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Site Navigation
GuestPostSeptember 6, 2018, 13:54
Posts: 15

Normal topicSite Navigation

I think navigation is all over the place ATM. When I first land I see just forum posts in the right hand sidebar. If I click on forums then my CP seems to be available in the sidebar. Is this by design? Searching and searching for Quake Web Tools and not finding it. I know it was under "extras" but seems to have gone missing. I'll find it via my history but wanted you to know.

OneMadGypsyPostSeptember 6, 2018, 15:57
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Normal topicReply To: Site Navigation

There is no CP on the main page because the main page is what gets attacked to death by bots. Since there are no forms on the main page, there is nothing for a bot to attack. You'd be surprised by how attacked my home page gets.

As far as QWT is concerned, that was a total fuck up on my part. When I added Romi's link I used an old QuakeGalaxy save that didn't have QWT in it (oops). I'm going to go fix it right now. Sorry for any inconvenience.

I do not agree about navigation being all over the place. The home page is highlights and the top menu goes to all major website sections. Once you are on any section other than home your CP is always on the right, more specific sections are below that and all external links are in Quake Galaxy. Technically QWT is not an external link but, it is treated as such because, it works completely outside of wordpress and the entire rest of the site does not. Considering you are a member you should train your browser to go to http://www.nextgenquake.com/forums/ as your "home" page for this site. The main page is just a landing page for visitors and hopefully a point of frustration for dumb bots. I can type "f" in my address bar and the first suggestion is http://www.nextgenquake.com/Forums/.

OneMadGypsyPostSeptember 6, 2018, 16:05
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Normal topicReply To: Site Navigation

The link has been fixed. It's back in Quake Galaxy->extra. Sorry again for any inconvenience. Thanks for catching that. I may have never realized it. I've updated my saved Quake Galaxy file and deleted the old one that was laying around. We shouldn't have this type of problem again now that I am definitely building on one source.

GuestPostSeptember 7, 2018, 14:01
Posts: 15

Normal topicReply To: Site Navigation

Thanks for the explanation re: the landing page and I am glad the QWT thing was an error and not me going crazy!

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