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Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log
OneMadGypsyPostAugust 12, 2018, 02:32
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
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I killed it!

Thread to PDF features:
1) completely styled to match forum
2) ALL replies captured
3) replies are marked with author, author avatar, timestamp and reply permalink
4) all replies are resorted in ascending order (oldest to newest)
5) OP Author featured at top of document with site logo
6) site logo links back to site
7) post heading links to post
8) code boxes maintained but without syntax hilighting
9) super small pdf size
10) valid pdf html and css

And there you have it. The PDF feature started off being total shit (for the most part) and now it is totally bad-ass. Tomorrow I'll write the condition to allow it to get comments from documents and this will be a done deal.

Once I'm done with the PDF leftovers tomorrow I'm probably going to tackle making the shout box way better. The groundwork is laid, building on top of it will be a long fun day.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 12, 2018, 03:04
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

decent example ~ click for fullsize image[su_lightbox type="image" src="https://i.imgur.com/w4ZlnyZ.png"]

Just a piece of random information:
Earlier today I copy/pasted the whole "lorem ipsum sit amet...." deal to a multiple of 147 pages in a profile document. The PDF converter processed it in like 30 seconds. I tried 800 pages and it processed for about 2 minutes and died. This converter isn't some little jokey thing. It can handle somewhere between 147 and 800 pages. My guess is somewhere around 400 pages is it's max.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 12, 2018, 11:22
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

Completely done.

1) You can turn either a thread or document to PDF with ALL replies/comments included
2) all iframes (youTube, imgur,... pretty much any embed) get converted to links with the display syntax of: [http://www.originalSrcUrl.com] to indicate it was an iframe

I have run substantial tests turning half of this forum into pdfs. It is not impossible that some element will bork the layout of the PDF but, pretty much none of you know the shortcodes that may create this situation so, I'm not too worried about it. There is no stock editor code (bbcode) that will destroy or even interrupt the pdf layout.

...off to the shoutbox code.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 12, 2018, 16:22
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
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I'm actually not done with the PDF converter. I decided to spend some extra time and really polish the shit out of the style. Also, I noticed emoticons are getting converted to some null character. This is not my fault. I know where it is happening and it was baked in before I ever touched the code. Actually, upon all this work in their code, I found a lot of mistakes. Some of them were really bad mistakes, like closing an anchor with </> as-well-as some other little issues. I'm going to fix emoticons and I really will be done messing with this for a while. I only spent a total of maybe 15 hours working on this. Another hour or two is no biggie.

Here is an example of my current style.
[su_lightbox type="image" src="https://i.imgur.com/j1lqM4Q.png"]


Ziteboard contacted me and complained that I had the board embedded in an iframe and that it got heavy traffic. They wanted to discuss a fair price for me to pay. They want $9 a month. For only an extra $3 a month from what I am currently paying my host I could upgrade this server, gain ssh access, install node.js and host my own whiteboard PLUS have double everything in server specs and quadruple my storage.

I stripped ziteboard from the entire site and disallowed their permissions in my Google account. I don't know what it is with all these companies that have dogshit products and think I am going to pay for it. I pay for value. I pay a lot for a lot of value. If your product does not have residual value, I am not going to give you residual money. I found an open source whiteboard script that is vastly superior to ziteboard. I intend to upgrade this server and install it when I have banged out the current list of shit to do.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 13, 2018, 17:24
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
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I've done quite a bit to the chatroom but, there is still a lot to do. Currently you can share images (jpg|jpeg|gif|png) and youTube videos. In both cases you just submit the link and the chat will do the rest. I set the system up to work with a lot of optimizations. If you post a video or image it will appear immediately for you and everyone else currently in the chat but, for people that join the chat after the media was posted all previously posted videos and images show up as links ([video] or [image]), and clicking the link loads the media in the same row that the link was in. This might not seem like a big deal but, lets say out of the last 300 messages (chat max to keep) there are 100 videos and 100 images. Let's say you have already seen all of it. Now let's say you go away and come back the next day. Do you really want the chat to spend minutes loading 200 pieces of media you have already seen? Of course not. If someone posted new media since you've been gone, simply click the media link and it will load right there where you clicked.

