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DARKPLACES – The 'Definitive' HD replacement content list!
TalisaPostJuly 25, 2018, 22:23
Posts: 93
July 22, 2018, 00:35
Normal topicDARKPLACES – The 'Definitive' HD replacement content list!

a lot of times ive seen threads made by people with this same question: "what HD stuff is there for quake?"

so as to for once and for all answer this, i present to you all:
the "definitive" HD replacement content list, for quake and both official mission-packs!

the items listed here are all for use with the darkplaces quake engine. most of them will not work at all with other engines (most textures will work but require some work from you)
i would personally recommend the 2017-08-29th DP build, which is the last version that i personally tested
( newer versions might work just fine as well. i just havent test any newer builds than this one )
64bit version
32bit version

if any of you know of any HD content that i somehow overlooked, be sure to tell me and i will add them to the list!

[su_expand more_text="Maps/World" less_text="Maps/World" height="0" text_color="#a85" link_align="left" more_icon="icon: expand" less_icon="icon: compress"]

of course first of all, the most bare neccessity... QRPs map-textures and normal-maps for them:
QRP :: Downloads
be sure to also grab the Tlight fixes by _smith_ (fixes issue with glow)

FCZ has made a great-looking gloss-maps addon to compliment QRP's textures
Quakeone- DP material creation
link in thread is broken, so here's a mirror of the files

WebAngel has made a great addon for QRP which adds reflections to glass & animated tech-textures
Quakeone- Quake Animated-REFLECTING-OVERLOAD
-link in thread is broken, so here's a dropbox mirror

seven was so kind to update WA's shaders: reflectin-overload mirror

several members have made shaders for quake's teleporters, which are all listed here:
quakeone- DP New_Teleport
links broken, so here's a dropbox mirror

seven and webangel have both worked to create more awesome-looking lava, with new textures and animations!
seven's version: quakeone- "DP New-Lava" Thread
webangels version: quakeone- "DP New-Lava" Thread -WebAngels's variation

if you like water & slime to have transparency, you'll need VISed maps:

several members have worked hard to make quake's liquids look fancy & realistic
Quakeone- "DP Pretty Water" Update

woods has made HD textures specially for CTF:

want realtime shadows to make the world of quake look more realistic?
romi has made some RT-lights for quake, and inkub0 has worked hard to enhance them
Quakeone- Inkub0 new RTLIGHTS

FCZ has also made RT-lights which are a bit less dark in general
Quakeone- New id1 relight (rtlights+lightmaps)
>dropbox mirror cuz link in original thread has expired<

want some colored lighting added to your maps? Lit-files will add this!
on top of that, Dlits allow you to see normal-maps without RTworld enabled:

[su_expand more_text="Skies & Skyboxes" less_text="Skies & Skyboxes" height="0" text_color="#a85" link_align="left" more_icon="icon: expand" less_icon="icon: compress"]
Skies & Skyboxes

several people have made some great replacement sky-textures to add some variation to the skies in your quake:
Moon[Drunk>'s & jeank's Mix: Quakeone- BEEF34T3R's "Moon[Drunk] & jeank" sky1-mix
alternate red sky by ironwarfare (works great for DoE): Quakeone- ironwarefare's sky
some alternate skies by bluntz: Quakeone- ironwarefare's skies

links broken, so here's a dropbox mirror

ingiger has recently made some great ones: http://quakeone.com/forum/quake-mod-...349#post205349
ingiger also made a variation of one of his own skies: quakeone- ingiger's skies
seven has also made a variation of one of ingiger's skies: quakeone- seven's variation of ingiger's skies
and ingiger also made another variation of his starfire sky: quakeone- ingiger's starfire2 variation sky

Phineas has also made some interesting spacey skies with funky colors: quakeone - A very small contribution


darkplaces also supports the use of skyboxes, which are real 3D skies like used in modern games.
explanation of what skyboxes are with pics here

there's a bunch of skyboxes available all over the net. here's some examples of great ones which i enjoy.

first up, one which im sure most of you will love... purple chaos, a skybox which fits quake perfectly
QuakeWorld GFX - Other / Skyboxes / Purple chaos

over here at quakeworld you can find a bunch more:
QuakeWorld GFX - Other / Skyboxes

there's also the kothic skyboxes-set, which also includes some great skies:

also over here is a huuge pack with a crap-ton of skyboxes, with a lot of great ones
Quake 3 Arena skybox collection

confused about how to use these skyboxes? nahuel wrote a short explanation on how to use them here

