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Site looks good! One suggestion for the forums
ArrCeePostDecember 20, 2017, 20:21
Posts: 6
December 21, 2017, 01:11
Hot topicSite looks good! One suggestion for the forums

Hey Gypsy, the site looks good and organized! I do have one suggestion though. As far as the forums go, I think it might be a good idea to not have so many sub forums within each forum. I could be wrong, maybe people want that, but it comes off as a little overwhelming seeing that many options to post.

Just a thought!

OneMadGypsyPostDecember 20, 2017, 20:57
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Hot topicReply To: Site looks good! One suggestion for the forums

Heeey @Arrrcee! Thanks for joining brother. I agree with you about the subforum part and I have gone back and forth on what the best way to go about it is. For now, I'm going to leave it as it is. Every forum has the same 4 sub-categories. I'm hoping people will get used to it. I just want things to be really organized. That's actually the theme here ~ Ultimate Organization. That being said, I have something to tell you but it has nothing to do with this topic so, I will PM you.

OneMadGypsyPostDecember 20, 2017, 22:31
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Hot topicReply To: Site looks good! One suggestion for the forums

Well, I thought about it and decided to take your advice. I stripped "small talk" and "questions" from all the main forum categories. I'm not sure how that's going to work out though. Let's assume that someone had a question about code that has nothing to do with a project or tutorial...where do they post that question? I'll worry about it as it happens. I did not delete the subcategories. I just hid them. I can always unhide specific ones as needed.

OneMadGypsyPostDecember 21, 2017, 02:06
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Hot topicReply To: Site looks good! One suggestion for the forums

I couldn't get over it seeming like the forums were only sub-forumed for people with either a project or tutorial so, I put small-talk back. I think I am going to rename small-talk to something else that implies it is for everything that is not either a project or tutorial. I hate doing this part. It is a lot of work, I also just realized that categories are being indexed by search engines. This is not at all desirable. I need to go write some rules that stop search engines from doing that.

OneMadGypsyPostDecember 21, 2017, 02:34
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Hot topicReply To: Site looks good! One suggestion for the forums

Well, how about now? I changed "Small Talk" to "Casual" (which hopefully indicates that it is for anything that is not a project or tutorial) and I added a wider margin between the sub-forum listings so it hopefully wont seem so dense. If anybody has any other suggestions I am definitely open to them. The problem with the forum is it is not designed in a table, or at least not entirely. A lot of the information is "free-range" so it sort of just gets aligned one way or the other and there isn't much more I can do with it. I could line all the subforums up under the main forum heading but, I actually undid that (that's how it originally came) because it was making the forum listing really long with a lot of empty space within it's display. Actually the original forum had a whole lot of really stupid information being displayed. I spent a decent amount of time in the stylesheet suppressing a bunch of it. It's all still there, you just can't see it.

Anyway, I'm not doing anymore to the forum display til someone gives me a decent reason why it is still not good enough.

GuestPostDecember 21, 2017, 11:56
Posts: 7

Hot topicReply To: Site looks good! One suggestion for the forums

I agree with Arrcee :) (two clicks is the max to feel it good IMO) also a preview and title of last topic can be really nice.
I reallly like the aesthetic of this page.

OneMadGypsyPostDecember 21, 2017, 12:17
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Hot topicReply To: Site looks good! One suggestion for the forums

Nahuel! Welcome aboard, brother!

@title and preview - hmmm. OK, give me some time. I'll make that happen. I've been awake for almost 3 days so give me a little time. I need sleep.

I'm really digging it that every new user is one of my favoritest peoples.

@page aesthetic - Thank you! I worked so hard on all of this. Endless nights. Days and days of no sleep, toiling over thousands and thousands of lines of code. At one point I was like "Yeah!" and I think it was the very next day or so that I looked at it all and decided "No! Hell No! This is crap!". I don't know if you have ever looked at a week+ of work where you didn't even bother to sleep and decide that you are going to start completely over but, if you haven't...it's a terrible feeling. I believe most people would have given up at that point. I did not give up. You know what my driving force was? YOU! ALL OF YOU and more YOU's that haven't made it here yet...the entire quake community. We deserve better than a big white "F YOU" and zero attempt to fix broken links to all of our hard work. We deserve better than empty promises and excuses. We deserve better than the expectation that we will just accept whatever we get. I'm not accepting a fucking thing.

OneMadGypsyPostDecember 21, 2017, 19:31
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Hot topicReply To: Site looks good! One suggestion for the forums

@also a preview and title of last topic can be really nice.

We compromise - in order for me to do this I need to hack it into the source. The changes I made to the source so far do not change the functionality to that end. I am against making these kind of changes because then I open myself up to possible new problems. I removed the suppression of last post author so now you can see who made the last post. By clicking the freshness time above the avatar you will be redirected to the last post.

GuestPostDecember 26, 2017, 16:23
Posts: 15

Hot topicReply To: Site looks good! One suggestion for the forums

Thanks for all the hard work in this. Mobile seems to work well. Will post more feedback for you in the coming days.

OneMadGypsyPostDecember 26, 2017, 17:00
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Hot topicReply To: Site looks good! One suggestion for the forums

Thank you, David. Mobile is so/so. I need to get in the stylesheet and polish up a bunch of visual mobile issues. Maybe I will do that tonight.

