Posted on December 19th, 2009 | Last modified on February 5th, 2023
An add-on is often considered an extension that can be used to modify the behavior of existing features to the application or add entirely new features.
A mod or modification is a term generally applied to PC games. Mods are made by the general public or a developer, and can be entirely new games in themselves, but mods are not standalone software and require the user to have the original release in order to run. They can include new items, weapons, characters, enemies, models, textures, levels, story lines, music, and game modes. They also usually take place in unique locations. They can be single-player or multiplayer. Mods that add new content to the underlying game are often called partial conversions, while mods that create an entirely new game are called total conversions and mods that fix bugs are called unofficial patches.
Source: Wikipedia
The following is a list of modifications and add-ons for Quake 1. All files have been repacked to either include the latest patch, or for better compression. Their behaviour has not been modified, and original properties have been retained.
February 5, 2023
“After the Fall” is a Quake 1 total conversion setting the player in a future universe. 16 Huge Levels! Over 100 New Models! Hundreds of New Sounds! All New Textures! Features that Quake 2 doesn’t even have! 29/12/98 8:32 GMTThe original ATF team would like to thank all the people who have continued to enjoy
February 5, 2023
Black Ops is meant to be a realistic small-arms combat simulation while still remaining fun. Basically all the weapons are realistic, and based on real guns, and do realistic damage.
February 5, 2023
Hunt or be Hunted is an experimental dissimilar teams Soft Elimination teamplay game. Like Clan Arena, two teams try to eliminate the other, eliminating the individual players of each. Unlike Clan Arena eliminated players are not removed from the game. Instead, eliminated players are respawned as a weaker Grunt or Broodling class. Eliminated players can
February 5, 2023
QuakeC physics-library for use in DarkPlaces powered mods and games. Currently capable of creating simple rigid objects, such as crates, barrels, hanging/dangling objects. Imagine a stick. Toss the stick, and it’ll bounce around happily until laying down flat to the ground. Now imagine three sticks, stuck together forming a triangle. This acts very much the
February 5, 2023
Sagdoll is a simulation of a “ragdollesque” effect in the Quake engine. This does not use proper physics, and so is not a proper Ragdoll system. I’ve done my best within the limits of QuakeC to produce something that looks a bit like Ragdoll. Besides, Sagdoll has the advantage of allowing dismemberment, something Ragdoll with
February 5, 2023
Custom entities code for Quake 1.
February 5, 2023
This CTF pack contains CTF locs, 24 bit flags and runes, CTF sounds and grappling hook tutorial.
February 5, 2023
Most of what I’ve done is simply an enhancement of what somebody else already created. To locate the modified areas of the .qc files, simply do a text search on the appropriate word in those files. If you have any questions, feel free to email me.
February 5, 2023
This is a PAK file with new weapons, new weapon effects and new sounds. From the original readme.txt file: “Thanks for downloadin The 5th Element PC DM mod. I know this isn’t what you were expecting but something big came up, I’m moving to the West Coast and won’t have the resources to finish the
February 5, 2023
I noticed quite a few aircraft-type addons popping up here and there, many of them (according to deacc) were using large portions of the original acbeta source. Back then I was still working on the aircraft, so I didn’t consider a source release. (I feel sorry for those poor guys that were modifying the original
February 5, 2023
No description provided by readme file. Proximity mines, laser sight, chasecam, silenced weapons, new enemy sounds, new weapons, enemies, player models and more.
February 5, 2023
Moonlight is a new environment for Quake that mixes a new map and a pack of new original sounds created for the event. In Moonlight you can play deathmatch running inside nocturnal rooms and corridors, or you can try to find the golden key in single player mode.
February 5, 2023
This is a “total conversion” with players replaced by fighter planes and other military vehicles, and monsters replaced by similar vehicles or ground artillery. Since this also means all the maps need to be done specifically for AirQuake, it is a very total conversion indeed. This is not trying to be a hard-core realistic simulator,
February 5, 2023
This is a patch for a quake server (not QuakeWorld). It contains the following upgrades: admin – remote administration: allows level changes, kicking players, environment changes, etc. burn – burning: sets people on fire if hurt a lot. ctf – capture the flag: a cut down version of threewave’s ctf, plays ctf on normal levels,
February 5, 2023
Designed for fast-paced cooperative play, also featuring monsters in deathmatch mode, and (obviously) Frikbot X, Qoetia b4 picks up where SuperCoop b3 left off.
February 5, 2023
“My Clan and I were working on a huge movie, but as of the release of Quake 2, we just drifted away from Quake 1 and now cannot be bothered working on the movie anymore, as Quake 2 is far superior to it’s prequel. This archive contains all the files for sATaN’s BoX of FuN,
February 5, 2023
This mod includes a sentry gun as a singleplayer enemy. When making your map, add an entity called “monster_sentrygun” and place it anywhere you want in the map. The sentry gun comes in three different types: Light Sentry Gun:This one starts with 100 health, it’s single-barrel and has a slow fire rate. Medium Sentry Gun:Starts
February 5, 2023
The new “Southpark” PC is the second in the series of PC’s FOR quake, From TC Central98 with loads of new options and features, just download and enjoy!
February 5, 2023
Designed for fast-paced cooperative play, also featuring monsters in deathmatch mode, and (obviously) Frikbot X. WARNING! This patch does not contain invisible exploding dogs. If you see one please report the matter to a psychiatric profesional.