[su_expand more_text="Pickups & Powerups" less_text="Skies & Skyboxes" height="0" text_color="#a85" link_align="left" more_icon="icon: expand" less_icon="icon: compress"]
Pickups & Powerups

want to stick with the original pickup models, but still want them to look more fancy? QRP has made some hires textures for the original pickups
Quake Revitalization Project

Mankrip has also made a set of textures for the ID1 pickup models, which are a mix of QRP & ezepov's

there are also authentic-improved versions of all ammo (from rubicon rumble pack)
quakeone- authentic model improvement

rather have HD models for all the pickups? ruohis has made some great-looking HD models
quakeone- Ruohis models ++
links in thread are down, so here are mirrors: objects-pack and ammo+medkits pack

seven has added some lovely animated effects to all ammo & health
ammo-boxes: quakeone- Shader-Animated b_boxes
health-boxes: quakeone- Shader-Animated b_boxes

plague has also made a 'DM pack' which includes a nice alt armor(pic of armor here)

there is also another armor-model by an unknown author. which is nice if you want something different
QuakeWorld - Armor Replacement

Makke has also made a great medieval armor
quakeone- This and That

there is also and alt backpack from quakeworld reloaded

seven has also made alt versions of ruohis' ammo which have anims added
quakeone- Shader-Animated b_boxes

OoPpEe/lambenthammerburst has also made some great-looking models for all powerups
quakeone- "Effect Enabled" Powerups

My-Key has also made a pack with some alternate models for explosives, both projectiles & pickups.
quakeone- Explosive Pack
link in thread is dead, so here's a dropbox mirror

OoPpEe has also made some alternative explosive barrels, which are more authentic:
quakeone- Explosive Barrels
>dropbox mirror since link in thread expired<

there is also a set of alternative HD models for the health-boxes, which seven modified and added QRP textrures too
quakeone- This and That

[su_expand more_text="Weapons" less_text="Weapons" height="0" text_color="#a85" link_align="left" more_icon="icon: expand" less_icon="icon: compress"]

ruohis has made a great set of HD weapon models, which look very nice:
view-weapons and weapon pick-ups

like HD weapons to be authentic-looking, you might like plague's weapons:
pic here and quakeone- ruohis models++

perhaps youre more of a purist, and would rather use original models.
QuakeWorld - Debug 3D models

primevil has made some HD skins for debugged models:
QuakeWorld.nu - PrimeviL's Skins (Retexturing)

Dwere (Da Werecat) has also reworked the ID1 weapon-models
quakeone- faithfull weapon rework by dwere da werecat

OriOn & PrimeviL have also made an 'remix' version of the SG,
which adds a hand and includes right-handed version
QuakeWorld GFX - Models / Weapon / V_shot - remix -

trickle has made a similar 'remix' version of quake's SSG which complements OriOn & PrimeviL's shotgun remix perfectly
quakeone- trickles primevil-styled v_shot2 remix

in OoPpEe's 'doom3 shamblers castle' pack, there is a nice alternate axe
quakeone- shamblers castle models

Seven was also so kind to convert the G_shot model from the same doom3 mod for quake:
quakeone- this & that

I myself have also made an alternate axe which is more medieval looking
NGQ- Tally's Axe

I myself have also made a sword replacement for the axe
NGQ - Axe?! why not sword?

Andrezz has also made a great medieval axe which Seven converted for quake
quakeone- this&that

use seven's SMC and use the awesome Q3-quad like effect he implented with HD weapons?
i updates plague's & ruohis' weapon-packs to support the effect
quakeone- SMC Q3A-effect updates for weapons

me & bloodshot have collaberated to make an alternate replacement SSG.
NGQ- BloodShot+Talisa SSG

ruohis has also made 2 sets of alternate weapon-sets, which have a Q3A feel to them.
vid, pics and download-link here , and alternate dropbox mirror here

I myself have also made a set of RL nailguns for use in quake!
>pic is here< and >download-links are here<

someone has also ported the thunderbolt from valve's deathmatch classic for use in DP:
DMC Lightning Gun improved

loga_m has also made a set of alternate weapon models
Alternative Gun Models for Quake - Mod DB

