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Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log
OneMadGypsyPostJuly 20, 2018, 07:05
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicSite Upgrade/Maintenance Log

I turned on and configured the shit out of how pages are cached. If you make a post or leave a comment and it doesn't show up immediately. Nothing is broken. Be patient. Your post WILL show up within no more than 10 minutes. If this feature gets annoying let me know and I may adjust it. It actually should work in a way that WONT force you to wait for the cache to see your post and only serve cache'd pages when no post is made but, maybe not. Either way, nothing is broken. Actually, things are better than ever. I had some minuscule back-end problems and all of those are fixed. We had a couple of plug-ins that were on but unnecessary. Those are gone.

I also just made a lot of changes to how the basic site security is monitoring the site. We don't have any problems but, I know a bunch more than I did when I originally implemented it so, I used that knowledge to do a better job. We have like a gabillion securities so, even if I would have done nothing it may not have mattered. I did it anyway. We have a new firewall. Numerous changes were made to how spam prevention is handled. There may be a captcha to make a new thread. I might turn this off until and if we ever have a problem but for the next day or two I'm going to leave it a is.

I noticed in the logs that a number of you have numerous failed login attempts. What's going on with that? Yeah, I even know about that. I know who, when and how many times. Is there something going wrong with logging in for you guys? Personally I have never had a problem. If there is some issue you need to tell me.

In the near future this site will have advertisements. NONE of the logged in members will be able to see them. We get a whole lot of hits in a day but it is primarily from guests. Guests need to look at ads. I'm going to do it nice and clean but, guests need to look at ads. Guests that sign up just to hide the ads will be guests again before they know it. It really boils down to 2 things: Do I know who you are? And if I don't know who you are... Are you participating? If I don't know who you are AND you aren't participating you'll be a guest again before you know it AND unable to sign back up. This isn't quakeone. Play or Pay those are going to be the options.

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 21, 2018, 05:11
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

Well, I've worked hard on security and optimization, now I'm working on speed. I've made some changes to how pages load. One speed-up is only loading images that are on the screen so, if you scroll down a page and images start appearing as you scroll, that's exactly what they are supposed to do. I'm still not satisfied with the speed of some things. I've shaved a second off here and there but some things still load slow. I have images being optimized, cache this and lazy-load that. The database is so clean you could eat off of it and there are still little lags here and there. Mostly on pages that have numerous youtube videos. The thing is, even if there are 30 "youtube videos" on a page there is really only one and 29 images. Those images are being served by youTube though. I can't do anything to them. The other "problem" is INSANE amounts of javascript loading. Can't do anything about that either other than make sure it is all minimized. I haven't checked but, the grand majority of plug-ins on this site are pro, I highly doubt there is any javascript that isn't minimized. I guess I should double-check and I will. However, minimized or not there is a LOT of javascript.

You may notice if you look really hard and in just the right places that there are some really small style issues. This is due to what I had to do in the css last night to get syntax hilighted code working. I could fix it all by deleting one rule. I don't want to delete the rule. I need to think about another rule that stops the first rule from being applied too broadly. It's so minor though, almost not even worth the effort if it wasn't for the fact I am so OCD about details. Some of you may say that you have noticed some discrepancies in form fields. You can't change the style on stuff like buttons for a drop-down field. Well, you can but it requires floating an image over the button and using javascript to pass the click along to the real element. I'm not doing that. That's hacky garbage IMO. I believe firefox lets you style various UI elements like scrollbars and stuff, maybe all form fields as well. Seems like a lot of work to cater to one browser so, there are simply some things on this site that don't exactly match and never will.

Maybe you have noticed other things like: If you go to a thread, the replies are last to first and all the replies cycle between 3 different background colors but, if you go to the news post for that exact same thread the replies are first to last and there is no alternation. I can fix the alternation by writing some rules that go one level deeper cause, threads "at the end of a news post" aren't at the end of shit. They are IN the post. Meaning they are nested deeper than their original rule. To fix the first to last issue would require me to dig in the plugin that's handling that and figure out why it cares that the thread is nested. I can do that. I'm not going to do that. I have all the skills in this world to rip the entire source for this site apart and make it do whatever I want in every language used to build this software ... and then plug-ins start breaking as they relied on some chunk of code I altered. The scope of code here is far too large for me to start meddling with the source. Now, the plug-in that changes sort order is so high up on the chain of code that I could probably change the whole thing and it wouldn't matter. I'm not going to find out.