February 5, 2023
Single Player Play as normal when u start you’ll have a blank cam view, this is your weapon select screen left mouse click to cycle though the weapons and right to select.If u want to select a new weapon press enter. Hints – Burst firing will help your accuracy BIG TIME.Crouching help accuracy as well,
February 5, 2023
You are a soldier of the dreaded glais army… a bad soldier… you are not strong enough and too intelligent for their dumb army. You made several missions, enough missions to build a graveyard. Since you are a killing machine but aren’t the perfect soldier, THEY decided to enroll you in the steroid juggernaut program.
February 5, 2023
SKILL: The skill setting makes a big difference in coop/single! All monster hit points and xp values are adjusted based on the skill setting. BETA: Wheel of Time Quake is still in Beta testing! This means more than just the fact that not all the bugs have been worked out. There are a lot of
February 5, 2023
It’s Quake deathmatching, but enhanced. You might have seen the runes in CTF. I think they’re a kick ass idea. I also play on an awesome multi-mod server written almost entirely by The Red Knight called SUPER_MODS! It also has some runes, but a few more, and more interesting ones. Well, I thought, what if
February 5, 2023
American Gothic patch for Quake. Play at being Lucus Buck – watch out for Caleb, though. Sounds and skins modifications. Fave sample: “some day we’ll make that hate work for you” – player to dead shambler.
February 5, 2023
Quake maps and custom maps in general tend to be too tight for experiencing all the cool stunts than can be achieved with the Swinging Hook. For this reason Airtime Quake exists. This conversion puts your air maneuvering skills to the test. Watch the demo to see a sample of what’s possible.
February 5, 2023
Alien Quake projects has been discontinued. Quote from The Alien Quake project has been discontinued by 20th Century Fox. I received an email on April 11th, 1997, from a 20th Century Fox representative that ordered us to cease all activity. The Alien Quake project was using copyrighted material without permission and this makes Alien
February 5, 2023
This is a Partial conversion of quake, since we just started working on the project we only have 4 models, 2 sets of sounds, and 1 map. By our next version we will have more maps, more models, and possibly some cool new functions.
February 5, 2023
Some years ago, when Abyss of Pandemonium was finally out of contract and released for free, the single player levels were taken out and that version became 2.0, the deathmatch version… Today, the old Lady Abyss is back. The 2 single player episodes (11 maps) are restored and repak’d, with small improvements and fixes, to
February 5, 2023
This is a DM mod. Reloading, bandaging, item dropping and more.
February 5, 2023
Armored Death is the name for the future war machines – humans clad in Power Battle Suits. These noble warriors are fighting against the black hordes of Chaos, Scaven (Ratmen), Space Orks and Space Pirates. You are a member of Strike Force Nova. Briefing starts at 10:15, don’t be late!
February 5, 2023
This is a major revision of the Quake game. It replaces BOTH nailguns with automatics and replaces the rocket launcher with a 20 millimeter slug gun. 2 shots or less should kill any player (3 shots kill a shambler). I replaced the Scrags with Hoverjets (mdl “borrowed” from ACbeta).
February 5, 2023
This is a very, very, very early version of what is going to be a total conversion We just want to get this out it adds 4 new weapons which take the place of the 4 weapons from shotgun to supernailgun. It is still very buggy but is fun overall. The soldiers have a new
February 5, 2023
A Quake total conversion level with SexDroids, BiteMes and some new textures by the author of sexdroid.
February 5, 2023
This mod features basically new sounds, and an intense map (bulka.bsp) I made with Worldcraft. Included is the readme from Warbots v2.0, so you can assign all aliases, etc … Also my config is here too (bulka.cfg).
February 5, 2023
Well, the basic idea is that your planet was taken over by Cyborgs. You are the only one left, so it’s time to kick ass. This is the first release. It is also the most complete tc beta ever made. (note: NOTHING TO DO WITH STAR TREK… kinda…)
February 5, 2023
For the past year and a half you haven’t gotten one good night of sleep. You are still worried about the evil forces of Space and Hell. You know that it was much too easy to defeat them, and you worry about the fate of Earth and the galaxy. Will you be able to defeat
February 5, 2023
A very festive add-on, guess what it is!
February 5, 2023
This is a graphics and sounds (including model skins) modification.
February 5, 2023
So, like, some hosers started coming through this dimensional gate, eh? And so you’ve decided that you’re gonna teach those communist buttheads a thing or two about tryin’ to steal your beer. So grab a shotgun and tell ’em to take off, eh? A stupid patch by Mike Gibby.
February 5, 2023
Carnage is a Quake Deathmatch Pack created by The Black Star Coven. This version features 3 maps and 1 patch, none of which you will find anywhere else… All maps can be played with or without the patch. You can even use them with your own patches.
February 5, 2023
Play a robot destroying other robots. You get a rapid fire perforator-like weapon that can be modified to shoot any type of ammo. You have 500 health, and your weapons are also 5 times as powerful, but your enemies are 5 times as powerful too. The shambler robots are extra big (we privately refer to
February 5, 2023
QTest1 total conversion. A nostalgic trip back for those of us who played back in the days of qtest1.
February 5, 2023
Ever wanted your favorite C&C weaponry in Quake? Wanted to use those great Sniper Rifles and .45 pistols? Now is your chance. You get the weaponry from several different C&C units.