Dwere has also made a set of alternate weapon-models,
Func_Msgboard: Modelling HelpScreenshotsRequests (download link in post #1344)

[su_expand more_text="Monsters & Player" less_text="Monsters & Player" height="0" text_color="#a85" link_align="left" more_icon="icon: expand" less_icon="icon: compress"]
Monsters & Player

ID1 skins

there is fraggers skins-pack, which are authentic to the originals

kingennio has made additional gloss-maps and normals for fraggers monster-skins
fragger monsters +norms kingennio

there is also the reforged skins-pack, which is also very nice.
Quake Reforged - Downloads

Quadrocket(Robert sinclair) has also made an alternate skin for the scrag
quakeone- quadrocket skin for scrag

d1554573r has also made some very nice skins for the knight and hellknight
quakeone- d1554573r skins for knight & hellknight

you can also find a bunch more skins for ID1 models by others over in my thread for SMC's multi-skin feature:
NGQ- triple skins for ID1 monsters (SMC)


Mid-Poly models:

capnbubs has made improved versions of some of the original monster-models
quakeone- authentic model improvement
currently he only made grunt, player and rottweiler.

someone over at quakeworld.nu has made a nice-looking hi-res skin for capnbubs playermodel
QuakeWorld.nu - New quake models

Quadrocket has made a lovely HD skin for capnbub's rottweiler
quadrocket skin for capnbub's dog


lunaran has also made an improved version of the original knight-model
Func_Msgboard: Replacement KNIGHT

I myself have converted both of d1554573r's knight-skins to fit lunaran's improved model:
quakeone- authentic model improvement

i also converted reforged's knight-skin for lunaran's model (updated to includes normals & such)
quakeone- authentic model improvement


skiffy has also made a nice authentic medium-poly shambler
quakeone- skiffy's shambler

Dutch has also made both male and female alternate med-poly player-models
quakeone- dutch's player models

seven went ahead and re-worked the mutant from Quake2 to be usable in quake1 (replacement for fiend)
quakeone- Q2 mutant replacement for fiend

seven has also converted 2 knights from the 'Dawn of Darkness' quake2-mod
quakeone- Q2 DoD-mod knights for quake
link in thread broken, so here's a dropbox mirror


high-poly replacement models:

ruohis has also made a couple of very nice high-poly models for several of quake's enemies.
ruohis monster-models

i added support for player-colors to ruohis' player-model
ruohis player +player-colors support

i have made some alternate skins for ruohis' tarbaby
Shoggoth's for Ruohis Spawn -also for ROGUE

Andrew Joll has made an absolutely awesome-looking highpoly shambler-model:
quakeone- Andrew joll shambler

FrederikH has also made a shambler, which has a sorta doom3 feel to it:
Quake Shambler remodeled by FredrikH on deviantART

I created a head-gib to go with FH's shambler
headgib for FH shambler

Teamonster has made a high-poly ogre, and he really did an outstanding job on it!
quakeone- teamonster's ogre

Moo & OoPpEe have also worked together to create a nice hi-poly model for both player & grunt.
quakeone- Moo & OoPpEe player-model
quakeone- Moo&OoPpEe grunt using M00's player-model
the player-model even includes 3 nice skins to pick from!

OoPpEe/lambenthammerburst has also converted the scrag, fiend and vore from the doom3 "shambler's castle" mod,
which are really nice detailed models which fit right into quake
quakeone- shambler's castle models
as a bonus OoPpEe also included the axe hud-weapon from the same mod in the pk3

Tabun has also made a very nice enforcer-model, and OoPpEe was so nice to convert and animate it!
quakeone- tabun's enforcer

OoPpEe has also made a great replacement for the laser-blast from the enforcer
quakeone- OoPpEe's enforcer laserblast
link in thread dead, so here's a dropbox mirror

you can also find some alternate skins for HD monster-models in my thread for SMC's multi-skin/multi-model feature
NGQ- multiple skins for hi-poly monsters (SMC)

[su_expand more_text="HUD & Menu" less_text="HUD & Menu" height="0" text_color="#a85" link_align="left" more_icon="icon: expand" less_icon="icon: compress"]
Hud & Menu

seven has made a great set of HD icons for hud with a transparent background
quakeone- fully transparent hud

webangel, OoPpEe and several other members have made some great conbacks for quake (background picture of console)
quakeone- conbacks thread

moondrunk has also made some great conbacks as well
Moon[Drunk>s Quake Graphics | Conbacks

also moondrunk has made some great alternative charsets which give the menus and all letters/symbols in quake a nice new HD look
Moon[Drunk>s Quake Graphics | Charsets

want a different layout for your hud? nahuel and _smith_ have worked hard to create a fantastic CSQC hud.
includes multiple layouts, shows map-name at load, and includes a neat compass at top of screen
quakeone- CSQC hud
the hud is a clientside, so you can use it with any map/mod and even use it during online play!