I didn't even like putting the google prettify stuff in the header and I knew that wasn't going to do shit to the site. I REALLY didn't like changing minified js files to change what the reply editor sticks in the field when you press the code button. I REALLY REALLY absolutely hated completely changing the filters for allowed html tags so ANY user could actually use the code button. That one especially. That's the one that could have gone HORRIBLY wrong. The worst part is, I don't know what the fuck am I doing. I hunted all that down and guessed. Apparently I am a damn good guesser (so far and we hope). I tried googling for real answers. The closest thing I could find is information from 5 and more years ago. Trust me, that info is primarily wrong at this point. The only thing I gleaned from any of that info that was true, is which minified js file I needed to alter. As far as the other stuff goes, the files they told me to modify don't even exist anymore. I had to download the source to my entire site and use NP++'s "search all documents" feature to find the second half of an underscored var under the assumption that bbpress prefixed the standard wordpress global for allowed tags. I was right but, it wasn't prefixed with bbpress_. If it wasn't for that little trick I would have NEVER found it. And when I did find it I had to figure out what the hell I am even looking at. That part wasn't that hard actually, and I managed to double the amount of allowed tags.

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 22, 2018, 15:39
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

It was brought to my attention that a member thought they couldn't get to their profile from every page on this site. If anybody else was thinking this there is a very simple solution. Every page EXCEPT home has a right side bar and the top of the sidebar has a widget for logging in/out and visiting your profile. I'm sure the person that brought this to my attention knew that already, I am just stating that for anyone that may not know that. If you are on the home page and want immediate access to your profile, click your avatar under the recent members section. If you are on the homepage and wish very desperately that you could logout from that page, you sort of can. Close every NGQ page in your browser and in 5 minutes this site will log you out automatically. I never log out but, I'm always logging back in. If you want to logout and stay on the site from the homepage ... you can't. That's literally the only thing you can't do.

I don't want profile controls on the home page. The alternative would be for me to install another plugin that lets me force a redirect on login/logout. We already have 30+ plugins on this site. The admin panel is a nightmare to navigate. No more plugins. Every single avatar on this site, no matter how itty bitty it may be displayed, is a link to the profile for the member that avatar represents. Post a bunch of stuff and you can get to your profile from all over the place ;) :D

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 22, 2018, 16:41
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

This is just a test. I suppressed putting forum activity in profile activity stream and it doesn't seem to be working but, maybe it isn't retro-active.

Edit, hmmmm - no this isn't working. Why everything has to be such a pain in the ass? I said don't fuckin do it. The plugin claims it wont fucking do it. SO what the fuck is the deal.

edit2: Man, there should be a rule or something that if you make a wordpress plug-in you have to be 100% proficient in English and your instructions would receive at least a B grade by a professional instruction writer. I got the shit to work but, not because any of the fucking alien speak in the instructions were decipherable. Now only things that qualify as a profile update are listed in the profile activity thread.

In other words, making a little profile post, changing your avatar, commenting on a profile post, uploading things to your gallery,... shit like that.

Why does this matter to me? Simple, there is a private forum here but, it aint all that damn private if it is dumping all my private posts in my activity thread. Sometimes, I want to grab this forum by the throat and squeeze. I don't understand why I have to install a million different plug-ins to obtain the functionality that should have been included in the thing that the plugin is modifying in the first place. Why do I need a plugin to modify buddypress to suppress certain activity? Why isn't that a core feature? I have 3 major plugins and like 20 plugins making those 3 things work the way they should out of the box. It is frustrating. Here's a rich one. BBpress is our actual forum software. I had to install a plugin just to change the order posts are displayed. Are there complete fucking morons building this shit or something? I LITERALLY have a plugin thats keeping the very first post on top. O.o Imma have a fuckin heart attack!

