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A New Quake Portal For Irish Players

This link is no longer available and the domain is up for sale. A while ago I tried to contact the owner of Quake.ie, as he wanted to give away the site. Even if the site had few visitors, and the graphics was quite obsolete, he kept it just to release a fresh, new version

Quake 3 Videos

If you’re interested in Quake 3 movies and videos, this Vimeo channel has some interesting ones. Most of the Quake 3 movies nowadays contain frags mixed together with art and Special effect. In join! http://vimeo.com/channels/quakevideos

Rage Easter Eggs – Quake

Quake 1 Start Room To locate this room, you’ll have to search the Wasted Garage for three hidden buttons. Don’t do this one while completing the mission to find parts for the Buggy, return on your own later. The buttons do not have an onscreen prompt, you’ll know they’ve been activated when you hear a

Hit Location System

This is the source code to MauveBib’s hit location system. When used, this code makes weapons do more or less damage to the victims depending on where on the body they hit. [c]/* ————————————————————————— HIT LOCATION SYSTEM Author:                 MauveBib Email:                  skinski@email.com Website:                http://www.planetquake.com/elf Version:                2.0 23.5.99 I n s t r u c t i

Curves for Quake: Tips and tricks

This is a tutorial by czg: Tutorial for making QBSP curves in WorldCraft First off, I guess a lot of you have already tried out making curves yourselves, and done so mostly by making a cylinder template, and building your architecture around that. That’s fair enough, but lets have a look at how we can

Minecraft: Low-poly Pixelated Cartoonish FPS

This reminds of software Quake 1. And I’m sure it’s doable in Quake. Build blocks, climb them, destroy them, reach the lava. Explore a pixelated universe. I’m playing online right now and I’m keeping an eye on the development blog. Minecraft is developed by Markus Persson. It’s been under development since about May 10, 2009.

Penumbra: Overture goes open source!

Not related to Quake, but to a nice horror survival engine, Penumbra: Overture goes open source. I’ve only played the second part of the series, Black Plague, but this addition to the open-source market is remarkable. Here is a link to the public repository for the Penumbra game and the HPL1 engine: http://github.com/FrictionalGames Here’s a

How to convert a 3DS model to Quake 1 MDL format

This is a tutorial on how to convert a 3DS/MAX model made in 3d Studio Max to Quake 1 .mdl format. Programs used: 3D Studio Max 9, Paint Shop Pro 9, Quick3D, qME 3.1 Courtesy of st3ady.

Quake Retrospective

Lewis Denby did a great job writing a Quake retrospective. “It’s a 16-year-old shooter, yet I remember it as if it were just last week. I remember the pre-release buzz. Here was id Software’s follow-up to Doom, a spiritual successor that rendered the entire world and all its contents in an astonishing three dimensions. I

Quake 1 QC Tips and Tricks

Are you getting “Too few parameters” error for droptofloor() function? Be sure to modify line 602 in defs.qc, float(float yaw, float dist) droptofloor= #34;    // TRUE if landed on floor with this one float() droptofloor= #34; // TRUE if landed on floor Function droptofloor() is a float and should return TRUE or FALSE. Drops self

Flash Quake

Here’s what I found via QuakeOne.com forums. A port of  Quake for Flash. Check it here: http://www.xgenstudios.com/play/quake-flash