February 5, 2023
Partial Conversion/Compilation. Features: Land mines, brain freeze, detonation pack and pipebombs. Giant spider, drone, snakeman, goblin, lava fiend, cyber chick, bazooka babe, soldier and angel fish. Combat knife, laser pistol, laser rifle, 12 gauge, plasma gun, destroyer and bazooka. udrsiege.bsp, avgfort.bsp, lbases2.bsp, 2yards.bsp, lbases.bsp, volcano.bsp, fva.bsp and lodge.bsp.
February 5, 2023
A QuakeWorld Deathmatch Expansion Features: Bort’s Swinging Grapple Hook – Bind a key to +hook and go! The Soul Swapper! Uses gibbed heads for ammo. Pick up a head, switch to the soul swapper (impulse 20), and go get that guy with the pent! Weapons and items that respawn depending upon the number of connected
February 5, 2023
This is a Total Conversion for Quake, based in a famous japanese anime. You will be able to take the role of one of the 3 main characters of the anime, each one with his own different powers, strenghts and weaknesses. You will be able to fly (In a very realistic way), to increase your KI
February 5, 2023
Four species of the Doctor’s most well known enemies team up (rather improbably) In this Quake conversion. You find yourself on board a freighter, locked in a small anti-room just off the main control centre (as happens in all good Doctor Who stories). The door is guarded by two cybermen, but you suspect that deeper
February 5, 2023
Single player level(s) for Quake with QC modifications. Whoah, a lot of maps this time. Play them and enjoy them. You get some custom code with this one too! Yay! Mostly bits cut’n’pasted from the Hipnotic mission pack source, and also some stuff I made myself. (Made myself meaning copying a couple of lines of
February 5, 2023
Features: Incredible new weapons, amazing new enemies, with a new look, new deathmatch features, and more! 5 days ago, a single soldier entered Quake’s vast dimensions, and tried to bring it all down by himself. He failed. HQ, recognizing that the stealthy approach employed by this soldier was correct, decided to send in another. You.
February 5, 2023
Well after much pain and struggling this was all we got done, most all the characters are completed,with exception of the three DMC “boss” guys. There are some monsters and stuff throughout the maps, all in all before the work on the mods died off it was turning into a faily decent mod. Oh well,
February 5, 2023
A Quake conversion level with naked gurlz, killer toilets, violent hallucinations, da man and viagra.
February 5, 2023
With the formation of this clan (Dark Souls), we also started construction of a deathmatch patch for Quake. We combined some of the most popular elements of other Quake patches such footsteps and added some weapons to spice it up (elephant rifle). Custom levels were build designed with this patch and it’s abilities in mind.
February 5, 2023
Beyond Belief Part I – The Unholy Alliance This is a new episode for Quake. It features 8 excellent new single-player levels, a new start map, a few new textures… All levels can be played in co-op mode and do also support DM. BossQC is a modification of Quake’s monster Chthon. It modifies Chthon so
February 5, 2023
The basic aim in powerball is to grab the ball and run for your nearest exit. There are two distinctly different types of Powerball games: Non-Teamplay Powerball is played on the original Quake maps. This type of mode is a kind of free for all. The player1 start point is where the ball starts. Players start at the deathmatch
February 5, 2023
Well, I always liked to tweak games a little to make them just a bit more to my taste.Quake came along, I started messing around with it editing some sounds here and there and editing the player model a bit just to make it look a bit better. And basically, this is the result. Deathmatch
February 5, 2023
New maps, runes, weapons and powerups.
February 5, 2023
Adds 10 different player classes to the game. Play as a Marine or a Sniper, a Mage or a Knight, an Enforcer or Shalrath, and more! And more will be included as I get time. Supports single player, coop, deathmatch, king of the hill, andctf game modes. Also has some different monster skins + abilities and changed powerups.
February 5, 2023
This conversion brings back the good old days with the Doom2 weapons. I left out the fist because it sucked. You now start with 50 nails for the pistol, chainsaw,and no shells for the super + normal shotgun. All quake weapons have been replaced, except for tge Thunderbolt, which isn’t bound to any impulse, but
February 5, 2023
Once World is a Quake1 mod. Not sure about a description or the features, I just decided to post the holding page here. I’ll soon post updates. Changelog = 0.1dev = Started the Once World project with a skeleton directory structure, a map in progress and some QC work.
February 5, 2023
Don’t know what it is. Maybe I’ll find out upon testing.
February 5, 2023
I’ve gone on vacation, however my butler says a new breed of creatures have ‘visited’ while I was away. I haven’t heard from him lately so I fear the worst. I have hired an exterminator (you) to check things out and clean out the infestation of the lodge and surrounding grounds. I’ve left a bunch
February 5, 2023
What the hell is duke nukem doing in quake? Well to make a short story long, When duke returned from penthouse paradise (the place he spent his vacation after defeating the big bad alien) he decided, it was time for some more action, so he went looking. After a couple of days looking and 667
February 5, 2023
This zip file includes a preliminary release of the EarthQuake TC. You will find new weapons, and some new functions that are not in normal Quake. The next version of the TC will include new maps and models. EarthQuakeThis zip file includes a preliminary release of the EarthQuake TC. You will find new weapons, and
February 5, 2023
The story starts in modern day, on a little island in the Mediterranean sea. A terror from the mid-east, the Blue Turban Fascist, have devastated the Balkan countries with chemical warfare. The Blue Turbans finally attacked enough to secure a few bases, one mysteriously on that small island. Well, the US finally comes in, and
February 5, 2023
This is really a PARTIAL_CONVERSION of quake, ALL the monsters have been replaced and new functions have been added. This patch also allows you to see through walls, Get a wide angle view, light up the room (night vision) and get a JetPack.
