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show us your modelling / mapping / other projects!
TalisaPostOctober 19, 2018, 08:02
Posts: 93
July 22, 2018, 00:35
Very Hot topicReply To: show us your modelling / mapping / other projects!

short fly-around view of the final version of the shotgun
[video src="https://i.gyazo.com/61a23a52fc5509e0e090e21d00cb24d7.mp4" /]


hmmm... is it possible to add support for linking gyazo pics & vids to your site gypsy?

so i can just paste the regular link of https://gyazo.com/61a23a52fc5509e0e090e21d00cb24d7
instead of having to directly link the mp4 file itself, and still have your site show the animation?

OneMadGypsyPostOctober 19, 2018, 11:52
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: show us your modelling / mapping / other projects!


I make no promises but, I'll look into it.

romiPostOctober 19, 2018, 15:33
Posts: 12
September 4, 2018, 19:49
Very Hot topicReply To: show us your modelling / mapping / other projects!

Love that shotgun model, it actually looks very similar to a gun I own...

OneMadGypsyPostOctober 20, 2018, 00:26
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: show us your modelling / mapping / other projects!


You can probably post the raw HTML for your gyazo videos. If not, maybe we'll figure something else out. This site already supports like 100+ embeds. If I was going to add gyazo I would add it to embedPress ... and then everytime I update embedPress I would have to add it back. That seems like a lot of work for 1 person and so far 2 videos. I'm looking for ways to make this site less work. Quakeone didn't update for like 10 years. I am notified of updates EVERY DAY.

TalisaPostOctober 20, 2018, 04:49
Posts: 93
July 22, 2018, 00:35
Very Hot topicReply To: show us your modelling / mapping / other projects!

hehe its the shotgun from DOOM :)

aka the Tootsietoy dakota toy shotgun


yeah it seems to work just fine to just simply copy&paste the link to the actual mp4 itself
was mostly just an idea, as gyazo seems to be a popular site for screenshots and short vids nowadays.

TalisaPostOctober 21, 2018, 13:06
Posts: 93
July 22, 2018, 00:35
Very Hot topicReply To: show us your modelling / mapping / other projects!

went ahead and finished a gasmask for dragons that i had in the works for a while
[video src="https://i.gyazo.com/f2c81c63e65d1014692d64a48f46c064.mp4" /]

only thing that remains is to properly rig it for in SL

OneMadGypsyPostOctober 21, 2018, 17:24
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: show us your modelling / mapping / other projects!


I see now what you were asking. I misunderstood the "issue" at first. You wanted me to make it where you could post the "page" link instead of the alternate "direct" link that they provide for you which 100% already works. I'm sorry, I don't see any reason to spend time on that. I thought you were uploading the mp4 to this site and wished to pull it from Gyazo instead. Gyazo works. For me to make your request work I would have to write a little code that turns the "page" link into the direct link you are already using. Essentially, nothing would be any different.

AdmerPostOctober 27, 2018, 19:36
Posts: 57
December 31, 2017, 23:20
Very Hot topicReply To: show us your modelling / mapping / other projects!

[video src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/499327755117264898/505883984308469782/2018-10-28_01-20-28.mp4" /]

Short background story: I realised that I won't learn much programming with my current professor (and I mean it - a) we are going too slowly with the lessons b) it'll likely be 99% about the language than learning how to program well), so I decided to learn everything quicker by myself. This is my learning project right now. My "Useless Suite", perhaps. A bunch of useless programs but with each of them doing something different.
This one? It's currently standing on the border between a 3D rendering engine and a game engine. I might go with the latter, I'll learn more.

P.S. My programming professor has got a nasty and very dense coding style and everyone in class keeps asking me for help: "Admer, Admer, why won't it compile?"; when they accidentally write #include<<iostream>. D:
P.P.S. It's in C++, using the SDL2 library for its software renderer, for all the individual lines. (couldn't bother getting WinBGIm to work, didn't want to use OpenGL just yet - and I know, it's cool, you can write shaders and stuff, I'll get to it someday)

OneMadGypsyPostOctober 27, 2018, 23:52
Posts: 307
November 12, 2017, 00:13
Very Hot topicReply To: show us your modelling / mapping / other projects!

That's a good little start. Keep up the good work. Oddly, I made something sorta-kinda similar last night. I spun a 3d context and camera with opengl in Python. I'm just rendering a sphere, that was generated programmatically, with an earth texture. My UVs are all messed up though. It's leaning a little closer to the side of being correct but, I haven't nailed the right math to have a perfect wrap yet. I'm not too worried about it though. It was never my goal to generate and skin geometry with math. Python is apparently "more searched than Kim Kardashian." I figured I would learn Python 3 and if I like it I'll probably attempt to score a job programming in it.