OneMadGypsyPostDecember 27, 2017, 16:55
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Hot topicReply To: Site looks good! One suggestion for the forums

It may seem like nothing is happening here at the moment but, I am actually working on the SEO ATM. I have some other things to post but, they all need to be polished. I posted/made a lot of stuff that search engines essentially hate. I'm trying to go back and fix this stuff and then be a little more diligent about SEO for my future posts. Part of this also requires me to research best SEO practices. However, I will say that when I first started this my site was valued at $8.45 and now it is valued at $364.12 (as of last night). My goal is to get the value to $1000 by the end of the week. Upgrading the SEO score will go a long way in making this happen.

PhenomPostAugust 4, 2018, 01:50
Posts: 19
August 4, 2018, 05:19
Hot topicReply To: Site looks good! One suggestion for the forums

How am I this late to the party?

I do agree with arrrcee, I never was one for sub forums as it seems to make things pretty complex looking even if it's just an extension of a forum itself.

I say either way though. I feel like I've been so used to *Quake One's forum layout for so long that if any other forum structure is used I feel kind of lost, I've even structured some of my own forums on the Q1 forums, it's(it was) clean nice and to the point but change is good as long as it keeps the goal in focus.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 4, 2018, 02:03
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Hot topicReply To: Site looks good! One suggestion for the forums

I don't know how you are this late to the party cause, at one point I sent you a PM trying to straight up give you this site like 6 months ago.

@your signature

I'm assuming that is in reference to my QuakeOne post that described QuakeOne as unfinished, admin-abandoned and spam-ridden. I wasn't referring to you at all when I wrote that. Only one name crossed my mind and it starts with S and ends in olecord.

But on a side note: We don't have any spam, this place definitely isn't admin-abandoned and through the like 50 gabillion-zillion updates that have already happened not one thing has turned white/grey. Although, you might find some buried button or notification that never got restyled. If you do, screenshot it and I will fix it.

PhenomPostAugust 4, 2018, 02:24
Posts: 19
August 4, 2018, 05:19
Hot topicReply To: Site looks good! One suggestion for the forums

Oddly enough, I both remember and don't remember that. It must have been one of those moments where I was starting a new project (or many) and set it on the back burner "momentarily" and left it there for to long lol.

I like the openness of the site, the rules are fair and basic and creative for the most part, I plan on posting some project work here eventually once I get to a point where I'm showing off more than a broken techdemo.

Also it's great to see creator's here, I see a lot of people who've created some awesome stuff! Keep it up gang!

I bookmarked this place so I'll be checking in a lot more often! :)

PhenomPostAugust 4, 2018, 02:38
Posts: 19
August 4, 2018, 05:19
Hot topicReply To: Site looks good! One suggestion for the forums

Noway, I know the forum admins that were active (me?) did just about everything we(I) could but it's like being the driver of a car... if the maker of the road stops maintaining and building the road the driver finds better roads to get to where they want to go, unless you live in a 1 street town then you toss back a case, pick up a dart and throw it at your map to pick a new destination... driving down that lonely unfinished dirt road is to hard on the feelings I had for that place.

I sank so much time and money on that community through servers, maintaining BS, keeping clan battles active for as long as I could but in the end, a fish rots from the head down. I'd have gladly taken over the site (Q1) at that point and brought it back to it's pinnacle (at least site'wise) even if it meant doing website brain surgery which I spent from 2006 to 2017 doing just that almost on a daily basis but in the end, Solecord became unresponsive and when he did come back it felt like he wasn't interested in anything the site had to offer.

Though spam is hell for webmasters and can lead to websites becoming abandoned it doesn't make sense to just throw away a community like he had. It was an oldschool mixed with newschool community and he just let the weeds grow taller and taller. Sure the admins could have done our jobs fighting forum spam but in the end, we're just admins, if the spam continues to be that big of an issue the website admin needs to implement better spam fighting tools so administrating the forums doesn't feel like a 9-5 with $0 pay. It's a very dark day in the Q1 forums.

He could have at least tweaked the theme's CSS to match the old Q1.com colors, common!

give you this site like 6 months ago.

@your signature

I’m assuming that is in reference to my QuakeOne post that described QuakeOne as unfinished, admin-abandoned and spam-ridden. I wasn’t referring to you at all when I wrote that. Only one name crossed my mind and it starts with S and ends in olecord.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 4, 2018, 02:50
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Hot topicReply To: Site looks good! One suggestion for the forums

[quote quote=4326]even if it meant doing website brain surgery

You know I would have helped you. I would hope you know I definitely could have helped you. This site is a complete CSS rewrite. It originally came looking like this. But I could have helped with way more than CSS. I could have handled PHP, JS, SQL, HTML, .htaccess ...whatever we needed.

unrelated: I just realized we have a pretty cool feature. You can hilight only the part of a text that you want to quote and then hit the quote button, and it will only grab what was selected for the quote.

PhenomPostAugust 4, 2018, 02:55
Posts: 19
August 4, 2018, 05:19
Hot topicReply To: Site looks good! One suggestion for the forums

I don't think "quotes are working for me? Might be just Chrome?

did we highjack arrrcee's post? lol sorry!

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