February 5, 2023
What is Fantasy Quake, what is it about? Limitations of Notepad prevent even a slight hint as to the deep storyline of this fantastical realm of might, magic, and mayhem. Choose from among six player classes (as opposed to only 4 in Hexen2) and battle your way across the continent in search of the fabeled
February 5, 2023
Final Quake: Real will try to reach the most excellent piece of Death Match experience ever and with our very skilled crew and with the best game ever. We will make it, make the funniest, coolest, well programmed and well modeled add on to Quake I ever. Features: An unique Weapon system never before seen
February 5, 2023
This modification (or MOD) has several new weapons and monsters (and improvements to some of the old monsters) that help make Quake a little more fun. I also added support for most hipnotic and rogue level enhancements. There is however no support for the hipnotic and rogue monsters. This was meant to make single player quake more enjoyable.
February 5, 2023
Future vs. Fantasy Quake, FvF for short, is an add-on to Quake, a highly customizable game created by id Software. FvF exists as a data file that does not modify Quake’s original files so you don’t have to worry about it corrupting any of your original Quake saved games or original data files. FvF works
February 5, 2023
GL Mario Quake is a partial conversion of Quake. Basically its what happens when the quake guy retires from his job of hunting demons of death, then drinks too much beer! Heh, oh and this really should be only for GL quake (I truely feel sorry for anyone trying it with normal quake. The textures
February 5, 2023
This addon basically adds the original UR models made by Steki (except for the new wheels for the truck). I also added sound for the BMW and the Mini which I got from Ridah. Any one that has proper sounds for any of the other vehicles can e-mail them to me and I will try
February 5, 2023
The object of Happy Fun Quake is to collect as many happy smileys as you can. But first, you have to get the clowns to give them up–which they only do when they fall down. (Hint: The double-barrell shotgun is a really nice way to get them to fall down.) Watch out for the puppy
February 5, 2023
“Great,” you mutter to yourself, “assigned as a temporary attache to a health and safety inspector. What fun…” “At least I’ll have two men I know and trust to help me,” you add as you read over the orders. It seems that a nearby chemicals plant east of L.A. has had some mysteries arising around
February 5, 2023
A Partial Conversion for Quake.
February 5, 2023
Horroshow is a new style of DM play for Quake. Basically, one player is chosen to be the ‘Killer’. The other players become victims. The Killer has superior health and weapons and should be able to kill any victim in a one-on-one fight. Instead of being a game to see who can get the most
February 5, 2023
Freeware Total Conversion of the 3D Game Quake In my plans “Human Decision Required” is meant as a very philological Total Conversion Project of the new generation 3D games (currently Quake by iD Software Inc., but in the future there could be a development for Quake 2, Hexen II or Unreal when available). This project
February 5, 2023
Just some junk I made and decided to call a TC. NOTE: I do not have permission to use all the models I in this TC. They are all free, but not for use in a TC. I will remove them, or get permission before the final version.
February 5, 2023
Loosely based on the movies to which it borrows it’s name, in this mod, one player is chosen to be “Jaws”, all other players are pretty helpless humans. Should any of the humans make it to the shore, they respawn and becomes Jaws. Being Jaws is very desirable since you can earn a lot of
February 5, 2023
A Modification with Levels for Quake Features Shotgun and Super Shotgun – Are 10% more powerful than standard for better balance. Weld Gun – Modified nail gun – your target will catch on fire. I modified this from the original model to be a little less lethal. If you have full health, you will survive
February 5, 2023
Tricks Midair tricks: hold a combination and press fire to bust the trick. you can bust more than one trick in one jump. Grind tricks: hold a combination while you land on a reel or a curb. You need to jump off the reel if you don’t want to fall after a grind.
February 5, 2023
Love Quake? Love Tomb Raider? Now you can have both at once. Lara Croft finds herself in the world of Quake! Can she handle it? – It’s up to you! Press “v” to activate the chasecamPress “b” to toggle view modes (strafing & normal)
February 5, 2023
The reason why Navy Seals 2.2 couldn’t run in 3DFX’s openGL drivers, was that the people who took over the Ns TC, after Goosemann, fucked up the new models, mp5-sd, barret, m16-raw. So we tested the witch models that was bugging and killed em. Then we change some of the models and it worked. Changes:
February 5, 2023
IKBase themed Single Player episode. Key 1: Cycles between the Axe and ChainsawKey 2: Cycles between the Shotgun and Riot ControllerKey 3: Switches between the rapid-fire and charge modes of the Antimatter Cannon. In charge mode, hold the fire button down to wind the thing up. Release to actually shoot. WARNING: Overcharging causes the gun
February 5, 2023
Features: Totally new approach to Quake single player Maps and QC innovatively intertwined Cinematic Style New weapons and monster behavior Induces a high not unlike heroin Nifty secret stuff people always figure out way too quick Have a kick ass time kicking the end boss’ ass (no pansy cop out ending here!) Design focus on
February 5, 2023
Single player mode. You should play these levels with hard skill, because it is more funny than the other skills. Has a dragon.
February 5, 2023
Features: Weapons: USMC Fighting Knife, damage based on your health so if your weak it takes longer to kill someone M9 pistol, 15rd clip, a good back up weapon. MP5, 30rd mag, very rapid fire and light weight but short range M16A2, fires either semi-auto or 3rd bursts, 30 rd mag M249 SAW, fires a
February 5, 2023
This is a small portion of my attempt at a partial conversion for Quake1. I don’t understand a single line of Q2 DLL. Plus a P75 can’t run Q2. This is based on the creatures in MicroProse’s Master of Magic.