BuddyPress is our profile plug-in. I have a plug-in so you can make your profile private! Now how the absolute fuck was that not included in buddypress! With how stupid this shit is sometimes, I'm surprised I don't need a plug-in to have plug-ins. None of this shit is new. How hasn't BuddyPress and BBPress already taken all these plugins and merged them with the main software?

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 23, 2018, 09:38
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

A number of you have left your profile completely visible to anyone ~

You privacy settings should be (logged in users only) at the very least. I can't set this for you otherwise the default would be what I just said.

A number of you are using the same username as nickname ~

Having a nickname (ie display name) different from your username (ie login name) is like having 2 passwords. My site does not display usernames. So, if nobody knows your actual username and they don't know your password either it makes it incredibly difficult to mess with you.

For ultimate protection resolve these issues. Failure to resolve these issues will more than likely never matter. Seriously, nobody is at any true risk here. I like sentences that include words like VERY HIGHLY UNLIKELY and resolving those issues is how you make a sentence like that. I'm a security nut. I like to dot every i and cross every t. That way, on the off chance that anything ever does happen (even target, amazon and major websites have been hacked) I can say "Well, I definitely did every single thing I could think of." There is nothing to buy here and no credit card info or anything like that in my DB or attached to your profile so really, the risk is so incredibly low and there is nothing to gain for a hacker. All my shit is private and hidden, anyway.

I look at it kind of like this. Say you live alone and drink out of the same glass everyday. Maybe your method is always to just rinse that glass cause you are the only one drinking from it and rinsing it is good enough. But we all know that you should wash the glass. Maybe you will never get sick but, it only takes that one time. I wash the glass. Your buddy with face herpes comes over and uses your glass while you are in the bathroom/backyard/garage, rinses it and sets it back down where he/she found it. You didn't know that....... You maybe just got "hacked". And in lieu of that example, maybe it's more important to wash the glass before you use it too even if you can't think of any reason why that is necessary. Ya know? Like that one roach that made it into your house and was climbing all over your glass while you were sleeping. You didn't even know you had a roach. Weird examples indeed but, they all hilight the same thing. Never assume you are safe, even in the smallest most innocuous thing.

As an aside: When sites let you input 2 separate names for yourself you should make your login name something completely different than your display name on sign-up. For instance: make your login name something like ABCD1234EFGH5678 and make your display name what your username would usually be. People don't seem to be accustomed to this system or truly understand the purpose of it when in the registration form. I like to teach people things. I bet you any money the next time you fill out a registration with these options you will remember this and make very good choices. Especially if that registration is for a site that wants your CC info. You may end up thinking "Most people get this wrong but, I'm not going to. Thanks Gypsy"

You're welcome

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 24, 2018, 00:55
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

I went around and tightened up a bunch of css details that I've noticed recently. One of them was the visual editor for posting. I never use that editor so there were some things that I never really noticed about it until today when I decided it would be easier to use it for duplicating Sevens SMC post. I cheated a little bit but everything is consistent. I noticed some issues with the profile galleries but, the way I do this I can't reproduce the issues in my admin panel css editor. I need to go to the gallery outside of the admin panel with firebug open, make a bunch of dynamic changes and either write them down or remember them and then type those changes into the admin panel css editor. I'll do that at another time, nobody even seems to be using most of the profile page options so the priority is really low on that stuff.

I added a bunch of stuff to the video gallery on the right bar and I think I am going to increase the number of recent posts that are displayed.

EDIT: done, now it shows the last 8 posts made. I also upped the number of items displayed under hilights in the side bar to match the number displayed on the home page (6)

EDIT2: I had to change the number of displayed recent posts to 7. 8 was was pushing things around on the home page

EDIT3: disregard that. I'm stupid. It only pushes stuff around if you have your browser windowed. It would do that no matter what anyway. It's back at 8. I could probably get away with 9.

