August 16, 2010

Fiend Hunter

From the readme.txt:

“This mod was made by Adam Armstrong.  Ian Lyman graciously contributed the voices.  Many sounds and the majority of the textures were modified remenants of games from the late lamented Crack.com.  Some guy had a text file on cdrom.com that gave a code example for making the fiends a touch more mobile – whoever he was, thank you.  For the engine coding, I’d like to thank Lordhavoc for the example his work has provided.  There are also bits gleaned from MHQuake…and I can’t think of anything in other projects that wasn’t in Lordhavoc’s Darkplaces.  Some tutorials from Quakesrc.org were used as well.”

Fiend Hunter (824 downloads )
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Mod Information

  • Version: 0.64
  • Status: Beta Release
  • Released: 2000-05-27
  • Updated: 2001-12-19
  • Author: Adam Armstrong
  • No homepage
  • Has Source? Yes

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