Tutorial *18*

I just love Q3's cvarlist... I can find any cvar I want by just guessing the name and applying it to a wildcard.... But what about Q2!? It just spews them forth which is fairly worthless unless you want to view a console log. Well, there's a solution!

First, you'll need wildcard matching in your source code. I dug up some GPL code by Florian Schintke. It's split in to 2 files. The first is wildcard.h, which contains the following code...


   Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Florian Schintke

   This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under

   the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free

   Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later


   This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT

   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or

   FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License

   for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License with

   the c2html, java2html, pas2html or perl2html source package as the

   file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,

   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA

   02111-1307, USA.




extern int wildcardfit (char *wildcard, char *test);

/* this function implements the UN*X wildcards and returns  */

/* 0  if *wildcard does not match *test                     */

/* 1  if *wildcard matches *test                            */


The second is wildcard.c, which contains this code:


   Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Florian Schintke

   This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under

   the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free

   Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later


   This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT

   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or

   FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License

   for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License with

   the c2html, java2html, pas2html or perl2html source package as the

   file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,

   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA

   02111-1307, USA.


/* Documenttitle and purpose:                                       */

/*   Implementation of the UN*X wildcards in C. So they are         */

/*   available in a portable way and can be used whereever          */

/*   needed.                                                        */

/*                                                                  */

/* Version:                                                         */

/*   1.2                                                            */

/*                                                                  */

/* Test cases:                                                      */

/*   Please look into the Shellscript testwildcards.main            */

/*                                                                  */

/* Author(s):                                                       */

/*   Florian Schintke (schintke@gmx.de)                             */

/*                                                                  */

/* Tester:                                                          */

/*   Florian Schintke (schintke@gmx.de)                             */

/*                                                                  */

/* Testing state:                                                   */

/*   tested with the atac tool                                      */

/*   Latest test state is documented in testwildcards.report        */

/*   The program that tested this functions is available as         */

/*   testwildcards.c                                                */

/*                                                                  */

/* Dates:                                                           */

/*   First editing: unknown, but before 04/02/1997                  */

/*   Last Change  : 04/07/2000                                      */

/*                                                                  */

/* Known Bugs:                                                      */

/*                                                                  */


#include "wildcards.h"

int set (char **wildcard, char **test);

/* Scans a set of characters and returns 0 if the set mismatches at this */

/* position in the teststring and 1 if it is matching                    */

/* wildcard is set to the closing ] and test is unmodified if mismatched */

/* and otherwise the char pointer is pointing to the next character      */

int asterisk (char **wildcard, char **test);

/* scans an asterisk */

int wildcardfit (char *wildcard, char *test)


   int fit = 1;

   for (; ('\000' != *wildcard) && (1 == fit) && ('\000' != *test); wildcard++)


       switch (*wildcard)


         case '[':

  wildcard++; /* leave out the opening square bracket */

           fit = set (&wildcard, &test);

  /* we don't need to decrement the wildcard as in case */

  /* of asterisk because the closing ] is still there */


         case '?':



         case '*':

           fit = asterisk (&wildcard, &test);

  /* the asterisk was skipped by asterisk() but the loop will */

  /* increment by itself. So we have to decrement */




           fit = (int) (*wildcard == *test);




   while ((*wildcard == '*') && (1 == fit))

     /* here the teststring is empty otherwise you cannot */

     /* leave the previous loop */


   return (int) ((1 == fit) && ('\0' == *test) && ('\0' == *wildcard));


int set (char **wildcard, char **test)


   int fit = 0;

   int negation = 0;

   int at_beginning = 1;

   if ('!' == **wildcard)


       negation = 1;



   while ((']' != **wildcard) || (1 == at_beginning))


       if (0 == fit)


           if (('-' == **wildcard)

               && ((*(*wildcard - 1)) < (*(*wildcard + 1)))

               && (']' != *(*wildcard + 1))

      && (0 == at_beginning))


               if (((**test) >= (*(*wildcard - 1)))

                   && ((**test) <= (*(*wildcard + 1))))


                   fit = 1;




           else if ((**wildcard) == (**test))


               fit = 1;




       at_beginning = 0;


   if (1 == negation)

     /* change from zero to one and vice versa */

     fit = 1 - fit;

   if (1 == fit)


   return (fit);


int asterisk (char **wildcard, char **test)


   /* Warning: uses multiple returns */

   int fit = 1;

   /* erase the leading asterisk */


   while (('\000' != (**test))

&& (('?' == **wildcard)

     || ('*' == **wildcard)))


       if ('?' == **wildcard)




   /* Now it could be that test is empty and wildcard contains */

   /* aterisks. Then we delete them to get a proper state */

   while ('*' == (**wildcard))


   if (('\0' == (**test)) && ('\0' != (**wildcard)))

     return (fit = 0);

   if (('\0' == (**test)) && ('\0' == (**wildcard)))

     return (fit = 1);



       /* Neither test nor wildcard are empty!          */

       /* the first character of wildcard isn't in [*?] */

       if (0 == wildcardfit(*wildcard, (*test)))





      /* skip as much characters as possible in the teststring */

      /* stop if a character match occurs */

      while (((**wildcard) != (**test))

     && ('['  != (**wildcard))

     && ('\0' != (**test)))



  while ((('\0' != **test))?

(0 == wildcardfit (*wildcard, (*test)))

: (0 != (fit = 0)));


       if (('\0' == **test) && ('\0' == **wildcard))

fit = 1;

       return (fit);



Now that wildcard matching works, open cvar.c. Add to the top of the file:

#include "wildcard.h"

Now, replace the entire Cvar_List_f function with this:






void Cvar_List_f (void)


cvar_t *var;

int i,j,c;

char *wc;

// RIOT - Quake 3-style cvarlist

c = Cmd_Argc();

if(c != 1 && c != 2)


Com_Printf ("usage: cvarlist [wildcard]\n");



if(c == 2)

wc = Cmd_Argv(1);


wc = "*";

i = 0;


for (var = cvar_vars ; var ; var = var->next, i++)


if(wildcardfit(wc, var->name))



if (var->flags & CVAR_ARCHIVE)

Com_Printf ("*");


Com_Printf (" ");

if (var->flags & CVAR_USERINFO)

Com_Printf ("U");


Com_Printf (" ");

if (var->flags & CVAR_SERVERINFO)

Com_Printf ("S");


Com_Printf (" ");

if (var->flags & CVAR_NOSET)

Com_Printf ("-");

else if (var->flags & CVAR_LATCH)

Com_Printf ("L");


Com_Printf (" ");

Com_Printf (" %s \"%s\"\n", var->name, var->string);



Com_Printf ("%i cvars %i matching\n", i, j);


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