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Wad Studio
OneMadGypsyPostDecember 19, 2017, 16:12
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Normal topicWad Studio

I have released the basic version of Wad Studio. Currently this is just a viewer but many more features will be appearing in the near future. Feel free to post all questions and comments below.

OneMadGypsyPostDecember 20, 2017, 01:09
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Normal topicReply To: Wad Studio

Well, today has been somewhere around 0% of fun. I really really hate javascript. It really is basically the shittiest language ever created with the shittiest performance, shittiest … everything. I am a hell of a lot more than just familiar with around 20 languages and one of those is javascript. Fuck javascript! Did you know that a simple fucking gif wont even animate while javascript is running some heavy computation? I am too embarrassed to say how long it took me to realize that I wasn’t doing anything wrong other than NOT catering to every deficiency of this shitty little language. I do not at all understand how this garbage is considered a replacement for flash. It’s like trying to claim a skateboard is a replacement for a car.

Anyway, all of that said, in an hour or so I will have a number of upgrades finished for wad studio. I’m assuming it will only take an hour to rework my code to use Workers. If all of today is any sign maybe it will take me a hell of a lot longer. I seriously hate javascript.

OneMadGypsyPostDecember 20, 2017, 05:12
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Normal topicReply To: Wad Studio

Yeeeaah.... "an hour or so" was the most optimistic time-frame in the universe. It took me more than that just to strip all the dependencies from the utility scripts. For anyone that doesn't know or hasn't put 2 and 2 together, this work is based on Andy's Quake Web Tools. However, at this point I have rewritten most of it. Andy had some good code but, he is over the fucking top with all this useless variable creation and criss-crossing his "classes". I don't say that to take anything away from the guy. He is obviously a talented programmer and I know all too well how hard it is to keep a logical scope when you are programming in some "free-range all-over-the-fucking-place" language.

However, some of this code was just straight-up stupid. An example would be: calling B from A and then calling A inside the B you just called from A. Why not just get your shit straight with A and send it all to B? Anyway, I think I am about ready to add in the Worker. I just need to check if I create a TransferableObject out of a dummy if it will still delete my original. I'm not really sure how strong references are in JS. If I can't pass an actual clone or if creating/passing a clone turns out to be slow then I will need to rethink this stuff. At least I have the main scripts I need in the worker completely self-contained.

Mr.BurnsPostSeptember 9, 2018, 17:00
Posts: 47
January 12, 2018, 09:03
Normal topicReply To: Wad Studio

Thanks for putting this together MG. It was very useful this evening when trying to find the name of a standard texture.  It's certainly something I will use more of, good job!

Kind regards


OneMadGypsyPostSeptember 10, 2018, 00:28
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Normal topicReply To: Wad Studio

Thank you. I was playing with it the other day, too. It needs some work. It's a little buggy. I'm glad you found it useful. Maybe I'll work on it after QTV is done.

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