The Last Slipgate

The Head of Earth’s Defense Council glared at the witness before him, his brows forming twin spires at the peak of their formidable arch. “I’m not sure I understand the purpose of this meeting. Nor I am certain that you have the authority to call it.” On the stand, the compact, muscular figure calmly faced

The Aesthetic Value of Quake

Below is an article by John Briere, salvaged from the Quake Literary Guild, a now defunct fan fiction repository for Quake. Computer Games Computer games are one of the newest forms of entertainment available today. As computers have become more and more prevalent in our society, computer based entertainment has also become more popular. The

id Software confirm Doom 4 images, with a twist

More than a hundred images, purportedly from id Software’s Doom 4 leaked to the internet earlier this week. They portrayed environments from a post-apocalyptic Earth, with burning, ash-covered cities and the destruction only aliens and hellspawn are capable of. Developer id Software says those images are not indicative of the final Doom 4 product. Matthew Hooper,

Leaked Doom 4 Images

A Coreean site just posted some leaked screenshots of Doom 4. There are no indications, so far, that these images are either fake, or from a different game. The images show where the game will take place, which is Earth. A grungy atmosphere, life-like, resembling a survival horror type of game. Doom will “not be

QRe Engine – Finally Official

It’s finally official. The engine is working with my custom modification. Lots of code was stripped down, as you probably read in all the past posts, and some 2D stuff was heavily optimized. The engine is still in Alpha state, as many hardcoded functions need to be removed, and some GLSL optimizations need to be

idSoftware Source Code Releases

Following the release of Doom3 source code on gitHub, idSoftware now adds more source code to their public repository. Head over here – https://github.com/id-Software – and browse, fork or study some source code. I’m curious to see what forks will appear next. Who’s first? By the way, I’m wolffe, if you want to follow me on gitHub.

QuakeCon 2012 dates announced!

Still a long time till then, but QuakeCon, North America’s largest BYOC (Bring-Your-Own-Computer) LAN party, returns to the Hilton Anatole in Dallas, TX on August 2-5. Those interested in attending can reserve special room rates at the hotel by calling 1-800- Hiltons and ask for the QuakeCon 2012 rate ($154 per night). If you didn’t know by now, QuakeCon is a

A New Quake Portal For Irish Players

This link is no longer available and the domain is up for sale. A while ago I tried to contact the owner of Quake.ie, as he wanted to give away the site. Even if the site had few visitors, and the graphics was quite obsolete, he kept it just to release a fresh, new version

Quake 3 Videos

If you’re interested in Quake 3 movies and videos, this Vimeo channel has some interesting ones. Most of the Quake 3 movies nowadays contain frags mixed together with art and Special effect. In join! http://vimeo.com/channels/quakevideos

OpenQuartz 2 Updates

After a successful system reinstall, I’ve switched from Microsoft Visual C++ to Code::Blocks. It’s light, open-source and Darkplaces compiles perfectly. I’m not an engine programmer but I need certain tweaks and changes, and I can do it using Code::Blocks. I’m involved in another undisclosed Quake project and I started implementing some changes in the last

RetroBlazer: Darkplaces TC

Not too many information about this one, but worth a quick peek:   Started out as a raycast game TC years back for the Mac, but was converted and rebuilt to a quake TC in Darkplaces. Current discussion about this conversion here: http://quakeone.com/forums/quake-mod-releases/works-progress/7715-cool-new-tc-demo-near-complete-need-quakec-programmer.html http://quakeone.com/forums/quake-mod-releases/works-progress/7723-tc-retroblazer.html http://forums.inside3d.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4374 Great weapon details, great textures and great overall atmosphere with

Kot-in-Action Goodies!

Kot-in-Action Creative Artel is a small video game developer, a privately owned entity dedicated to creating and producing fun to play and challenging video games. Read all the details here. Kot-in-Action Creative Artel was born and the two team members began working on their first commercial title called “Steel Storm”, which was planned as an