August 5, 2019


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help on finding a mod that may or may not exist! LOL
LatchfordPostSeptember 1, 2019, 21:16
Posts: 4
September 1, 2019, 13:37
Normal topichelp on finding a mod that may or may not exist! LOL

cyberdawn. a robit based quake partial conversion.

had this in 97. lost it a long time ago. looking for a copy of it as I’ve discovered that the pcgamer ’97 cd I have that has all the mods on is fucking useless as every mod is stored as a setup.exe file, ergo; fucking useless. its real nobbery and I cant understand why they did that even back in 97.
zips would have been more sensible even then…

so anyone got a stable link to it? as an internet search simply turned up a load of old wank that either had nothing to do with it or links that were out of date twenty years ago…

OneMadGypsyPostSeptember 1, 2019, 21:18
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Normal topichelp on finding a mod that may or may not exist! LOL

There’s an old saying “Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, but teach a man to fish, he becomes indebted to you and you don’t have to fish anymore.” ? That being said… Once I knew the expected filename (cdawn2.zip) I googled it and looked for the Quaddicted result. Done.

edit: Oh, I figured out the expected filename by looking at a dead link.

CyberDawn <- direct download.

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