Herny has also made a nice alternate hud, which is inspired by the hud from kleshik
quakeone- henry's CQSC hud
link in thread is dead, so here's a [SIZE=12px>>dropbox mirror<[/SIZE>


Andehx made a great-looking alternate set with faces for the hud, which are very authentic
quakone- Andehx hud faces
link in thread broken, so here's a dropbox mirror


Phineas has made some alternate front-view icons of Makke's armor
quakeone - phineas' armor icons

Phineas has also made some lovely replacement plaque's for quake and both mission-packs, which have a more grungy look than MoonDrunk's plaque's
quakeone- quake plaque's

[su_expand more_text="Misc" less_text="Misc" height="0" text_color="#a85" link_align="left" more_icon="icon: expand" less_icon="icon: compress"]

sadly the steam-version doesnt include the music, but Roy Batty has made pk3s with original music for darkplaces
quakeone- HQ music packs

> links in thread are broken, Roy has re-uploaded all packs to mediafire:
Rogue ROGUE_Music
Quake QUAKE_Music
Hipnotic HIPNOTIC_Music
Malice MALICE_Music


WebAngel has made a really great-looking torch with animated glow (seven's SMC required)

seven has combined several torch-parts from different authors into one lovely wall-torch (seven's SMC required)
quakone- this&that


QRP has made hires textures for bubbles and the light-orbs, they're hidden in the 'item textures' pack
:: Quake Revitalization Project ::

'Black Rayne Studios' has made a set of fantastic-looking HD gib-models


sonic mayhem has made an alternate soundtrack for quake
soundtrack -Methods Of Destruction

rdmusic has also made another alternate soundtrack for quake
quakeone- RDmusic's music-pack


seven has made a great authentic sound-pack
quakeone- improved sound files

mindgrid has also made a great alternate sound-pack
mindgridaudio - HD quake1 sounds

and lastly there is also the 'epiquake' sound-pack, which also replaces all sounds with new HD ones
Downloads - EpiQuake Mod for Quake - Mod DB

[su_expand more_text="Maps/World" less_text="Maps/World" height="0" text_color="#a85" link_align="left" more_icon="icon: expand" less_icon="icon: compress"]

the QRP team has also made a full set of map textures for the first mission-pack
:: Quake Revitalization Project :: Downloads ::

FCZ has also some gloss-maps for this mission-pack as well, which really compliment QRPs already fantastic textures!
quakone- DP material creation
NOTE: if you already have the full gloss-maps pack installed into your ID1 folder, you dont have to add anything to have glossmaps for this missionpack!

WebAngel's fantastic animated-reflecting-overload addon for QRP also includes animated and reflecting textures for 1st mission-pack!
quakeone- WebAngel's animated-reflecting-overload

if you like water & slime to have transparency, you'll need VISed maps:

webangel has made some fancy shaders for hipnotics purple portal-texture and the bloody liquid texture which is used in HIP3M4
quakone- WebAngel's HIPNOTIC liquids

want fancy lighting and shadowing for this mission-pack as well? romi has made some great RTlights for hipnotic:

or perhaps if you dont like the lighting from romi, FCZ's 'relight' RTlights might be more to your liking
quakone- FCZ's HIPNOTIC relight
[SIZE=8px>dropbox mirror for when the anonfiles link doesnt work[/SIZE>

alfader has made some great lit-files for this mission-pack, which adds colored lights to the maps
quakone- alfaders lit-files for HIPNOTIC

[su_expand more_text="Pickups & Powerups" less_text="Pickups & Powerups" height="0" text_color="#a85" link_align="left" more_icon="icon: expand" less_icon="icon: compress"]
Pickups & Powerups

OoPpEe aka lambenthammerburst has also made hi-poly models for the new powerups for this mission-pack
quakeone- OoPpEe's "effect-enabled" powerups