The chat is ugly and junky looking right now. Just like the recent PDF project that will change dramatically in a very short amount of time. Imma go take a nap and when I wake up I am going to bang away at this project. Probably to completion.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 16, 2018, 16:07
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
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I did a bunch of work to the sidebar. I've been wanting to add links to all the quake sites for a while but, I wasn't really sure the best way to do it. I wanted it to be flexible so, no matter how many links I have the sidebar never gets any bigger. I solved that issue. If any of you know of links that should be there please feel free to let me know about them so they can be added.

At func_msgboard someone said something about rss feeds. I added 2 flavors. You can either get the last 20 topics (without replies) or the last 20 replies.

I played with the style a bit. I don't know if it's good or not but, for now it's what we're working with. I plan to tweak the style more on little details of the site over the next couple of days as I get ideas. Some of my changes may not even be noticeable to most people. For instance, all of my headings are a different color but, it's really subtle. They used to be #420 now they are #451e06. That very little difference in brightness takes away some of the hardness they had before. IMO they were fighting the page to a small degree. I feel like now they are almost perfect. I plan to do more of that.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 18, 2018, 23:29
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
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I put the shoutbox on hold for the last couple of days to start working on NGQ TV. Unlike my other work here, where I mostly modify pre-existing scripts, I am building NGQ TV as a real wordpress plugin. I'm going kind of slow. I'm currently focused less on the end result and more on a reusable base. All of my PHP is class-based to create a proper OOP structure.

Wordpress has a lot of built-in functions. One of them is add_action(trigger name, function name) ... where trigger name can be a number of built-in triggers that wordpress fires at various states. I have been working a lot with automatically adding actions based on if certain configuration options exist. Not in a true|false way. Let's say I want to create a custom post type (ie.. page, post, etc... aren't good enough and I want something new). If I create an array of arrays that reflect the data a custom post type expects then the action for creating a custom post type is added. If I don't create that array then no custom post type action is added. I'm going over each thing you can do in a plugin with this system.

When I am done, creating a plugin will mostly be a matter of creating all the proper arrays of configuration options. All the rest will fire accordingly. This should allow me to make plugins very fast. In many cases I should be able to basically copy and paste all the config arrays and just change options. Of course there will always be some extra code that must be written that is unique to the plugin but, with the system I am creating that should be more or less all you have to write.

As it stands right now, simply writing the below sets off the chain for everything
$myplugin = new NeedsToBeRenamedForEveryNewPlugin();

Everything so far is encapsulated in that.


I have dug around in and modified quite a few plugins as of late. Everybody uses procedural programming. How do you reuse that? You don't. With my method I don't have to do a bunch of:

if(!function_exists('gyp_some_func')) { funtion gyp_some_func() {...

Aside from that being a lot of extra typing, it isn't reusable. Once you do that in one plug-in, it exists and you can't do it again without changing the names. If you have to change the names you are probably trying to reuse the code. SMH, that's the stupid way. By using classes I can ruse the shit over and over. There is only one class that needs to be renamed and that's the main one. One name. Two spots. No other renaming is necessary.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 19, 2018, 02:15
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

@solid plan

I do. It's getting faster. I finally have enough things done that adding more thing is becoming a no-brainer. I just pick something I already did which is similar and do it again (but different). So far I have managed to keep this down to 3 classes - base.php, admin-pages.php & playlist-tv.php. base.php is where all the real functionality is. playlist-tv.php is basically just a shit-load of configuration arrays. admin-pages.php is really nothing but a class of functions that call the proper require_once to display the proper page. In many cases it will only have 1 function, unless you are making a really big plugin. The only reason I made it it's own class is because there are possibilities where you won't need it at all, and in those cases it won't even get instantiated.

@Thanks for all the hard work!