February 5, 2023
This is a totally new monster, with new Qc, sounds, and models. It replaces the Hell Knight. Yes, it is a Medieval Hellspawn, like those of the Spawn comic book. Please use this with maps, and TC’s, but if you get “foxed”, its your ass, not ours.
February 5, 2023
New player skins, weapon modifications and new lmp’s.
February 5, 2023
This pak should have something for almost everyone. There are 9 maps, 2 new deathmatch modes, weapon modifications and even a brand new game “Stick Scavengers” The best thing about this pak is that it is highly configurable. If you don’t like the weapon mods don’t turn them on. If you don’t like the game
February 5, 2023
Nerf Quake (Beta) – A Total Conversion for Quake. Weapons: There are about 5 new weapons in Nerf Quake. They go from a Nerf Baton to a Flame Thrower. Included are RBTs. To throw one hit 6, to blow them all up hit 7. Tools: There are 2 tools in Nerf Quake. One the Flash
February 5, 2023
Features: Weapons: Ninja style weapons Punch Crossbow Katana Shuriken Heavy Bombs Caltrops More features: Climbing Hook Torch Invisibility Ultra Attack Teleporting Modified Player Mdl Ninja DM Level Speak (F2-F9) Many new sounds and mdls More blood Throw the Sword New powerup, Weapon speedup Lots of Ninja Style levels Play football with the heavy bombs! Deathmatch
February 5, 2023
This is my conversion for Quake, with new weapons, maps, and monsters. Weapons: 1- Chainsaw (good against zombies and ogres, finally a usuful number 1 weapon) 2- Shotgun (powerful and fast) the standart Quake’s shotgun is a shame! 3- Supershotgun (wow!! 2x more letal than the Quake’s supershotgun) 4- Sniper Rifle (mortal, but slow. Good
February 5, 2023
PainKeep is a DeathMatch-only “mission-pack” designed for use with registered Quake. PainKeep not only offers brand new weapons (with new pickup and view models), but also a new rich environment with tons of new sounds, new special effects, great new features, and lots of surprises. Every modification included is original. This is in no way
February 5, 2023
Paintball is an exciting multiplayer addon for Quake modelled after real Paintball (you know, the kind where you physically exert yourself). Almost everything about Quake play has been changed: There are new maps, models, sounds, and of course a different way of playing the game! This game is brought to you by the same people
February 5, 2023
A Quake patch to change the players into Power Rangers, included the Grenades 0.9 patch from Klaus.
February 5, 2023
This is my first attempt at an additional monster for Quake. The modification introduces a psionic slug monster into your original quake levels.
February 5, 2023
Briefly, this patch is a partial conversion in the same way as my Star Wars conversion. It replaces most of the Quake enemies with Pulp Fiction characters, complete with the appropriate sounds and a couple of new weapons throw in too.
February 5, 2023
Partial Conversion for Quake. 1) Monsters-Almost all the monsters have been “upgraded”, many of them have cyborg body parts-Dog : Metal head, 10x stronger, bites hurt more-Grunt : fires the supernailgun-Enforcer: same, but there’s 2 types now 1 fires my new fusion gun-Fish : same-Spawn : same-Knight : Looks like a storm trooper w/ a
February 5, 2023
Python Quake is Quake, but we’ve changed the sound effects and some of the graphics to make it funnier! The sound effects for the weapons, creatures, player and items have been taken from the popular television show “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” by the brilliant comedy group, Monty Python! The two graphic changes were added in
February 5, 2023
Quake Conversion – allows user to play four different characters in over-the-shoulder 3rd person view. Features 25+ weapons, five new enemies, and special maps customized for QuadQuake.
February 5, 2023
This little project spawned quite a while ago out of boredom and a keen appreciation of the classic arcade game ‘Arkanoid’. It is a very loose adaptation of the original, and was made just for kicks. It is not finished or polished, for it was not meant to be. We still think its nifty, and
February 5, 2023
The Obsidian Edition is simply a ‘multiplayer enhancement’, changing the gameplay of the game. Detail such as floating bodies, teleporters which teleport shots, a harpoon with cable-wrapping dynamics are added. Rules have been changed, along with most of the weapons. This patch is CTF compatible, so it WILL work with your basic Threewave-CTF levels. Since
February 5, 2023
From one of the creators of the Q2 Weapons Project, comes… Quake 1: Arena Go and research on the q3 weaponry. The levels included are some of Quake’s BEST ever.
February 5, 2023
This is demo version with one completed map. Mod needs full version of Quake. How to play: Unrar Alien.rar to your main Quake directory (e.g. quake/alien) Unrar Telejano to your Quake directory (telejano.exe must be on main folder of Quake) Type ‘quake/telejano -game alien +map demo +bpp32’ to begin. ONLY WITH TELEJANO 7.2 MOD WILL
February 5, 2023
Quake Battle Chess is a game based on the ancient game created in India. Much evolved since then, the game of chess has passed through the board and into a chip. Evolving once more, game of chess can be found in Quake. The game of chess has become a virtual battle experience. QBC allows the
February 5, 2023
To begin playing qbball once you have fired up quake, an MOTD will display the commands: blue-impulse 30 red-impulse 40 help-impulse 50 Pick a team by typing the correct impulse. The REFbot was designed for single players games of QBBall. It shoots powerful rockets and will hunt you down so you can not score.