[su_expand more_text="Weapons" less_text="Weapons" height="0" text_color="#a85" link_align="left" more_icon="icon: expand" less_icon="icon: compress"]

OoPpEe aka lambenthammerburst has made a pack with hi-poly weapon-replacements for hipnotic, which compliment ruohis models for quake perfectly
quakeone- HIPNOTIC weapons-pack

Pringles man has made an alternate version of OoPpEe's laser-cannon, which makes the weapon itself dark-silver and the laserblasts blue, and also changes the sound
quakone- pringlesman's alternate blue OoPpEe lasercanon

kingennio has also made an alternate model for the laser-cannon, which uses the lightning-gun model from DeathMatch Classic
quakeone- hipnotic lasergun(DMC)

and ruohis has also made an alternate model for the laser-cannon which is very different from the original but looks cool
quakeone- ruohis alternate lasergun
links in the thread dont work, but i managed to get my hands on the weapon! CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD. thanx for providing me with this model Gdiddy!

if you enjoy Dwere's reworked weapon-models, you'll be happy to know i made versions of Dwere's weapons for both mission-packs:
quakone- dwere's reworked weapons for mission-packs
the weapons are included in the authentic model improvement pack itself ;)

[su_expand more_text="Monsters" less_text="Monsters" height="0" text_color="#a85" link_align="left" more_icon="icon: expand" less_icon="icon: compress"]

Fraggers has also made a pack with HD skins for hipnotic monsters, which are very authentic.
Fragger's website is sadly down... but i've uploaded the pack to my dropbox for y'all: hipnotic skins by fragger

alternately, Nergal from reforged team also made a pack of HD skins for hipnotics monsters, which are more fancy and have the typical reforged style to them.
quakone - Quake Reforged
links in thread broken, so here's working ones: gremlin , scourge , armagon
Reforged didnt make an HD-skin for spikemine though, while fraggers skin-pack does include this monster

[su_expand more_text="HUD & Menu" less_text="HUD & Menu" height="0" text_color="#a85" link_align="left" more_icon="icon: expand" less_icon="icon: compress"]
Hud & Menu

WebAngel has made a great addon for the transparent hud from seven for quake, which adds HD icons for this MP's new weapons and powerups
quakeone- webangels transparent hud for HIPNOTIC
be sure to get transparent hud from seven for normal quake, as its an addon for that

Webangel & OoPpEe have made also some superb conbacks for this mission-pack
quakone- conbacks thread

deadtenor has made a couple wonderfull replacement Qplague's, with multiple to pick from:
quakone- deadtenor's Qplaque's

Phineas has also made some lovely replacement plaque's for quake and both mission-packs, which have a more grungy look than MoonDrunk's plaque's
quakeone- phineas' Qplague's

there is also a version of the fantastic CSQC hud which nahuel and _smith_ made for hipnotic:
quakeone- CSQC hud

[su_expand more_text="Misc" less_text="Misc" height="0" text_color="#a85" link_align="left" more_icon="icon: expand" less_icon="icon: compress"]

Roy Batty has also been so awesum to make pack with the original soundtrack for this mission-pack!
quakone- HQ music-packs

[su_expand more_text="Maps & World" less_text="Maps & World" height="0" text_color="#a85" link_align="left" more_icon="icon: expand" less_icon="icon: compress"]

the QRP team has after 4years of development finally released an HD texture-pack for this mission-pack too!
you can get it over at their website > :: Quake Revitalization Project :: Downloads ::

WebAngel has also made a great set of alternate replacement textures for this mission-pack
quakone- webangel's texture-pack for rogue
links in thread broken, so here are working ones: rogue textures part1 & rogue textures part2

[SIZE=8px>NOTE: you will also need to copy the QRP texture-pack for mission-pack 1 to the rogue folder when using WebAngel's texture-pack[/SIZE>


if you like'd water & slime to have transparency, you'll need VISed maps:

inkub0 has made some great RT-lights for this mission-pack as well, to add fancy lighting & shadowing to this mission-pack
quakeone- inkub0's RTlights for ROGUE
> link in thread broken, so here's a dropbox mirror

WebAngel has also made some great hires textures for all the new hazards and in-world items of this mission-pack
quakone- webangels ROGUE objects textures
>click for pic, since pic in thread is missing<

