we go... didnt i say it was the shortest tutorial in history :)

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