February 5, 2023
This changes your character to Duke Nukem, and changes the sounds.
February 5, 2023
After defeating Quake’s minions of hell and rebuilding Earth, you retired from the military, content that you’d done your bit to save the planet. The last of the Slipgates were being closed up, and after all these years, you finally felt secure again. Naturally, the government couldn’t let something like the Slipgates just go to
February 5, 2023
Racing games have been among the most popular gaming genres since the early days of computer entertainment. From ‘Pole Position’ on the original Atari consoles right through to the state-of-art Sega arcade racers like ‘Scud Race’, gamers have been drawn to the adrenaline pumping exhileration proved by racing at break-neck speed where every split-second reaction
February 5, 2023
Bind a key to Impulse 25. (got to the console and type |bind *key* “impulse 25″|) Press that key to throw a block of c4. (or type impulse 25) C4 will explode in 5 seconds.
February 5, 2023
This modification turns the super shotgun into MY super shotgun. What this means is three things: There is no spread to the shot (the cluster is tight and concentrated, no matter the distance), the gun uses no ammo, and it’s fully automatic. It’s a killing machine, all right. With quad damage, this thing will explode
February 5, 2023
This mod consists of 4 single player maps, and some progs.dat modifications, such as grunts firing grenades, high speed dogs, and several map related modifications. Author is unknown.
February 5, 2023
Blue Hell single player level pack. “After you destroyed Shub. You look around you. You have saved the world. But for how long. You look at the ground below you and see a small blue Q. Could this be a sign. Nah. You take your axe and hack away at it. It moves into the
February 5, 2023
Blood Mage is a total conversion for Quake 1. As a BloodMage, you begin your quest with a Crimson Katana, a Staff of Regeneration, and a Triple Crossbow. You will find other, more powerful, weapons and offensive spells during your quest. “For centuries the Blood Mages walked the land building great cathedrals on places of
February 5, 2023
A Quake Single Player Mission Pack. “Eight months ago, a bloody, battered soldier stumbled through a slipgate early in the morning in the new Slipgate Complex. No one knew who he was and no one could communicate with him. For weeks and months, the doctors tried their hardest to restore him to a regular state.
February 5, 2023
This is a Quake 1 Single Player (Q1SP) and Cooperative episode. Each level is quite large, and custom content is featured. Therefore, to play this episode, a Custom Quake engine is REQUIRED: FitzQuake085 is recommended. aguirRe’s GlQuake, WinQuake or NehQuake Darkplaces (see Other engines are not officially supported, but may work. Use of -heapsize
February 5, 2023
A system for installing arbitrary new impulses and weapons modularly. Includes a sample replica of the nailgun, an ugly looking flame weapon and a lightning bolt like the wizard’s weapon in Hexen. Impulses as shipped are:
February 5, 2023
Not exactly sure what this mod does. I extracted the following text from the .pat file: “The next path spot to walk toward. If .enemy, ignore .movetarget. When an enemy is killed, the monster will try to return to it’s path.”
February 5, 2023
Quake:Da Bomb is a Quake modification for Quake deathmatches. Unlike normal Quake deathmatches which are free-for-all “fragfests”, the goal of Da Bomb is to blow-up an enemy team’s base heart by delivering a large bomb to their base. Da Bomb also adds new items, weapons, maps and interface modifications to normal Quake. The goal of
February 5, 2023
Welcome to Darsana! A standalone game in the works for the Darkplaces engine. Darsana is a combination of a fast paced first person shooter, and a simplified statistics system along with strategies that of an RPG. Darsana runs along the lines of a fantasy medieval time including magic, bows, medieval melee weapons, and more! You
February 5, 2023
Description: New mission pack for classic Quake with full single & multiplayer support. Story: Basically, Quake’s minions are back under the rule of the hideous Queen Vore. It is your job to stop them.
February 5, 2023
ALBA is an incomplete mod, I only have two modified maps.
February 5, 2023
From the readme.txt: “This mod was made by Adam Armstrong. Ian Lyman graciously contributed the voices. Many sounds and the majority of the textures were modified remenants of games from the late lamented Some guy had a text file on that gave a code example for making the fiends a touch more mobile
February 5, 2023
Gyro is a small physics library for QuakeC that helps enhance the physical propeties of your game world. With only a few lines of code, Gyro makes it easy to simulate thundering shockwaves, the firey thrust of a rocket or the unsteady buoyancy of a freshly hewn gib. Gyro runs transparently to the established think
February 5, 2023
The experimental AirFist has become a formidable defensive weapon in the fight against Quake. A compressed air weapon that sends almost anything it is aimed at flying. This weapon is also used to send incoming ordinance other than where it was originally intended. Although unofficial use, some in the field have become adept at using
February 5, 2023
Bombs9 is a fully networkable quakeC patch that enables 2 extra grenade launcher modes and 2 extra rocket launcher modes: a) Firewall – a grenade is released, after a few bounces it shoots up in the air and explodes releasing 10 more grenades that fall down to the ground and explode in midair creating a
February 5, 2023
Spikes now live on after they hit the walls. Some of them deflect and bounce all over the place. Some stick in the walls for a time before falling to the ground and disappearing. Grenades throw out some spikes when they blow up. This thing is a riot. Try it. Only the server needs run this.