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 24, 2018, 17:04
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

Welp, I had to turn off lazy image loading cause it was breaking all the slideshows on this site. I realized it when I went to update the smc thread and the slideshow was not loading at all. At first I thought my security was set so tight it thought it was hotlinking images or something. Turning off all site security for a second did nothing. Then I thought my optimizer was doing it, turning that off did nothing. Then I realized "wait, the slideshow on the homepage works, so what the fuck?" That's when I started looking at page sources. It became immediately obvious that lazy-image-load was killing the slideshows. It wasn't killing it on the main page cause the slideshow is immediately in view when the page loads. Soooo, we don't have lazy image load anymore. Honestly, it was getting on my nerves anyway cause, I scroll faster than it loads and it was like I was fighting my way to my desired scroll point. So, I'm not really going to miss that "feature".

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 24, 2018, 19:26
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

It sucks but, at some point I am going to have pretty much no choice but to change this site to a 3 column layout. I can totally do it. I totally don't want to. This is the point where I go ripping apart the source to register another side-bar and pretty much never update this theme ever again (cause it would erase it). There actually is a way that I could keep this theme and build on top of it "remotely". Yeah, that's the way to go but, I still don't want to mess with it.

I don't like sidebars extending past the main content of the page forcing completely blank areas under the main content. There are quite a few pages that would require an awful lot in the sidebar for this to happen but, there are some pages where this is already happening and it's not like my sidebar is never going to get longer.

Well, I don't have any intention of doing any of that today but the time is coming. I'm going to clone this site and install it on a local server. I can't do this kind of surgery "live" cause things are going to get real messed up before they are made right.

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 25, 2018, 13:18
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

I made a new logo and static header. I also turned on some bullshit on the homepage header. I know it's stupid. I didn't know what to write. I was trying to be fancy and I think I just managed to make it junky. Imma leave it up for a day and see if it grows on me or if I can think of something better to write. It's actually been there the whole time hidden behind a display:none rule.

I put the display:none rule back. It was just too much like putting a pig on lipstick. You didn't miss anything it looked like shit.

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 27, 2018, 12:08
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

Some plugins wanted to be updated so, I let them. One of them was a main tool that adds a lot of functionality to this forum. I set a bunch of new features but, I don't see anything indicating that they exist. Supposedly we have a bunch of new bbcode tags, and some other stuff but, I don't see any new buttons in either of the editors. I know users can see some stuff that I can't cause there are no restrictions at all for me. If any of you notice extra things that needs to be restyled let me know. Of course I could give my other account base permissions and check this myself but, I'm trying to do something else right now.

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 29, 2018, 11:34
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

I made some upgrades to a few things around here. 2 of them are obvious, the other things are not obvious at all cause they are invisible. Also, ziteboard contacted me and asked me to use google chrome when in the chat canvas while they work out some issues with firefox. I told Mark I would let everyone know. Nobody is forcing you to do this but, they are providing us with a completely free product and are well-aware of how we are using it. I would rather not use chrome personally but, I will since they asked me to. They seem like a pretty laid-back and cool company

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 29, 2018, 16:06
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

I did more. I got rid of one thing that I put in earlier and went a new way. The sidebars are now content aware (sorta). I redistributed some of the data and got rid of some things. Also, the content is somewhat dependent on what page you are on. I hate having a sidebar that is longer than the content of the page. Mostly, this does not happen anymore. There are some exceptions but, they are few and buried. I need to make more adjustments. It's not perfect yet.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 9, 2018, 08:24
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

Woops ~

1) the other day Admer made an edit to a reply and then his reply became the new top reply. At first that seemed like a "feature".

2) I recalculate forum properties (post count, reply count, etc) sometimes because they get out of whack from time to time. I did this recently at some point after Admer discovered the "feature" in #1.

I go to Mr Burns project post and realize it's scrambled eggs, everything is out of order. #1 was not a feature, it was a glitch. I had installed a "toolkit" for the forums and as it turns out it must have been made by a complete moron. With a little peep at his code I see what he did wrong. However, instead of fix it, I completely deactivated and deleted it. The toolkit has too many features for me to chase around somebody making mistakes like the one I saw. I reverted back to my trusty (but unfortunately abandoned) reply sorting plugin and now everything is back to how it should be.


