Tutorial *64*
This tutorial will fix a small bug in the reaper bot that doesn't allow the bot to use Wind Tunnels properly.

open up triggers.qc and go to the function called trigger_push_touch. Scroll down till you see something like :
if ( ((self.movedir_x < 0.100) && (self.movedir_y < 0.100)) ) {

	other.velocity_x = ((other.velocity_x + (80.000 * random ())) - 40.000);

	other.velocity_y = ((other.velocity_y + (80.000 * random ())) - 40.000);


Change this into :
if ( ((self.movedir_x < 0.100) && (self.movedir_y < 0.100)) ) {

	other.flags = other.flags - (other.flags & FL_ONGROUND);

	other.velocity_x = ((other.velocity_x + (80.000 * random ())) - 40.000);

	other.velocity_y = ((other.velocity_y + (80.000 * random ())) - 40.000);


There you have it ! The reaper bot now can go on wind tunnels.

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