February 5, 2023
Eternal War: Shadows of Light takes place in the suicidal mind of John Coronado a desperate teen ready to take desperate measures to escape his ‘personal hell’. You are Mike, a friend sent to help John out of his pain and struggles before time runs out. Travelling down the road of malice and destruction, Mike
February 5, 2023
“Extras” is a QuakeC mod that allows mappers to create more varied and interactive environments to (hopefully) bring something new to Quake without changing how the weapons and monsters work/behave. This was coded with the author’s mini-episode in mind, and version r4 marks the end of his “To Do” list. Sadly, his episode will not
February 5, 2023
Multisound Quake to Duke patch converter New stuff: Sound… to you (more then 8 sounds) and to some monsters (2 sounds) Menu sounds: Yes! There are 3 new menu sounds – 2 for single player and 1 new for the multiplayer option New level: Yes! But only a test mini level…
February 5, 2023
Quizard 3.0 is a Quake conversion that makes Quake look better, funnier, bloodier and much more… This conversion has 4 new monsters, including HOMER. The coolest monsters will also hunt your ass down in deathmatch. If you hate monsters in deathmatch then just go to monsterless levels. Check out the new weapons and weapon modes…
February 5, 2023
A partial conversion of quake, that places you as a soldier battling you way against raptors.
February 5, 2023
“Well What Shall I Say!! I Thought That Quake Was Getting To Easy So I Started A Little Project To Make It More Difficult. I Cant Remember All Of The Things I Have Put In This Little Mod. But Here Are Some Of It.. Well WEAPONS Are Something Almost EveryBody Likes So..– A New UZI
February 5, 2023
“I think this is the first mod I ever made that I was genuinely pleased with. It’s a unique weapon, with new graphics, and doesn’t upset the game’s weapon balance. Not much else to say about it, though, because it’s only one weapon.” “This gun fires a constant-spread of instant-hit pellets in front of you.
February 5, 2023
The Goblin City is a new scenario added to standard quake. It features a new monster (the Goblin), a new map (the City), a new weapon (the Bolt-launcher), and a kind-of new weapon (the Mace). The Goblin City plays just like any Quake map, except for the fact that a few things have been changed
February 5, 2023
This is NVS (NervaSystem), a Partial Conversion for Quake. New Monsters (4 news), New weapons (8 News), A Map for NVS and a New Design. Also, a new player, Slyde. We are in 2045, and computer dominate the world. You are Slyde, a Martian from Candhela, working for a company in Computer Research. You are
February 5, 2023
This is a recreation of the Starship Enterprise from Star Trek: The Next Generation! It utilises custom Quake-C code to provide turbolifts, Captains log entries and healing facilities in Sickbay.
February 5, 2023
A very neat feature in C&C : Red Alert if you play the Russian side is that, you can build MIGs and then call for an air strike upon enemy’s units and structures. An idea stuck me when I was playing C&C : RA the other day, that I could create an Air Strike patch
February 5, 2023
Alien Infestation, a 48 hour speedmod made on 2006-04-12 through 2006-04-14 by LordHavoc for the Quake Speed Modding event. This modification implements the 3 monster models (ballmech/clinger/young) supplied for the speedmod, and includes a singleplayer/deathmatch level (aimap1). The monsters also randomly replace grunts, ogres, scrags, and fiends in Quake.
February 5, 2023
Arcade mod for Quake – Quake Expo 2008 Demo This release contains: 2 singleplayer maps 2 deathmatch maps optional development pack no docs (yet, you can contact us for any questions however) Known bugs: something is not good balanced secrets count for Slipgate Halflex – 13, counter will show 15, wrong value music could be
February 5, 2023
This is Archery for Quake. You have a bow and 10 arrows, and must make the highest score you can. To shoot, hold down fire to build up power, then release. The longer you hold down, the faster the arrow will fly. As you hold down fire, you will zoom in slightly, and if you
February 5, 2023
Best of Void was written from scratch with gameplay, weapon balance, and ease of use in mind. The sheer variety of Best Void is its strength. It caters to an entire army of different tastes and preferences, so that you can set up your deathmatch or CTF game however you please. Deathmatch, Teamplay, Capture the
February 5, 2023
Replaces the regular nail gun with the fire launching Blaze Gun! The blaze gun has the following attributes and is unique among weapon mods: fires flame models, not pixelated sprites launched flames are affected by gravity for the above reason it does not auto aim launched flames are extinguished upon impact with water or acid
February 5, 2023
Introduction Conquest takes place 10 years After Quake (AQ). Shubby was defeated, and people weren’t expecting another demon invasion anytime soon. So, you can imagine the surprised looks on their faces when the demons came back and began slaughtering them all. After a few years, the multiple requests for military protection from the demon raids
February 5, 2023
CyberQuake is a DM mod for regular Quake. The idea is that when you die, you spend your frags on buying enhancements. Set Timelimit / Fraglimit for an entertaining balance between spending frags and winning the game.
February 5, 2023
The basic idea is of a coop mod which requires tactics and is a challange. There are two classes but there are still some weapon changes to go and the medic cant do any healing yet. Most of the monsters are yet to be tweaked, and the ogres are too strong. All you need to
February 5, 2023
This badass gun will freeze a player in their tracks, then blacken and fade away… Trust me, its Cool! Get some guns, the Deleter replaces the Nailgun.
