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right-handed SG & SSG (requires SMC)
TalisaPostJuly 25, 2018, 01:48
Posts: 93
July 22, 2018, 00:35
Normal topicright-handed SG & SSG (requires SMC)

a few years ago i had made a shotgun model which is based on a remington 870wp

i wanted to make it usable for quake, but i quickly noticed that my model didnt look good when centered cuz its realistically narrow instead of bulky and wide like the standard for quake.
so i tried moving it to side which looked better but it made it seem odd that while the gun was off-center you still fired at dead-center of screen.
also seeing its a realistic model it seemed weird that there was no arm holding the pump and the weapon seemed to just float.
with quake-standard centered models you can do that, but imo with a realistic model like mine it just looks weird that there is no hand holding the pump.

so i decided to try adding the arm from obi-wan's axe view-model, and with some modifying of it to make it look like its holding the arm i finally was happy with how the shotgun looked!

however there still was the problem of weapon-position not matching where you fired....
but then i remembered the 'right weapon-position' feature of seven's SMC,
and i decided to modify my shotgun for use with this SMC feature

then i had to think of the collaborated SSG from me and bloodshot that I did a few days ago,
and i decided to also move that SSG to right and add the same arm from obi-wan's axe to it



to use these, just drop the pk3s in your ID1 folder and edit the smc_config.cfg (or autoexec.cfg if you are not using SMC5.0)
and find the line which says set weapon_position_right and set it to 1

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 25, 2018, 09:51
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Normal topicReply To: right-handed SG & SSG (requires SMC)

I never saw this before. I like it. Does the arm do anything? ...like pump the shotgun and stuff like that?

TalisaPostJuly 25, 2018, 17:02
Posts: 93
July 22, 2018, 00:35
Normal topicReply To: right-handed SG & SSG (requires SMC)

hmm yeah not surprised most people never saw this as its not something that the general quaker would care for, right-handed weapons.

and no in-game the hand doesnt actually cock the shotgun's pump,
as regular quake doesnt have cocking of the shotgun after firing

pumping could be easily added though with additional frames,
but the qc would need to be modified to playy the cocking-frames after each shot.


i did however also make a version of the shotgun for second life,
which does feature cocking of the shotgun's pump after each shot

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 25, 2018, 18:23
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Normal topicReply To: right-handed SG & SSG (requires SMC)

Your second life avatar is awesome and scary at the same time.

Like a ~ Seahhorse-horse-antelope-woman

A Seorsealopeaness (source-a-lope-ian-ess)

You should add dragon wings, crab claws, some extra spider legs, a third eye and a friendship bracelet.

Then it'll be a

Friendly and Intuitive Arachnibrachyseorsealopagon


PS> who you callin' a general Quaker? I don't even play this game and never really did.


TalisaPostJuly 25, 2018, 19:49
Posts: 93
July 22, 2018, 00:35
Normal topicReply To: right-handed SG & SSG (requires SMC)

hehehe... you actually are not to far off in your guessing

my second life avatar is a Qilin (kirin in japanese),
which is a chimerical creature from chinese mythology.

in terms of how it looks its a mash-up of horse, dragon, goat, deer and ox

that was an old video though from 4years ago, ive updated my avatar quite a bit since then
tally's qilin -2018


and i more meant that its no surprise that you wouldnt have heard of it as not much people at all talked about it.
even back at quakeone i barely got much more than a handfull of replies in the thread about these models

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 26, 2018, 00:52
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Normal topicReply To: right-handed SG & SSG (requires SMC)

So in japan that L and R thing is reversed

China ~ flied lice - but spelled fried rice
Japan ~ fried rice - but spelled flied lice

I sorry if I offended anyone. I'm a stupid American, or maybe Amelican, depending on where you're from.

//edited out my own spam ~ errr on top of the "already spam" lol

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