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ROGUE – My-Key's explosives for rogue
TalisaPostJuly 25, 2018, 00:02
Posts: 93
July 22, 2018, 00:35
Normal topicROGUE – My-Key's explosives for rogue

hey all,

ever since i found my-key's awesome explosives pack which includes rockets, grenades and rocket pickups i've been in love with them.
then i saw a pic of a modification someone made to the grenade in my-key's thread, which gave me the idea to make versions of my-key's explosives for rogue

so i grabbed my-keys grenade and modified it into a multi-grenade,
and then took my-keys rocket projectile & turned it into a multi-rocket

and i also i took my-key's rocket pickups and made custom textures for them for the multi-rocket pickups

and so i present to you all, my version of my-key's explosives for rogue

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 25, 2018, 10:15
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Normal topicReply To: ROGUE – My-Key's explosives for rogue

Wow, you made a whole lot of stuff. Dragging it all here was probably very time consuming. You deserve an award. Here's your certifications for being awesome. Thank you.


TalisaPostJuly 25, 2018, 17:32
Posts: 93
July 22, 2018, 00:35
Normal topicReply To: ROGUE – My-Key's explosives for rogue

yaaaaaaaay! *puts it up on the wall of her living-room above her monitor*


hehe yeah it was an entire afternoon & night's worth of work, to drag all my threads from quakeone to over here and to clean the posts up and edit them to make them more clean and merging some threads, like the rogue models were each their own seperate thread

and i did editing to pictures of multiple threads to clean them up and merging multiple pics into one, and for some re-uploading multiple pictures into an album to allow having the album linked instead of seperate pictures


and im not 100% done yet, but i dunno what to do with the last few items.

2 threads are stuff that i didnt really 'make perse, but they're pre-setup skin-packs for use with seven's SMC, to allow for easy drag&drop use without needing to set up anything.



and of course there is my massive "definitive HD replacement content" thread from quakeone
i am honestly not sure what to do with taht thread, as moving it voer would be a massive under-taking, and 99% of the links in that thread would be broken when quakeone gets lost to the void, and i'd have to completely re-write the thread when quakeone perishes.

i considered to maybe just completely re-write the thread regardless and just remove all links and instead add a picture of every single item/pack with each entry, but that would mean making a shit-ton of pictures and would make that the thread itself would probably take forever to load due to the massive amount of images.

i just really dont know what to do with taht one particular thread... its either a lazy copy&paste and having to completely re-write the thread once quakeone perishes,
or completely re-write the thread to get rid of any links to quakeone and add pictures and see about making dropbox mirrors for every single file in the thread

i do absolutely without a doubt wanna save that thread too though, as it took a looooooot of work to put it together and i know that to many many members my thread has been a huge help in finding all the stuff they liked by having everything out there compiled in one single big list they can browse through.

right now i just simply really dont know what to do with that thread.
what would you recommend?

i think my prefered option would be to completely re-write the thread to get rid of any links to quakeone threads and instead add a picture or album to every single item/pack in the list so that people can get a preview of what each item/pack looks like, and keep the resolution of pics to something small like 640x480 to prevent the thread from taking forever to load

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 25, 2018, 17:50
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Normal topicReply To: ROGUE – My-Key's explosives for rogue

You may not be aware of this but, you have a gallery on your profile. Maybe you could make a few different image galleries to separate the different works and then make a thread that links back to your galleries. This way you can avoid the ugly imgur albums and also avoid long page load times because, posting image galleries will just be a little icon link.

TalisaPostJuly 25, 2018, 19:08
Posts: 93
July 22, 2018, 00:35
Normal topicReply To: ROGUE – My-Key's explosives for rogue

hmmmm... that could work. would still be a lot of work to either snatch pictures from the original threads or make pics myself if the pictures in the original threads have long-expired

snatching pictures from original threads might actually be a good idea to start doing right now,
before the pictures have either expired or quakeone has gone lost to the void

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 26, 2018, 00:12
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Normal topicReply To: ROGUE – My-Key's explosives for rogue

I might already have ALL of them from when I downloaded the "entire" site. I'll check for you. If so, Ill zip them up for you.

TalisaPostJuly 26, 2018, 00:15
Posts: 93
July 22, 2018, 00:35
Normal topicReply To: ROGUE – My-Key's explosives for rogue

that would be awesome, if you could toss all the images from all the threads about releases of models & textures my way once you manages to figure out how to backup the site

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 26, 2018, 00:17
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Normal topicReply To: ROGUE – My-Key's explosives for rogue

oooooh. It's links. Yeah, I don't have them. The mirror DID save your thread but, it doesn't go get links.

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 26, 2018, 00:19
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Normal topicReply To: ROGUE – My-Key's explosives for rogue

see, look at the url in my address bar

edit: woops that was the wrong pic

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 26, 2018, 00:29
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Normal topicReply To: ROGUE – My-Key's explosives for rogue

ooooh you mean you need to go to all those links and get all the images? LOL, I love you to smithereeens but, I ain't doing that. I will do something else though.

1) I will make you another award for doing that (lmao)
2) When I mirrored the site it made folders for every website that images were stored on. For instance I have a mini Imgur mirror as it regards all of quakeone's use. I'll thumb through some of those posts and see if I have a folder for the main sites the images were stored on and I will zip the whole damn folder for you.

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 26, 2018, 00:41
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Normal topicReply To: ROGUE – My-Key's explosives for rogue

something doesn't make sense. I have all these mini mirror folders of external sites but, there isn't anything in them. I clicked through some of the links in your thread and viewed page sources. All image links lead to the original file on the internet. I don't know what's up with those folders. They're all empty.

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 26, 2018, 00:43
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Normal topicReply To: ROGUE – My-Key's explosives for rogue


empty ~ wtf did that program waste 2 gigs on?

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