Your total reply and topic count are now displayed under your avatar.


I know chat canvas doesn't work anymore. Apparently the fine print is that there is a data cap for it's use and we have reached it. I'm considering some alternatives. For now, I'm just going to let it sit unusable as a placeholder for whatever will replace it. Sorry if this is inconvenient to anyone.


I noticed the text editor did not have a button for underline so I coded one in myself. Why the hell wasn't underline already in the text editor?

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 9, 2018, 13:49
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

I installed a very simple ajax chatroom. You can get to it from the same link in the right sidebar that used to be the chat-canvas link. When it comes to features there are pretty much none. You can chat. share links and emoticons work. That's probably it. I am positive bbcode and html do not work. There is no way to allow the users to to manage sound notifications so, I just turned them off entirely. I installed this particular chatroom for 3 reasons.

1) It works off of your existing account. There is no 3rd party anything.
2) It's clean and simple. It took minutes to install, configure and style.
3) It works in a "stand alone" way that does not interfere with anything. Even if the author eventually abandoned this forever it shouldn't make any difference at all.

This chat room is so low brau it didn't even have a "currently chatting" list. I reused the "users online" widget at the bottom of the right sidebar and told it to only show users that are on the chat page. If you are on the chat page, you are in the chat so... The instance on the chat page is the only one that is affected by my changes. The right sidebar version is unchanged. The current users are listed below the entire chat interface in an inline list.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 10, 2018, 11:21
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

I added the ability to save the main post of a forum topic, the main post of a post page (ie Hilights pages) or an entire page (things like video gallery, tools, etc) as a pdf for logged in users. I understand this is not entirely ideal as regardless of what type of page you convert to pdf it will not grab any replies. I can't do anything about that at this time. However, the main system is in place so, maybe in the future I can make it better.

I made the link "content aware" so, if you do not see the "Download As PDF" link in the right sidebar (while logged in) then that is not the kind of page you can convert. Right now I guess this feature is a bit kitschy except for any post where the OP has highly informative information. All I can say is that I am pounding this site with features and sometimes those features won't be as great as we would like but, at the same time, not having the feature at all would be even less.

EDIT: I changed the allowed pages to be converted to pdf to hilights pages and forum topic pages only. Having the arbitrary "pages" condition showed the "Download As PDF" option for a lot of pages that would throw an error if you tried to convert.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 11, 2018, 03:04
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

There is now sort of a google docs feature in your profile. You can create commentable documents and set a whole lot of parameters. Here is an example:

Let's assume you formed a private group. You could create a document that is editable, commentable and viewable by only the people in your group.

Let's say you didn't have a group at all and you wanted only logged-in users of this site to be able to comment on the document, only you can edit it and even guests can view it. You can do that.

Let's say you had a public group and wanted your group to be able to comment, only you can edit and only logged-in users can view. You can do that

There are a lot of combinations and possibilities regarding permissions, pretty much any combination you can imagine.

You can create folders for your documents, folders inside of folders for your documents, attach files and probably use any bbcode the forum allows (maybe not, I honestly haven't tested that)


It's getting thick around here:

  • site forum
  • user groups
  • user group forums
  • buddy drive
  • docs | group docs
  • threads to pdf
  • bullshit shoutbox
  • profile audio/image gallery
  • embed anything
  • site video gallery
  • tools/engine compendium
  • content aware sidebars
  • stale news and featured content
  • syntax hilighted code
  • polls
  • you

Coming Soon (probably):
NextGenQuake TV & Live Customer Support

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 11, 2018, 12:28
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

Mini update:

In my previous post I was unsure if you can use bbcode in documents. You can do ANYTHING that the forum allows you to do. Also, you can compare and revert revisions of the document. I spent a lot of time restyling everything to perfectly match the forum and in doing that I wound up walking through all of the features. Whereas the convert to pdf function is semi-useless for topics and post pages, it isn't useless for docs. It may not grab comments but it WILL grab your entire document. I made sure the "Download As PDF" feature is available on document pages.