You're welcome. I plan to share the core of this some kind of way when it's done. I know some plugin developers that write some really shitty code. This should eliminate most of that. This should also help newbies get a huge leg up. I forgot how much I love PHP til I started working on my own project. Messing with other people's code SUCKS! I seriously have yet to find some code that doesn't look like scrambled eggs (except bbpress ... their code is really nice). Working on my own stuff though is a pleasure ~ no scrambled eggs.

regarding bbpress code ~ their code is so nice it's a nightmare. Everything is


And it gets to a point where it's like "WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE ACTUAL FUNCTIONS!"


OneMadGypsyPostAugust 19, 2018, 05:33
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

I just got introduced to Composer and implemented it in my project. Oh, it is so nice. I have always hated all the "require_once" and similar functions for including scripts. I was blown away that I only have to require the autoload.php one time. I was under the impression that I would at least have to require it on any script that uses another script but, it's a one shot deal. It's like magic.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 19, 2018, 17:14
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

All of these images can be clicked for fullsize view

[su_lightbox type="image" src="https://i.imgur.com/UENqWvi.png"]
[su_lightbox type="image" src="https://i.imgur.com/QwbjG9H.png"]
[su_lightbox type="image" src="https://i.imgur.com/kTKExW3.png"]
[su_lightbox type="image" src="https://i.imgur.com/0LGSZNi.png"]

When I say things like "automatically generated based on creating the things these apply to" ~ I mean cause I said so. There is no automatic generation of anything in wordpress along this level. My plugin base is designed to go pro right-off-the-bat. I don't know how many of you are wordpress users (if any) but, if you are, you know this stuff gets left out of plugins all the time. Developers bury their settings and what-not in the settings or tools menu, and if you have like 50 plug-ins it's a nightmare finding their plugin options. My base is designed from jump to make sure I never make some bullshit that has you searching.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 21, 2018, 21:55
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

Original posts we're messed up on mobile. It was like 2 columns and the left column was nothing but the poster's avatar. This has been fixed to flow just like a reply. I'm not sure why bbpress was treating these things like they are different style-wise but, it's fixed now. It was kind of a pain in the ass. The way they had things wrapped it wasn't as simple as "float:this" and "clear:that". I had to go to each element for a reply, find and copy the appropriate style and then apply it to the appropriate OP element. However, even that wasn't enough cause they had some "importants" laying around so, I had to get really creative about how to overcome that. It probably took me about 15 minutes, which is way too long to essentially move 2 boxes.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 22, 2018, 02:58
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

We finally had one spammer get through the cracks and your old faithful board administrator ( me :D! ) booted her about 4 seconds after she signed up. Pro tip: Don't fill out the website link form with a link to a marketing site. Your name might fool me. Your email might fool me. Your profile data might fool me. Linking to a marketing site is not going to get by me.

See you around, Karen. ...lol.

If you do happen to be real you can email me and we can talk about whether or not I believe you. I guess it isn't impossible for a Quaker to also have a marketing site but, it looks hella suspicious. I'd be willing to give you ONE chance to prove you have some relevance here. I know you aren't a bot cause you would have never gotten past registration if you were. I don't have rinky-dink anti-spam features here. My spam features are so crazy that if you use a known spam-bot PASSWORD you get automatically banned. Among like 10 other things that I have no inclination to mention.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 22, 2018, 03:31
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

If anyone would like to help make the board a bit more navigable for long threads, drop this in your signature. I made the code as short as possible. I mean, I could have made it one character shorter but, I would like at least 2 letters in the class to give me some idea what it's for when I mess with css.

<span class="gn"><a href="#bbpress-forums">top</a> | <a href="#new-post">reply</a></span>

Alternately, you could just go with reply. Clicking reply jumps to the reply form at the bottom of the thread.