February 5, 2023
If you have seen the TV series: Xena – Warrior Princess, you’ll notice Xena has a very cool weapon, her disc. I’ve re-create this weapon, once it’s fired, it’ll bounce off walls and so on for a while before it’ll be returned to you automatically. If you hit the attack button again once you’ve fired
February 5, 2023
This version of Dragons is to provide code for dragons that can be plugged into other mods without much trouble. Unlike in Drake or previous versions of Dragons, extraneous features such as the Draco bot, nightshade, and other general gameplay changes are not available. Compared to previous versions of Dragons, the dragons have the following
February 5, 2023
Here’s version 2 of my Dynamic Music thingy majig. Basically, it adds situation dependant background music to Quake. It doesn’t change how the game plays in any way. When you fire or get hit, the music changes from ‘idle’ to ‘fight’. If you don’t fire or get hit for 30 seconds, the music returns to
February 5, 2023
This map is not primarily intended to be a single player experience, even though that aspect of it has certainly not been forgotten about. It is intended to be a showcase for a new level design concept. Other changes have been made to the code as well. These are mainly to support the map, although
February 5, 2023
So what is EvE? Basically, I wanted to merge Hitman-style movement with 80’s arcade shooter style weapons. It’s deathmatch. Kill the bad guys. Power up your weapon by collecting the weapon artifacts. You can only use the weapon that you last picked up. Increase your health and armour by picking up the health and armour
February 5, 2023
Fist Fight is a tournament style modification for Quake that features FrikBot and of course, fist fighting!
February 5, 2023
You’ve been sent on a suicide mission to destroy as many enemies as you can. Your commanding officer will monitor your progress from his 4-star hotel safely back on earth. Does that make you mad? Good, you’ll need that to stay alive. The basic task in this game is to get as much points as
February 5, 2023
My second released mod. Not an original idea but i’m probably the first person to do it in 2 days on their own :). It’s basicaly a weapon mod, I tried to make it as original as possible (mostly new models etc). Baseball Bat – Nothing like a good clean thwack round the head.Pistol –
February 5, 2023
You must follow the Geneva Pact rules: 1) Attacking Red Cross personnel or unarmed civilians is a war crime.2) Attacking injured military personnel is a war crime.3) Participating in battle while injured is a war crime.4) Using laser weapons in order to blind or cause severe eye damage is a war crime.5) Participating in battle
February 5, 2023
Guns ‘R’ Us has the following guns: 1: Stooge Mallet2: Sniper Rifle/Ruger 10/223: MAC10/M164: Machinegun/Chaingun5: Railgun/High-Power mode6: Riot Cannon/Nailbomb launcher7: BFG11K/Cuisinart Ray8: Laser Pulse Beam/Plasma Gun Sound fun? There’s more. Zombies have grenades (ouch) and Soldiers tote machineguns, and fire in short bursts. ogres are…. interesting. The wizards? AH64 longbows. With machineguns =]
February 5, 2023
Five new levels from scratch. The maps are quite straightforward apart from the fourth level which contains different elements and requires the player to investigate further :) All maps are compiled to support transparent water in GlQuake, so make sure to activate this option using “r_wateralpha 0.3”. Other useful GLQuake Commands include “r_shadows 1” and
February 5, 2023
Paroxysm is a deathmatch/botmatch partial conversion with new weapons, powerups, and gameplay mutators. The archive contains the last stable release (1.20b) and an unfinished update (1.40) which contains some improved weapon models.
February 5, 2023
This is very simple – you can get a righteous demon-shredding chainsaw to cut your opponents into meaty bits. That’s all there is to it. Well, the details, if you can’t figure them out: * The chainsaw is linked to the axe, weapon 1, and selected in preference to it. * Other players can tell
February 5, 2023
No information available. Please contribute!
February 5, 2023
Defeat in Detail (DiD) was a Quake Modification, and it was one of the very first fully 3d Real Time Strategy (RTS) games. Defeat in Deatail 2 (DiD2) is also a Quake Mod at heart, intended to contain almost all the features of a retail RTS, e.g. a point and click interface, many playable maps, loads of
February 5, 2023
No information available. Please contribute!
February 5, 2023
This pack adds footsteps to both vanilla Quake and DarkPlaces. Several versions are included in the pack.
February 5, 2023
This plug-in enables modders to easily add items support and new spawn points to any map of their choice. It contains both the items/spawnpoints generator and the editor used to set the items and spawn points locations.
February 5, 2023
Ever since Quake 2 came out many have compared it to Quake. Among the things some have pointed out are the weapons – they said the weapons could not be made in Quake. Other things have also been pointed out, like the graphics. Well, I can prove that the weapons can be done perfectly like
February 5, 2023
Description: A medium-sized single player map and a small introduction map created in celebration of the 15th birthday of Kell’s infamous Contract Revoked. All skill levels included. Story: A lifetime ago, you made a deal with the Old One. In exchange for your soul, you were given powers beyond measure to defeat your enemies. Now,
February 5, 2023
Quake Matrix is a unique new mod for original Quake, bringing all the cool action from the hit movie ‘The Matrix’. Currently in early Beta it offers such features as: Matrix style jumping New “The One” powerup 3 New singleplayer enemys: Agents, cops and soldiers. Multiplayer Frikbots Custom sounds, skins and 4 new models (Agent,
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[…] a list of mods here, with descriptions – Mods | QuakeWiki __________________ project. ChipQuake – Quake DP mod/TC/standalone […]
[…] yea i get the same thing quake injector is not connecting also. any time this happens my heart stops a bit and a feeling of dread fills my sole. most the time its just my failing internet but still it freaks me out. this may help kill some time tell its back up Mods | QuakeWiki […]
[…] […]
[…] have a few suggestions on where to look. Try this and this. This is a collection from . If you have any more info let us know. Someone here will […]