I myself have made a high-poly replacement model for the lanterns, pendulum's and buzzsaw's in ROGUE:
NGQ- ROGUE – HD hazards & lanterns

alfader has made some great lit-files for this mission-pack, which adds colored lights to the maps
quakeone- alfader's lits

Seven has worked together with Webangel & gdiddy62 to make the waterfall in R2M1 look much fancy!
quakone- rogue waterfall
>> NOTE: this waterfall requires usage of seven's SMC mod

[su_expand more_text="Pickups & Powerups" less_text="Pickups & Powerups" height="0" text_color="#a85" link_align="left" more_icon="icon: expand" less_icon="icon: compress"]
Pickups & Powerups

OoPpEe has made a set with great-looking highpoly models for this mission-pack as well
quakone- OoPpEe's "effect-enabled" powerups

would you like your ammo to look more fancy? so did seven, he added some lovely animated effects to all ammo for rogue
quakeone- shader-animated b_boxes

[su_expand more_text="Weapons" less_text="Weapons" height="0" text_color="#a85" link_align="left" more_icon="icon: expand" less_icon="icon: compress"]

also for this mission-pack OoPpEe/lambenthammerburst has made some great weapon-models
qukaone- OoPpEe's DoE weapon-pack
in the pack he also included a fix for the bug where the plasma-gun wont fire correctly and the orb just floats

OoPpEe has also made alternate version of the SNG he included with above pack which adds cracks to the barrel
quakone- OoPpEe's lava-supernailgun -type1

WebAngel has made an alternate version of the lava-nailgun which adds cracks to this weapon too, so that they make a nice set
pic can be found here - click here for download

WebAngel has also made another alternate version of both lava-NG and lava-SNG with cracks which have shader-animated pulsing glow!
pics can be found here - click here for download

i myself have also made a lava-SNG version of plague's SNG-model, which has glow and cracks added just like OoPpEe added to ruohis' models in his pack
NGQ- Plague lava-SNG -animated
be sure to click the bottom link for use without SMC if you do not use seven's SMC

i myself have made edits of My-Key's explosives-pack to create versions of them for this mission-pack
NGQ- ROGUE – My-Key's explosives for rogue

if you enjoy Dwere's reworked weapon-models, you'll be happy to know i made versions of Dwere's weapons for both mission-packs:
quakeone- dwere's reworked weapons for mission-packs
the weapons are included in the authentic model improvement pack itself ;)

[su_expand more_text="Monsters" less_text="Monsters" height="0" text_color="#a85" link_align="left" more_icon="icon: expand" less_icon="icon: compress"]

OoPpEe has made a skin for teamonster's ogre for the multi-grenade ogre
Z999.11-ROGUE__GL-ogre+multiG_ogre-OoPpEe__TM (update1)

I made a basic recolored skin for ruohis tarbaby for the hellspawn

i've also made some alternate skins for ruohis' tarbaby, which add lots of creepy eyes all over
NGQ- Shoggoth's for Ruohis Spawn -also for ROGUE

nergal from reforged has made some fantastic skins for most of this mission-packs new enemies:
quakone- reforged rogue skins

nergal also made the dragon, multi-grenade ogre, sword, wrath and lavaman, which arent included in above pack
multi-grenade ogre , sword , lava-man , dragon & wrath (and old sword)

Talisa (me) has also animated some sword-models for use as replacement for this mission-pack,
including one sword-model she made herself which is based on the skyforge sword from skyrim
NGQ- ROGUE – alternate HD swords

seven and Webangel have also made some lovely textures for the original sword-model:

WebAngel has made a set of great HD textures for the most frightening enemy of them all.... the eel!
quakone- webangel's Eel

WebAngel has also made an alternate version of the multi-grenade ogre, based on an early version of nergal's ogre:
post with pic - download here

webangel has also made some nice alternative textures for the knight and hellknight statues, which also include the statue-gibs
post with pic - download here

[su_expand more_text="Hud & Menu" less_text="HUD & Menu" height="0" text_color="#a85" link_align="left" more_icon="icon: expand" less_icon="icon: compress"]
Hud & Menu

WebAngel has also made an addon for the hud of this mission-pack for use with seven's transparent hud (find in post of quake)
quakeone- webangels transparent ROGUE hud

there is also a version of the fantastic CSQC hud which nahuel and _smith_ made for rogue:
quakone- CSQC hud