<span class="gn"><a href="#new-post">reply</a></span>

I have no expectations for anyone to do this. It's totally voluntary. However, at least consider the reply code as this can help you. If someone wants to reply to something you wrote, they will not have to scroll (maybe a long way) to do it. Clicking "reply" above a post is nonsense. It refreshes the entire page just to bring you to the post box. Clicking "quote" works but, if the person doesn't want to quote anything they have to erase all the text that gets put in the reply box.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 22, 2018, 06:31
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

[su_lightbox type="image" src="https://i.imgur.com/zbHZ9dd.png"]

I have crushed the creation of all the red hilighted things down to just the one array. I can add all the admin pages and submenu pages I want by simply copy/pasting the appropriate part and changing just the values. It is impossible to make this any easier than this. Everything you see has to exist and has to be unique. The things you dont see, don't have to exist or be unique and the Base controller takes care of all of that.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 22, 2018, 21:17
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

I am well aware that the spammer that I thought I blocked last night got through to the PM box of some of you. This is mostly my fault and partially yours (if you got a PM). It's my fault because I marked the member as SPAMMER but, I did not know that left access to Private Messages and the Forum. Marking as SPAMMER stops Wordpress comments and we aren't even using that. That was my mistake and I apologize.

You know who didn't get any spam PM's? Everybody that has done these 3 things:

1) Do not use your login name as your display name. This won't stop spam. It's just super smart.

2) Do not leave your profile visible to members. You should mark it as friends only. Do you know every member that is ever going to join? Your profile has information about you, like your email address would be a good example. Why leave this information "public"? Anybody can sign up here so, having your stuff set for Public or Members is as good as being the same thing. It's not just this site where you should consider the visibility of your profile and/or the individual data fields. You should be considering that on EVERY site. It's possible to get robbed in the suburbs. It's less possible if you are carrying a gun. ~ It's possible to get spammed ANYWHERE. It's a lot less possible if you take some precautions regarding who can contact you or has access to your contact information.

3) Hide from the members list ~ your friends should still be able to see you by clicking the Friends selection on the members page.

In your Profile under Settings you can set a lot of visibility options. I have said this over and over. I really am sorry to everyone that got a spam PM. In the same breath, if you are expecting me to be able to "protect you from the world", especially when you are basically handing people your info, you are going to be disappointed. I do EVERYTHING I CAN DO to make this site as secure as possible. It is very important to me and I take it very seriously. You have responsibilities too, though. I didn't get a PM, email or anything else from our spammer. I also don't have my profile wide open for anybody and their grandma to view.

EDIT: All new user registrations have to be approved by me. I tested the system and it works. We do not have enough people signing up for this to be a big deal. I get emails when people sign-up and I almost never sleep so, most new users will get approved pretty quickly.

EDIT2: Registration email updated to inform users they will have to be manually approved.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 25, 2018, 08:10
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log


It took all night to do this. Making sections, settings and fields in Wordpress is a pain in the ass. I finally got the base controller programmed to where it does most of the work but, writing all the css and javascript took a while. Plus, the data should be serialized in the database. Which, now it is (blue hilighted).


Right now I am more concerned with laying a very broad foundation of quality stuff. Once all the groundwork is layed I can pick and choose what I need to use and start actually developing the plug-ins that I want to make. One thing slowing me down is the tutorials I have been watching. This one guy has 52 videos and he fucking sucks as a programmer. He has really good info on a "facts about wordpress" level but, his code is absolute bullshit. EVERY SINGLE VIDEO has at least 5 minutes of him erasing code from the previous lesson and making it better. At no point was I copying this dude's code cause I could see it was shit as soon as he started but, I have to sit through all of it and remember the stuff that actually matters to me so I can write a way better version than his.

Numerous times while he was programming I've said "that isn't going to work!" and sure enough 5 - 10 minutes later he gets a bunch of errors and the exact same thing I said wasn't going to work...didn't. It sucks cause he knows wordpress inside-out he just can't program for shit. I got so frustrated in videos 17A, 17B and 17C that I sent him hate mail. It was like an hour+ of video and I had to watch them over and over because he made it as confusing as it could possibly be. Once I finally made all the connections and wrote my code I realized that this is like 20 minutes of info MAX. It wasn't confusing at all. It was confusing doing it his stupid way. This dude had 3 classes and like 15 functions for something I wound up doing in ONE function. That's it! One function that is 100% logical. I wanted to strangle him. I kinda still do.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 27, 2018, 04:11
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
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Completely overriding the guts of a page without breaking my theme or even touching the theme for that matter. This is where magic is going to start happening. I have complete control over the guts of the page so, I can start creating an interface for NGQ TV in it. All the time that I spent working on custom fields, sanitizing and serializing gave me all the info and elements I need to store and retrieve all the necessary data from the database. When I wake up I will literally slap together the back-end interface necessary to store the data and then start building the front-end interface for displaying it. I have one missing link that needs to be considered and that's exactly why I am about to go for a long walk. I can think of three different ways to handle it but, all of them seem kind of hacky. I want rock solid implementations.