AdmerPostNovember 3, 2018, 19:49
Posts: 57
December 31, 2017, 23:20
Very Hot topicReply To: show us your modelling / mapping / other projects!

Sorry for my hopping and skipping between projects, but I've always gotta find something interesting to do.

Voltcraft VC-130 and PS-1152-A, just like the ones in my school. They're for my CS high school map. Since it's an engineering school, I find these to be quite fitting. And yeah, I fried a pencil on one of the power supplies. It was a fun experiment. :3
My 3D renderer engine thing is still being worked on, but right now I'm mostly just thinking about it. Just thinking in code and concepts. Then I'll transfer that into practice. :3

TalisaPostNovember 3, 2018, 19:57
Posts: 93
July 22, 2018, 00:35
Very Hot topicReply To: show us your modelling / mapping / other projects!

hehe oh i do the same myself, hopping between different projects to keep things from getting boring ;)

also, those devices look great :)


im actually currently working on a handfull of items all at the same time.



the last 2 are pretty much finished and just need to be released,
the other ones range from nearly-complete to being early WIP

AdmerPostNovember 10, 2018, 17:34
Posts: 57
December 31, 2017, 23:20
Very Hot topicReply To: show us your modelling / mapping / other projects!

It's gonna be a real compromise when making this one, though:

Lastly, I accidentally discovered a useful effect in GIMP and used it to make the bumpmap for this:

[video src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/366928376575033344/510942906220019712/Papir_lite.mp4" /]

AdmerPostNovember 11, 2018, 18:00
Posts: 57
December 31, 2017, 23:20
Very Hot topicReply To: show us your modelling / mapping / other projects!

[video src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/188017065377005568/511253518200471562/2018-11-11_19-58-25.mp4" /]

My school map is making quite some progress. Man, I'm productive today.

AdmerPostNovember 23, 2018, 19:27
Posts: 57
December 31, 2017, 23:20
Very Hot topicReply To: show us your modelling / mapping / other projects!

That's one small step for my mod, one giant leap for me.

I'm so proud of myself. In 2015, all my coding was basically copying example code from tutorials and later trying to fix the code (without success, of course). All my bugs were features, there were 1000s of warnings per each compile, and there was a special NPC you had to avoid, otherwise it would crash the mod. I once screwed something up in the client.dll and had no backup code, so all my enemy human soldiers disappeared. R.I.P.

Fast-forward today, I can do so much better, and so much more. And I am doing it.

TalisaPostNovember 29, 2018, 12:34
Posts: 93
July 22, 2018, 00:35
Very Hot topicReply To: show us your modelling / mapping / other projects!

last week i finished a dress i been working on for some time:

and the other day i also finished a pair of biker gloves


also still working on the same teddy

and the strappy harness i been working on

the latter two are getting close to being finished as well

AdmerPostDecember 7, 2018, 17:45
Posts: 57
December 31, 2017, 23:20
Very Hot topicReply To: show us your modelling / mapping / other projects!

After prototyping this thing in Sven Co-op in Angelscript:
[video src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/286165849742508032/520731333186813952/Sven_Co-op_2018.11.17_-_000.000.000.000_LITE.mp4" /]

[video src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/286165849742508032/520731111521779732/2018-11-17_18-39-48.mp4" /]

I coded it in C++ for my experimental Half-Life mod:

[video src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/286165849742508032/520730808743362560/2018-11-24_23-29-46.mp4" /]

[video src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/286165849742508032/520730836463648778/2018-11-24_23-35-47.mp4" /]

I also did some other things. :3

[video src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/286165849742508032/520730891832524800/2018-11-22_22-53-45.mp4" /]
(intentional secondary fire mode where the gun replenishes its ammo and it's crazy)

(I guess the documentation explains what this is)
This stuff is pretty fun. ^^

TalisaPostDecember 9, 2018, 00:37
Posts: 93
July 22, 2018, 00:35
Very Hot topicReply To: show us your modelling / mapping / other projects!

hehe fun stuffs :D

experimenting with everything you can do with functions is fun


never really got very deep into coding nor scripting myself,
although i did dabble QC a little bit long ago to do some basic edits.

and i do know a bit of LSL (Linden Scripting Language), the scripting language that second life uses,
i know enough to make something like a door you can open/close or making buttons that operate stuff
or other basic functions like changing colors or making a lamp you can turn on/off with a button


for any more advanced scripting for clothingnd such like huds to change textures,
adding interactive naughty options with menus & security features like white-list modes and such,
i have someone on-board who does all my scripting for me, whose a frigging genius at LSL and can seemingly make pretty much anything. she always works fast and hard to makes good solid scripts for me,
and no matter how complex of an idea i might have, she always manages to make it happen.

and in return for her hard work i give her a 10% cut of sales from any items that contain her scripts

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