Webangel & OoPpEe have made also some superb conbacks for this mission-pack
quakeone- conbacks thread

deadtenor has made a couple wonderfull replacement Qplague's, with multiple to pick from:
quakeone- missinpack qplaque's

Phineas has also made some lovely replacement plaque's for quake and both mission-packs, which have a more grungy look than MoonDrunk's plaque's
quakone- phineas' qplaque's

[su_expand more_text="Misc" less_text="Misc" height="0" text_color="#a85" link_align="left" more_icon="icon: expand" less_icon="icon: compress"]

Roy Batty has also been so awesum to make pack with the original soundtrack for this mission-pack!
quakeone- HQ music packs

be sure to also pick up updated progs.dat which fixes these issues: plasma-gun not firing, elevator in R1M7 not working & broken buzzsaws in 2014 DP-builds
quakeone- ROGUE plasma-launcher fix

TalisaPostJuly 25, 2018, 22:29
Posts: 93
July 22, 2018, 00:35
Normal topicReply To: DARKPLACES – The 'Definitive' HD replacement content list!

aww crud, doing a simple copy&paste somehow broke pretty much all links that linked to quakeone it seems.....

i intend to get rid of those and instead replace them with links to pictures and downloads anyway,
but i wasnt expecting every single flipping link that linked to quakeone to instantly be broken just from the copy&paste

OneMadGypsyPostJuly 27, 2018, 04:15
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Normal topicReply To: DARKPLACES – The 'Definitive' HD replacement content list!

wow, that sucks, I can't even fix it for you cause of how it broke. If it was just converting symbols to character codes I could write a quick little parser to flip it back and then post for you, which would make it stick cause I'm the admin. But that is broke as broke could be. I'm going to give you almost full admin privileges. You can't have them yet cause we have to have a talk first about how things work around here and I need to create a mini-admin group of permissions specifically for you but, you need more power, and you absolutely deserve it.

edit: I don't need to create mini-admin privileges. Author privileges should be quite a bit more than what you need to do anything you could ever imagine. You still can't have them til we have a talk first though. There is waaaaay too much going on in my admin panel for me to set you lose in it without knowing exactly what you are doing. You would immediately be completely lost. I'm the admin and I get lost all the time. There are hundreds and hundreds of things going on and we need to come to little mini agreements like: You will NEVER try and be nice and catch an update notification for me. Whereas that would be nice, it could also be a complete disaster. Depends on what it is.

TalisaPostJuly 27, 2018, 15:15
Posts: 93
July 22, 2018, 00:35
Normal topicReply To: DARKPLACES – The 'Definitive' HD replacement content list!

hmm yeah... the issue is mostly cuz of how "smart" quakeone's vbulletin software was trying to be with how it handles links... while its just unnecesarily overcomplicated and makes that copy&pasting just simply wont work cuz every single link will be broken >__>

and its also messy af using ginormous paragraph-sized pieces of code for something as stupidly-simple as displaying an image >__>

i manually edited each image-link to shorten those each to a single line.
its just ridiculous how overly-complicated quakeone's vbulletin handles stuff as stupidly-simply as images or links

it tries to be smart and fancy, but in doing so it just makes everything overly complicated and generates giant paragraph-sized pieces of code for the most simple and basic things


anyway... itllt ake some time, but i can work with this... i plan to completely get rid of any and all links to quakeone anyway, since i dont wanna have to re-write this thread when quakeone perishes

yesterday i spend several hours going through the original thread back at quakeone, checking all linked threads and grabbing any and all images in threads i could get my hand on so that i can upload those images to link over here for people to be able to get an instant preview of each item. sadly there were a whole bunch of threads from which the images had long-ago expired and i will have to make images myself of those items some time.

been busy today checking from which items the pictures have expired and making notes of which items i'd need to make new pictures of myself

it will be a huge under-taking, but at least this way all of those items get preserved and
it will continue to be easy for people to find everything available for darkplaces

TalisaPostJuly 28, 2018, 14:36
Posts: 93
July 22, 2018, 00:35
Normal topicReply To: DARKPLACES – The 'Definitive' HD replacement content list!

just did a look-over of the entire list to try and find every single borked link and fix it.

for now all links still link back to the threads at quakeone.
at least they do work again now, so good enough for now.

think i found and fixed all links in the list.
let me know if i missed any links

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