OneMadGypsyPostAugust 27, 2018, 08:20
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

I did some restyling. I've been wanting to make the background texture less subtle so, I laid some bricks in the background. On the home page the banner has a "bent" drop-shadow. That was done by the theme I chose and they did it with an image. I sorta-kinda matched it on all the other pages but, I did mine with css. I never really bothered with the :before and :after pseudo classes of css before so this was my basically first run with it.

It wasn't too hard. I positioned the header relative, made before and after blocks positioned absolute, shoved the blocks behind the header with a negative z index, rotated the blocks 2 and -2 degrees respectively and added a Y-only drop shadow to both of them. From there it was just a matter of messing with right, left, top and bottom positions, width and getting a decent alpha and blur.

It's a bit different for the one on the home page but, for now, I like it.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 27, 2018, 08:40
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

This is a ways down the line but, I want to do something different with this forum eventually. I want to get rid of the huge forum index and force members to post in their own public groups. Members can still have private groups and semi-private groups but, I want to change this system to where you automatically have one public one. There will be some nicer things involved with this. For one, you can moderate/elliminate members from your public group. For two, instead of having this big semi-empty forum index, the recent posts on the right will be ellaborated and moved to the center of the page. There will still be a forum index (for all group forums combined and maybe 1 site one) but instead of it being a major page of the site it will just be a link in the sidebar.

I could do this without forcing people to have their own public group and just do everything I just said but keep the current index. I hate that idea. I hate the forum index. I'd rather look through an index directly related to the people that I want to read stuff from than see "code", "mods", "models", etc... and a bunch of that isn't even getting used.

Nobody will lose any of their posts, thread or anything else. It will just all get moved to the public group for the original poster. I can do it in bulk. Anyway, that's my eventual vision and I have every intention of making it happen. My wordpress knowledge is increasing exponentially. I can make this software do whatever I want (even if I don't know how yet). I'm pretty sick of the gazillion plugins and some other things. I have like 5 or 6 plugins that add functionality directly to BBPress. That shit is going to become one plugin ... or maybe even just completely melted into BBPress. After I finish NGQ TV, the youTube plugin is gone (this will not effect you, it is only used for the video gallery, which will also be gone). The gallery and docs plugin needs to be melted into BuddyPress. Hell BuddyPress needs to be melted into BBPress.

There is just too much shit. A lot of this stuff is made by the same people. I do not understand why it is so distended.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 29, 2018, 05:18
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

I am really far on NGQ TV. I have all the data set to where I just have to make the display. I got set back a little cause I decided to bring the entire thing to a whole 'nother level. I'm at that whole 'nother level now. When I first started this my vision was basically just a guide that links to various playlists. That vision is gone. This is going to be almost identical to real tv. I know EVERYTHING about ANY playlist. That image looks like an epic disaster of unreadable information. What it really is, is waiting for me to write a bunch of loops. I'm going to turn thousands of lines of the below image into an interface very similar to DirectTV and I plan to do most of it when I wake up. It's going to be awesome.

[su_lightbox type="image" src="https://i.imgur.com/VxmH4En.png"]

I'm getting this information directly from youtube. I got my little API key, OAuth and all that stuff, wrote a class based on what google said the class should do (MONSTER pain in the ass) and voila'... every necessary piece of information about every video in a playlist. I've pruned the info. What you see in that image is the info I need, the info I get however, is abso-fuckin-lutely ridiculous it took a LONG LONG time to figure out what I need out of it and how those pieces were nested. That's all done though. It really is down to "simply" turning all that into a display.

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