My overwrite css is becoming a mess. When I was at around 1100 lines it was nice and clean and commented, even separated into sections for the various plugins. Over the last month plus I have just been dumping everything new at the end and not taking any time to keep it clean. I have added about 400 lines and some of that is for plugins that I restyled and then decided to delete. It's not going to be any fun to clean all that up. I'm not even sure I can figure out what everything is supposed to go to. None of this really matters. No matter how neat and organized I make the css it isn't going to make one bit of displayable difference. I bet there are a bunch of rules that could be merged into other rules though.

I keep telling myself I don't care but, I'm way too OCD for that to be true for much longer.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 11, 2018, 14:05
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

I tracked down the stylesheet my PDF maker was using and restyled it to match this site. It's a lot more of a color match and basically nothing like a page match. Which is good. It would be stupid to include all the page elements in the pdf.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 11, 2018, 17:42
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

This stupid PDF plug-in wants either $31 a year or $310 for life to unlock their "pro" features. I didn't spend the last 20 some-odd years programming in every language under the sun just so I can pay either one of those retarded prices.

Lemme show you how to unlock "pro" features without unlocking anything at all and consequently make better features than their retarded pro garbage.

1) find the main and final function and change it.
2) find the default.css and change that too (entirely)
3) get super frustrated realizing pdf versions of css and html are not very friendly
4) get it right anyway (through much trial and error)

End up with nice stuff like this (the entire header above the page title)

click for fullscreen[su_lightbox type="image" src="https://i.imgur.com/gA0tba2.png"]

This is just starter-kit stuff. I'm going to make this do whatever I want and they can kiss my ass with their $31 to $310 extortion for their 5 or 6 bullshit extras. I'll go find BBPress's reply loop and get any thread from top to bottom for 0$ with primarily a copy and paste. $31 to $310, these people are on crystal crackoine.

OneMadGypsyPostAugust 11, 2018, 22:09
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: Site Upgrade/Maintenance Log

I have pdfs capturing entire threads. It's a little on the ugly side right now but, I'll make it better soon. This is almost a done deal. It really is down to it just being ugly. Lemme tell you, hunting down the function for looping thread replies was, well, impossible. Everything I found in templates did not work coming from another plug-in. And honestly, I'm glad. All those functions print straight to the page in place. I'm not feeling like a bunch of ob_start() and ob_get_clean() was the way to go for this. I needed raw data so I can merge it into my own html and that's exactly what I did.

I found one function that gets a thing and another function that can use that thing and then returned the thing the second function got from the thing it used. Then the thing I got was looped and turned into a new thing that became a sanitized thing... and then I made it an html thing and we're good.

If anybody out there is trying to figure out how to get all replies to a topic for bbpress in an object of raw data... it goes a lil summin like this;

function cmp($a, $b)
{    return strcmp($a->ID, $b->ID);

if ( ! function_exists( 'gypsy_get_replies' ) ) {
    function gypsy_get_replies($id) {
        $replies = bbp_get_all_child_ids($id, bbp_get_reply_post_type());
        $rep= array();
        foreach ( $replies as $reply_id ) {
            $rep[] = bbp_get_reply($reply_id);
        usort($rep, "cmp");
        return $rep;

and you can implement it like this

$replies = array();
$rep_table = '';

if(count($replies = gypsy_get_replies($p->ID)) > 0)
{	$rep_table = '<table class="reply_table">';
	foreach($replies as $v)
	{	//build your table or whatever it is you want to do
	$rep_table .= '</table>';

$html .= $rep_table;

And, if anybody did need this for some reason, you're welcome. Imma tell you right now, going over various templates and functions.php files to try and find the couple few functions that made this happen SUCKED! It was like trying to find a passage in the bible by doing a text search of the whole thing using a super common word and then sifting through all the results.

This is how I audited all the vars I can use

if ( ! function_exists( 'gypsy_replies_object_print' ) ) {
    function gypsy_replies_object_print($id) {
        $replies = bbp_get_all_child_ids($id, bbp_get_reply_post_type());
        $rep = '';
        foreach ( $replies as $reply_id ) {
            $rep .= print_r(bbp_get_reply($reply_id), true);
        echo $rep;
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